Ffxiii achievement guide
Final fantasy XIII game guide & walkthrough
When I couldn't see a future and I was afraid. When the future was clear and it hurt to see, I just close my eyes and lose myself in happier days. In this final fantasy XIII guide you will find some detailed description about how to handle with all main quests that are appearing in the game.
In this final fantasy XIII guide you will find some detailed description about how to handle with all main quests that are appearing in the game. In addition you will be able to learn an exact localization of all chests and read some strategies that will help you in defeating all main bosses. In the first chapter, there are some basic information about paradigms and roles.
Last chapter are about some side quests and hidden treasures. You will find there a complete list of all achievements and side quests, map with an exact location of all cie'th stones and chests. Chocobo fans will get something for them too. They can find some information about all buried valuable items.
[1] , [2] - number that are referring to the screens located above the text. Number one is referring to the number on the left. Number two is referring to the number on the right.
Orange color - items
Red color - NPC's and monsters
Blue color - areas and buildings
Green color - abilities and other special things for example: sentinel , eidolon
Buff - a spell that will strengthen your character.
Debuff - a spell that will weaker your character.
Tank - a character that is very resistant to melee attacks. In FFXIII sentinel will take his role.
AOE (area of effect) - spells that are effective in the particular area, not only on a one target.

About final fantasy XIII game guide & walkthrough
Author : michal "kwisc" chwistek for gamepressure.Com
Translator : jakub kuchnio
Last update : may 25, 2016
Guide contains : 25 pages, 705 images.
Use the comments below to submit your updates and corrections to this guide.
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Final fantasy VIII remastered: achievements guide – xbox one
In the xbox one RPG final fantasy VIII remastered you can unlock a total of 34 achievements, with a total of 1.000 game score. In this achievement guide we show you all the achievements and their tasks.
Below you will find all the achievements, as well as tips, solutions and all collectibles. You will definitely find everything related to the achievements here!
More guides and news about final fantasy VIII remastered you will find on our overview page.
Achievements list final fantasy VIII remastered
estimated time for 100%: | — |
achievements: | 34 |
secret achievements: | — |
missable achievements: | — |
minimum playthroughs | — |
Final fantasy VIII remastered achievement guide
End of game
finish the game
Obel lake secret
complete the obel lake side quest
Omega destroyed
beat the omega weapon
Timber maniacs
collect all timber maniacs magazines
1000 kills
kill 1000 enemies
unlock guardian force alexander
unlock guardian force bahamut
unlock guardian force cactuar
unlock guardian force carbuncle
CC group master
defeat every member of the CC group
unlock guardian force cerberus
unlock guardian force doomtrain
unlock guardian force eden
unlock guardian force leviathan
Magic miner
draw magic 100 times from draw points
draw (stock) magic from enemies 100 times
unlock guardian force pandemona
unlock guardian force tonberry
Top rank
reach seed rank A
complete the pupu side quest
100 kills
kill 100 enemies
unlock guardian force brothers
Card player
play triple triad
capture a chocobo
unlock guardian force diablos
First salary
get your first salary from seed
upgrade your weapon
unlock guardian force ifrit
lose a rare card in a triple triad game
Maximum HP
reach maximum HP
unlock guardian force quezacotl
find ragnarok
unlock guardian force shiva
unlock guardian force siren
Final fantasy VIII - remastered - achievement guide (disc one)

Other FF VIII guides:
A lot of achievements from the original steam release were removed from this version. This includes "contrived finish - finish the game with squall's initial level", "10000 kills - kill 10000 enemies" and "collector - collect all cards", among many others.
This guide is only limited to the achievements for this version.
All achievements are listed in chronological order and divided in discs to match the original playstation release.
Achievements you want to start working on from the beginning:
- Draw magic 100 times from draw points
simply keep drawing all the draw points you see through the game. Some are hidden and will require special skills to see them.
- Draw (stock) magic from enemies 100 times
just like the previous one, but this takes place in battles. Make sure to draw to "stock" for it to count.
- Kill 100 enemies
1000 kills
- Kill 1000 enemies
both should come naturally towards the end. If you're still missing kills by the end of the game, head to the forest next to dollet and keep killing enemies in that area. They're weak enough and always show up in groups of three.
Game boosters hotkeys are the following:
- F1: battle assist options (HP, ATB gauge, and limit break boosts)
- F2: no random encounters
- F3: game speed boost (x3)
we highly recommend not touching these, unless you already played this game before and only want the achievements the easy way, or if you want to reduce your grind time.
Also, activating "cheats" such as 'obtain all items, abilities, max G.F. Levels, max currency, max spells, etc, will disable achievements permanently for that playthrough.
Disc 1
Quezacotl and shiva gfs (desk) - not missable, forced later when you talk to quistis at the front gate.
- After the opening cutscene, you'll end up with quistis walking to class. After the brief meeting in class, you'll be tasked with talking to quistis. Instead, interact with the desk that you were already sitting at to bring up a menu. Select 'turn on the power and. ' and then when the main page loads, select 'tutorials' and you'll automatically receive both, quezacotl and shiva.

- Unlock guardian force quezacotl
- Unlock guardian force shiva
fire cavern
- Battle reward for beating ifrit
- Unlock guardian force ifrit
once you're back at balamb garden, head to your room to get changed and progress with the story.
Make sure to junction 'draw' to someone before fighting the boss.
Elvoret boss draw: siren GF
- Battle begins with just biggs, then wedge joins after a period of time. After you deal enough damage to biggs and wedge, elvoret will blow them away. Immediately draw siren from elvoret. The . Is double.

- Unlock guardian force siren
Timber maniacs - hotel or train station (doesn't matter which one you grab).
- After the seed exam in dollet, you'll ride the vessel back to balamb. Go south and you'll be at the spiral with a hotel in the middle. Enter it and take the stairs to the left to enter the bedroom. Examine the desk to the right of the save point.

- After graduation, talk to cid to receive the battle meter. This is not related to any achievement but still good to have.
First salary
- Get your first salary from seed
this will come naturally after the training center incident and while walking back to your bedroom.
Magical lamp (given by cid - starts diabolos GF fight)
- Your first seed mission is given by cid just south of the directory, south two screens. Talk to him again to receive this item.

Use it from inventory (save beforehand) and defeat diablos to unlock the GF.
- Unlock guardian force diablos
note: you can do this at any point of the game, as long as you have the magical lamp in your inventory.
Timber maniacs (newsroom)
- Backroom of timber maniacs building

Timber - after the event at the broadcast tower
Timber maniacs (hotel - stay a night)
- Note: don't worry if you didn't visit it before taking the train, this location can be revisited shortly after.

Location: follow the train passed east academy, then follow the road to the cliffside coast.

Timber maniacs - guest room (inn - stay a night)

Timber maniacs (pub, second floor)

The tomb of the unknown king
location: northeast of deling city

Brothers GF (automatically granted after completing this dungeon)
- You need to essentially visit each cardinal direction of the map except for south as that is the exit. On the eastern end, you fight a pre-battle with sacred. On the northern end, you can flood the dungeon by letting water through. There's a draw point here. On the western end, you mess with the gears on the left to presumably lower the draw bridge.
- Once you've done all three parts, exit through the south, then enter again and head straight to the middle for the boss fight.
- HINT: to go from south to east to north to west to south again, simply take the right route every single time it's a 4 way crossroad.

- Unlock guardian force brothers
deling city
timber maniacs (hotel - stay a night)

Carbuncle GF (draw it from iguion boss)

Unlock guardian force carbuncle
Recommended for you:
- All final fantasy VIII guides!
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Final fantasy XIII wiki guide
Each character has access to a variety of weapons in final fantasy XIII, and each of these can be upgraded and leveled up two times. Any given weapon can be upgraded to a star rank, meaning that without a special item it is maxed out. However, if you find specific, rare and expensive items, it is possible to transform a star level weapon. Once transformed, it will acquire new abilities. You can then upgrade it to star level again. Once there, the weapon can be transformed into the character's ultimate weapon.
The levelling path for all weapons lead to similar end points, so which weapon you decide to use is a matter of personal preference. A weapon will retain its special characteristics even after being upgraded to an ultimate weapon. For example lightnings ultimate weapon, omega weapon, confers an ATB +1 bonus. Her weapon, apocalypse, slows ATB recovery. Once apocalypse has been upgraded to omega weapon, it will grant the ATB +1 bonus and slow ATB recovery. Check the weapon chart for more information.
We have listed our recommendations down below. The most important things is that you pick a single weapon per character and stick with it. Upgrading is expensive and there's no sense in wasting resources on two different weapons when they both have the ability to became an omega weapon.
Recommendations for each character:
Character | weapon | star level 1 | star level 2 | req. Materials |
lightning | lionheart | ultima weapon | omega weapon | scarletite and trapezohedron |
snow | power circle | battle standard | save the queen | scarletite and trapezohedron |
vanille | belladonna wand | malboro wand | nirvana | uraninite and trapezohedron |
sazh | antares deluxes | fomalhaut elites | total eclipses | uraninite and trapezohedron |
hope | otshirvani | urubutsin | nue | scarletite and trapezohedron |
fang | pandoran spear | calamity spear | kain's lance | scarletite and trapezohedron |
For quick upgrading, follow these tips:
Buy36 sturdy bones to boost the exp multiplier to 3x.
After you've boosted your multiplier, buy as many crankshafts as possible. Cash them in all at once for big experience. Later in the game, you can use superconductors for even bigger bonuses.
Be aware of when you're nearing your weapons level cap. You don't want to waste experience on a weapon that will be maxed out in 100 XP.
If an item doesn't seem to offer much experience, even in the presence of a large multiplier, check its sell price. Items like credit chips and premium chips are worth more in gil than XP.
Ffxiii achievement guide
In final fantasy XIII, there are 64 separate missions that players can take on and complete during the eleventh in-game chapter. These can be found on cie’th stones strewn throughout the locales of gran pulse, where the player will activate a couple of poetic allegories before beginning their hunt for a specific monster/mark. Often they will be close to the location of the cie’th stone and can be battled upon discovering them. This article in particular focuses on the FFXIII mission 64, named the doomherald, which forces the players into battling the terrifying and somewhat difficult vercingetorix enemy. Read on for the full strategy guide to defeating the FFXIII vercingetorix monster.
As part of the undying, a collection of the most difficult cie’th stone enemies, vercingetorix is the final mission/mark that players need to defeat. Due to this, it has a massive amount of health and resistances to physical, elemental and spell damage. Vercingetorix has over 15 million health points and a rating above 4,000 for both strength and magic. It can only be fought after the final battle of chapter 11 against a resurgent barthandelus. The cie’th stone is found at the battlefield of this encounter in oerba, on the bridge, and players will notice that vercingetorix is on the opposite end of gran pulse (making it the biggest hunt, traversal-wise).
The problems that vercingetorix faces
In FFXIII, vercingetorix is only available once missions 27-51 are completed and, as stated earlier, can only be fought after chapter 12 has begun. After activating the mission via the cie’th stone in oerba, vercingetorix can be found in the yaschas massif - paddreaen archaeopolis area of the map. Upon defeating the creature, players will nab a gold watch, while repeat victories will dole out ten bomb cores to the player. While the monster starts the battle with two wings, as it takes damage and regresses health-wise, more wings will sprout, causing a greater number of hits when it decides to attack with the wing shear ability. This is in addition to a high chain resistance and stagger rating.
As far as strategem goes, there are many divergent ways in which to defeat the FFXIII vercingetorix. Downing both fortisol and aegisol before the battle is a must, as is maxing out the selected party characters crystarium up to that point in the game. Equipping items that either raise maximum health or reduce physical damage are also imperative before the fight. When choosing the party, make sure at least two of the characters can go medic/sentinel when required and that synergists are also present when needed, for both poison & dispel usage if required. With this in mind, lightning and fang are a given when selecting the party, with the third slot being a toss up between either hope or vanille.
Paradigm setup & dealing with the avian enemy

Beginning the battle with a SAB/SAB/SAB paradigm, players can try and make different de-buffs stick on the monster. Poison in particular is key, as it will slowly ebb away the huge health of vercingetorix. Once this has been inflicted, switching to SEN/MED/MED or SEN/MED/SEN can keep the party from dying while poison works its magic. Instead of simply waiting for poison to fell your foe, players can switch between both COM/RAV/RAV and RAV/RAV/RAV to fill the 300% stagger meter of the boss. While hard to do, staggering the foe will net you a decent portion of damage against it, although impenetrable aura can wipe status ailments and make it invulnerable.
A second strategy and one that is perhaps easier to do, is to use vanille and her ability to cast poison on the foe, while her eidolon hecatoncheir attacks playing a factor thereafter. When summoned, the eidolon can use up only one unit of attack and stall time while the poison ebbs health away from vercingetorix. When it uses the impenetrable aura ability, players should recast both poison and slow on the beast and try to wait it out until death. Lastly, switching to SEN/SEN/SEN should be a necessity whenever wicked whirl is being primed for use, as it can severely damage your party members and even kill them instantly.
This post is part of the series: final fantasy XIII - mission guides
A series of articles that relate to specific missions found during the main game of FFXIII. In total there are 64 cie’th stone missions the player can undertake, each ending in a boss fight against a mighty foe.
Final fantasy XIII – hidden game mechanics guide
FFXIII has several hidden game mechanics, especially regarding crafting, item drops and more. The game will never explain them to the player, and this can be really crippling in the long run. This guide aims to explain all of it, as the game should have.
All hidden game mechanics
Hidden mechanic #1: synthesis effects
What are synthesis effects?
Synthesis effects are hidden passive effects that can be triggered on your characters. Some of them are very powerful and help a lot against difficult enemies.
How do synthesis effects work?
The game never tells you, but every single equipment piece and weapon in the game belongs to a synthesis group, there are 29 different groups in total. Combining on the same character several items belonging to the same synthesis group, triggers the activation of a synthesis effect.
Where can I find a list to know the effects and groups?
You just have to check what group each item belongs to, and what synthesis effect is derived from that group, and then equip the desired combination on a character. Done!
Hidden mechanic #2: upgrading efficiency & multipliers
About upgrade materials
Basically, all the materials you use to upgrade gear (accessories, weapons) are of two big categories: organic materials, the one with the “fang” symbol, and artificial materials, the one with the cog symbol. This is a lot more important than you may think.
How do efficiency & multipliers really work
When you use an organic material to upgrade a weapon, generally it will give very low XP, but here is the big deal: organic materials make the hidden exp multiplier go up. After exactly 45 materials of 80 gil value (the cheapest ones sold at creature comforts shop) the multiplier will become x3, which is the highest possible. That means the next artificial upgrade material batch you use will be multiplied x3 in experience!
So the procedure for the best efficiency is: first use 45x the cheapest organic materials on an item, get that sweet x3 multiplier, then jam in the most powerful artifical materials you have, to maximize the x3 bonus utilization. I personally recommend using turbojets early on, then perfect conductors, and later on ultracompact reactors, these are the best artificial materials for the cost and how much XP they give.
Hidden mechanic #3: shroud drop rates
About shrouds and drop rates
So you may have noticed shrouds are among the rarest and later on, when you can buy them, most expensive items around. Especially deceptisol, useful for triggering pre-emptive strikes that can give you a decisive advantage in battle.
Well, shrouds may be very rare to drop apparently but there is a series of hidden mechanics and drop rates to help you get a lot more and save money as well by not buying them.
What are the hidden mechanics about shrouds?
The first thing you want to know is that the drop rate of shrouds is higher when your combat rating is lower. That’s right! If you get 0 stars in a fight, that will give you a lot more (8x to be exact) chances of getting a shroud.
The second thing is that some areas of the game have much higher chance of dropping shrouds than others. Many of these areas can never be visited again as well. Here is a list of the areas and relative drop rates:
Final fantasy VIII - remastered - achievement guide (disc one)

Other FF VIII guides:
A lot of achievements from the original steam release were removed from this version. This includes "contrived finish - finish the game with squall's initial level", "10000 kills - kill 10000 enemies" and "collector - collect all cards", among many others.
This guide is only limited to the achievements for this version.
All achievements are listed in chronological order and divided in discs to match the original playstation release.
Achievements you want to start working on from the beginning:
- Draw magic 100 times from draw points
simply keep drawing all the draw points you see through the game. Some are hidden and will require special skills to see them.
- Draw (stock) magic from enemies 100 times
just like the previous one, but this takes place in battles. Make sure to draw to "stock" for it to count.
- Kill 100 enemies
1000 kills
- Kill 1000 enemies
both should come naturally towards the end. If you're still missing kills by the end of the game, head to the forest next to dollet and keep killing enemies in that area. They're weak enough and always show up in groups of three.
Game boosters hotkeys are the following:
- F1: battle assist options (HP, ATB gauge, and limit break boosts)
- F2: no random encounters
- F3: game speed boost (x3)
we highly recommend not touching these, unless you already played this game before and only want the achievements the easy way, or if you want to reduce your grind time.
Also, activating "cheats" such as 'obtain all items, abilities, max G.F. Levels, max currency, max spells, etc, will disable achievements permanently for that playthrough.
Disc 1
Quezacotl and shiva gfs (desk) - not missable, forced later when you talk to quistis at the front gate.
- After the opening cutscene, you'll end up with quistis walking to class. After the brief meeting in class, you'll be tasked with talking to quistis. Instead, interact with the desk that you were already sitting at to bring up a menu. Select 'turn on the power and. ' and then when the main page loads, select 'tutorials' and you'll automatically receive both, quezacotl and shiva.

- Unlock guardian force quezacotl
- Unlock guardian force shiva
fire cavern
- Battle reward for beating ifrit
- Unlock guardian force ifrit
once you're back at balamb garden, head to your room to get changed and progress with the story.
Make sure to junction 'draw' to someone before fighting the boss.
Elvoret boss draw: siren GF
- Battle begins with just biggs, then wedge joins after a period of time. After you deal enough damage to biggs and wedge, elvoret will blow them away. Immediately draw siren from elvoret. The . Is double.

- Unlock guardian force siren
Timber maniacs - hotel or train station (doesn't matter which one you grab).
- After the seed exam in dollet, you'll ride the vessel back to balamb. Go south and you'll be at the spiral with a hotel in the middle. Enter it and take the stairs to the left to enter the bedroom. Examine the desk to the right of the save point.

- After graduation, talk to cid to receive the battle meter. This is not related to any achievement but still good to have.
First salary
- Get your first salary from seed
this will come naturally after the training center incident and while walking back to your bedroom.
Magical lamp (given by cid - starts diabolos GF fight)
- Your first seed mission is given by cid just south of the directory, south two screens. Talk to him again to receive this item.

Use it from inventory (save beforehand) and defeat diablos to unlock the GF.
- Unlock guardian force diablos
note: you can do this at any point of the game, as long as you have the magical lamp in your inventory.
Timber maniacs (newsroom)
- Backroom of timber maniacs building

Timber - after the event at the broadcast tower
Timber maniacs (hotel - stay a night)
- Note: don't worry if you didn't visit it before taking the train, this location can be revisited shortly after.

Location: follow the train passed east academy, then follow the road to the cliffside coast.

Timber maniacs - guest room (inn - stay a night)

Timber maniacs (pub, second floor)

The tomb of the unknown king
location: northeast of deling city

Brothers GF (automatically granted after completing this dungeon)
- You need to essentially visit each cardinal direction of the map except for south as that is the exit. On the eastern end, you fight a pre-battle with sacred. On the northern end, you can flood the dungeon by letting water through. There's a draw point here. On the western end, you mess with the gears on the left to presumably lower the draw bridge.
- Once you've done all three parts, exit through the south, then enter again and head straight to the middle for the boss fight.
- HINT: to go from south to east to north to west to south again, simply take the right route every single time it's a 4 way crossroad.

- Unlock guardian force brothers
deling city
timber maniacs (hotel - stay a night)

Carbuncle GF (draw it from iguion boss)

Unlock guardian force carbuncle
Recommended for you:
- All final fantasy VIII guides!
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so, let's see, what we have: in this final fantasy XIII guide you will find some detailed description about how to handle with all main quests that are appearing in the game. At ffxiii achievement guide
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