18 hoki
The paper is available on arxiv as published by JOSS check out these jupyter notebooks I made - you can find them on this repo!
Only new casino sites for play on real money
release 1.5.1
A python interface to BPASS - bridging the gap between observation and theory
License BSD-3-clause install pip install hoki==1.5.1
Sourcerank 9

Bridging the gap between observation and theory
In order to facilitate the application of BPASS to a wide range of scientific investigations, we have developped the tools necessary for observers to take full advantage of our models in an intuitive manner.
Hoki isn't only versatile, it also takes care of the nitty gritty pre-processing!
Spend less time on coding and more time on the science!
The binary populations and spectral synthesis (BPASS) code simulates stellar populations and follows their evolution until death. Including binary evolution is crucial to correctly interpreting astronomical observations. The detailed follow-up of the stellar evolution within the code allows the retreival of important information such as supernova and gravitational wave event rates, giving us the ability to understand the properties of the stellar populations that are the precursors of these events.
You can pip install the most recent stable release from pip:
You can also download the github dev version with the following command:
If you install the development version of hoki from github, we recommend you do so in a conda environment to check that hoki is up and running you can run the unit tests in the test folder. I like using pytest (which you'll have to download) and run
This way it'll show you each test as they pass or FAIL. In the pip and github version, they should all pass on your machine as data is provided within the package to test the functionalities.
Requirements: the following packages are required by hoki. If you pip install the stable version from pypi it will all be done automatically.
Note: python 2 is not supported
Check out these jupyter notebooks I made - you can find them on this repo!
Paper and how to cite us!
Our paper hoki: making BPASS accessible through python has now been published in the journal of open source software (JOSS). (see DOI above)
The paper is available on arxiv as published by JOSS
Please if you use `hoki` for your science, include us in your publications! As you can imagine developing a tool and maintaining it for the community is very time consuming, and unfortunatly citations remain the most important metric.
If you use the following tools, please acknowledge the follwing publications:
This project is copyright (c) H. F. Stevance and licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license. This package is based upon the astropy package template which is licensed under the BSD 3-clause licence.
If ANYTHING comes to mind, whether it be something in the tutorials, features you would like us to consider, BUGS, etc.. Please just drop it in an issue! Don't let your imposter syndrome talk you out of it ;)
This is how it runs smoothly.
Food delivery with HOKI.
Ready for use after two minutes and reliably hot for up to three hours. Time and again. Plenty of reasons for a “bon appétit”.
German engineering for worldwide happiness.

The two-minute sensation.
The heatdisc is the only warming plate in the restaurant industry that can be heated in a microwave oven. The HOKI heatdisc can be heated up in two minutes and stores heat for up to 180 minutes.

Satisfaction starts with hot food.
Thanks to its compact, round shape, it fits into all types of delivery boxes and ensures consistently hot food delivery. Place the hoki heatdisc below the food in the delivery bag or thermo box and off you go. The phase change material developed by axiotherm gently releases the heat for up to three hours.

A clean thing.
Of course, the hoki heatdisc is washable and therefore hygienically clean for any use. The sleeve of the heatdisc is made of polypropylene and is dishwasher safe.

Worth a recommendation!
Discover a new taste every day. Restaurants and delivery services can always attract new target groups for their growth. But one thing never changes: satisfaction starts with hot food.
Ready to go faster. Longer use. Better use. Success becomes that easy with the hoki heatdisc.
Fast heating up
The hoki heatdisc is ready for the next tour after only two minutes in the microwave oven at 2,000 watts.
Increased customer loyalty
With the hoki heatdisc, your customers are sure to get hot food and are thus much more willing to order again.
Striking red
One glance is all it takes for the delivery driver to see whether the heatdisc is packed.
More recommendations
Anyone who is satisfied with the delivery due to the correct meal temperature will be happy to recommend your service to others.
Slim and compact
The round, flat shape of the hoki heatdisc saves space and makes it easy to use in microwave oven, delivery bag or delivery box.
Lasting heat
The hoki heatdisc emits heat for 180 minutes, so more deliveries can be made per trip.

Two steps. One guarantee of success.

In the microwave oven
Simply place the hoki heatdisc in the microwave oven, set the power to 2,000 watts and the timer to two minutes. The non-hazardous phase change material absorbs the heat energy and has a superior high storage capacity. That's it, no risk of overheating, no more waiting time and you can concentrate fully on your food and your customers.

In the delivery bag/box
Place the hoki heatdisc below the food in the delivery bag or thermo box and off you go. The phase change material developed by axiotherm gently releases the heat for up to three hours. Of course, the hoki heatdisc is washable and therefore hygienically clean for any use.
release 1.5.1
A python interface to BPASS - bridging the gap between observation and theory
License BSD-3-clause install pip install hoki==1.5.1
Sourcerank 9

Bridging the gap between observation and theory
In order to facilitate the application of BPASS to a wide range of scientific investigations, we have developped the tools necessary for observers to take full advantage of our models in an intuitive manner.
Hoki isn't only versatile, it also takes care of the nitty gritty pre-processing!
Spend less time on coding and more time on the science!
The binary populations and spectral synthesis (BPASS) code simulates stellar populations and follows their evolution until death. Including binary evolution is crucial to correctly interpreting astronomical observations. The detailed follow-up of the stellar evolution within the code allows the retreival of important information such as supernova and gravitational wave event rates, giving us the ability to understand the properties of the stellar populations that are the precursors of these events.
You can pip install the most recent stable release from pip:
You can also download the github dev version with the following command:
If you install the development version of hoki from github, we recommend you do so in a conda environment to check that hoki is up and running you can run the unit tests in the test folder. I like using pytest (which you'll have to download) and run
This way it'll show you each test as they pass or FAIL. In the pip and github version, they should all pass on your machine as data is provided within the package to test the functionalities.
Requirements: the following packages are required by hoki. If you pip install the stable version from pypi it will all be done automatically.
Note: python 2 is not supported
Check out these jupyter notebooks I made - you can find them on this repo!
Paper and how to cite us!
Our paper hoki: making BPASS accessible through python has now been published in the journal of open source software (JOSS). (see DOI above)
The paper is available on arxiv as published by JOSS
Please if you use `hoki` for your science, include us in your publications! As you can imagine developing a tool and maintaining it for the community is very time consuming, and unfortunatly citations remain the most important metric.
If you use the following tools, please acknowledge the follwing publications:
This project is copyright (c) H. F. Stevance and licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license. This package is based upon the astropy package template which is licensed under the BSD 3-clause licence.
If ANYTHING comes to mind, whether it be something in the tutorials, features you would like us to consider, BUGS, etc.. Please just drop it in an issue! Don't let your imposter syndrome talk you out of it ;)
This is how it runs smoothly.
Food delivery with HOKI.
Ready for use after two minutes and reliably hot for up to three hours. Time and again. Plenty of reasons for a “bon appétit”.
German engineering for worldwide happiness.

The two-minute sensation.
The heatdisc is the only warming plate in the restaurant industry that can be heated in a microwave oven. The HOKI heatdisc can be heated up in two minutes and stores heat for up to 180 minutes.

Satisfaction starts with hot food.
Thanks to its compact, round shape, it fits into all types of delivery boxes and ensures consistently hot food delivery. Place the hoki heatdisc below the food in the delivery bag or thermo box and off you go. The phase change material developed by axiotherm gently releases the heat for up to three hours.

A clean thing.
Of course, the hoki heatdisc is washable and therefore hygienically clean for any use. The sleeve of the heatdisc is made of polypropylene and is dishwasher safe.

Worth a recommendation!
Discover a new taste every day. Restaurants and delivery services can always attract new target groups for their growth. But one thing never changes: satisfaction starts with hot food.
Ready to go faster. Longer use. Better use. Success becomes that easy with the hoki heatdisc.
Fast heating up
The hoki heatdisc is ready for the next tour after only two minutes in the microwave oven at 2,000 watts.
Increased customer loyalty
With the hoki heatdisc, your customers are sure to get hot food and are thus much more willing to order again.
Striking red
One glance is all it takes for the delivery driver to see whether the heatdisc is packed.
More recommendations
Anyone who is satisfied with the delivery due to the correct meal temperature will be happy to recommend your service to others.
Slim and compact
The round, flat shape of the hoki heatdisc saves space and makes it easy to use in microwave oven, delivery bag or delivery box.
Lasting heat
The hoki heatdisc emits heat for 180 minutes, so more deliveries can be made per trip.

Two steps. One guarantee of success.

In the microwave oven
Simply place the hoki heatdisc in the microwave oven, set the power to 2,000 watts and the timer to two minutes. The non-hazardous phase change material absorbs the heat energy and has a superior high storage capacity. That's it, no risk of overheating, no more waiting time and you can concentrate fully on your food and your customers.

In the delivery bag/box
Place the hoki heatdisc below the food in the delivery bag or thermo box and off you go. The phase change material developed by axiotherm gently releases the heat for up to three hours. Of course, the hoki heatdisc is washable and therefore hygienically clean for any use.
Nasihin nubli pembimbing baharu skuad hoki wanita

KUALA LUMPUR - selepas sembilan bulan menunggu, pasukan hoki wanita kebangsaan akhirnya menerima ketua jurulatiah baharu apabila konfederasi hoki malaysia (MHC) hari ini mengumumkan bekas pemain kebangsaan, mohd nasihin nubli ibrahim mengisi kekosongan jawatan itu.
Presiden MHC, datuk seri subahan kamal berkata, penolong jurulatih skuad lelaki itu dipilih selepas ditemu duga bersama tiga calon lain terdiri daripada rakyat tempatan, warga britain dan belanda - bagi mengisi jawatan berkenaan secara kontrak selama dua tahun.
Bekas penjaga gol yang mewakili negara pada olimpik 1996 dan 2000 itu pernah membimbing malaysian tigress selaku ketua jurulatih dari 2011 hingga 2015 yang menyumbang dua pingat emas sukan SEA termasuk rekod kemenangan 36-0 ke atas kemboja semasa edisi sukan SEA myanmar 2013.
Вђњdaripada 23 calon (12 warga asing dan 11 rakyat tempatan) yang memohon jawatan itu, kami rasakan nasihin adalah calon terbaik untuk mengisi kekosongan berkenaan. Beliau mengenali barisan pemain, malah tahu pemain mana yang boleh pergi jauh dan pemain mana yang boleh menyumbang.
Вђњmenerusi sokongan yang lebih baik dari segi dana dan pendedahan kali ini, kami harap beliau boleh membimbing pasukan wanita ke peringkat lebih tinggi,вђќ kata subahan pada sidang media selepas mesyuarat jawatankuasa kejurulatihan di stadium hoki nasional, di sini hari ini.
Mohd nasihin juga membantu skuad kebangsaan meraih tempat kelima pada sukan asia incheon 2014, piala asia 2013 dan 2014 selain pingat gangsa trofi juara-juara asia wanita 2013.
Subahan berkata, mohd nasihin yang akan dibantu lailin abu hassan diberi tempoh dua bulan untuk menamakan barisan jurulatihnya sementara ketua jurulatih skuad lelaki, A arul selvaraj diberi kebebasan memilih jurulatih penjaga golnya bagi menggantikan mohd nasihin dengan bekas pemain antarabangsa, S kumar dan roslan jamaluddin antara pilihan yang ada.
Jawatan ketua jurulatih skuad wanita kosong selepas muhammad dharma raj abdullah memutuskan untuk tidak memohon perkhidmatannya disambung setelah kontrak beliau tamat pada disember lalu.
Sementara itu, mohd nasihin yang ditemui di luar kejohanan piala tun abdul razak yang sedang berlangsung, berkata beliau menyasarkan untuk menjadikan anak buahnya sebagai yang terbaik di asia dalam tempoh enam tahun akan datang, dengan mencontohi korea selatan, jepun dan china.
Вђњkita ada ramai pemain muda yang berbakat, kira-kira 60 peratus pemain dalam skuad kebangsaan berusia bawah 21 tahun.
Вђњini peluang yang baik untuk saya terus menaikkan prestasi mereka, (namun) pertama sekali kena bina вђ˜warrior mindsetвђ™ yang sedikit kurang dalam pasukan malaysia, kemudian tambah adab, itu akan menambahkan keharmonian pasukan,вђќ katanya. - bernama
18 hoki
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Lemon pepper crumb hoki fillets
our flaky fillets are made from wild caught new zealand hoki pieces and coated in crunchy breadcrumbs.
Nutritional info*
per serving | per 100g | |
serving size | 160g | |
energy | 1378kj | 861kj |
protein | 19.4g | 12.1g |
total fat | 15.0g | 9.4g |
saturated fat | 1.4g | 0.9g |
trans fat | 0.3g | 0.2g |
polyunsaturated fat | 2.1g | 1.3g |
omega 3 | 0.6g | 0.4g |
EPA | 75mg | 47mg |
DHA | 176mg | 110mg |
monounsaturated fat | 11.4g | 7.1g |
total carbohydrate | 29.0g | 18.1g |
sugar | 5.3g | 3.3g |
sodium | 352mg | 220mg |
*nutrition figures are averages only.
Hoki (50%), lemon pepper flavoured crumb (50%) [wheat flour, vegetable oils, water, thickener (1404), herb & spice, maize flour, salt, onion powder, garlic powder, natural lemon flavours, rice flour, acidity regulator (330), fructose, soy flour, yeast, yeast extract, sugar, wheat gluten, colours (160b, 150d, 100, 160c)].
Contains fish, wheat, gluten & soy.
No artificial preservatives, colours or flavours.
- + when consumed as part of a healthy eating plan containing 500mg of EPA and DHA per day.
- ++ when consumed as part of a healthy eating plan.
Coronavirus: sealord offers seasonal work to people whose jobs have been affected
Fishing company sealord is inviting people looking for work due to the coronavirus pandemic to join them for the approaching hoki season.
Chief operating officer doug paulin said as a food producer, sealord's factory and vessel operations could continue for the foreseeable future as an essential service.
However, due to a lack of seasonal workers travelling to new zealand, the nelson-based company has been having difficulty filling roles for hoki season, sealord's busiest time of year.
Hoki is one of the most commercially valuable fisheries in new zealand, with a market value of more than $232 million.
Sealord catches 30 percent of the hoki quota and employs more than 300 seasonal workers to fill temporary land-based factory roles and jobs on-board fishing vessels from may to september.
Paulin said visitors on temporary work permits have traditionally made up the shortfall in the local workforce. "this year, we have been reaching out to other industries struggling to provide work for their staff," he says.
"it's a good solution for all parties. We're looking for keen, reliable people and offering options for businesses impacted by covid-19 that want to hold on to their staff, but just don't have the work for them at the moment.
"over the last few weeks, we've been in contact with the chamber of commerce, as well as representatives from the forestry, horticulture and hospitality industries," paulin said.
Sealord is looking for people with a range of skills, including good hand-eye coordination and the ability to stand in a production line for an eight-hour shift in the company's grading and packaging plant.
There are two shifts available for these positions, a day and an afternoon rotation that starts at 4pm. Roles for forklift operators, commercial cleaners and people with filleting experience are also available.
For more information about these jobs and how to apply, see www.Sealord.Com/nz/careers/.
Paulin said as a food manufacturing business, the company had high standards of care through health and safety practices.
"now we have introduced a raft of extra measures in response to covid-19.
"just some of these include increasing physical distance between employees on the assembly line in our factories, severely restricting access to our site and carrying out health and travel screening of employees and new recruits before any fishing trips depart."
Key information: sign up to get stuff's daily coronavirus situation report email newsletter. It's a quick summary of the essential updates from new zealand and around the world on covid-19.
Lemon pepper crumb hoki fillets
our flaky fillets are made from wild caught new zealand hoki pieces and coated in crunchy breadcrumbs.
Nutritional info*
per serving | per 100g | |
serving size | 160g | |
energy | 1378kj | 861kj |
protein | 19.4g | 12.1g |
total fat | 15.0g | 9.4g |
saturated fat | 1.4g | 0.9g |
trans fat | 0.3g | 0.2g |
polyunsaturated fat | 2.1g | 1.3g |
omega 3 | 0.6g | 0.4g |
EPA | 75mg | 47mg |
DHA | 176mg | 110mg |
monounsaturated fat | 11.4g | 7.1g |
total carbohydrate | 29.0g | 18.1g |
sugar | 5.3g | 3.3g |
sodium | 352mg | 220mg |
*nutrition figures are averages only.
Hoki (50%), lemon pepper flavoured crumb (50%) [wheat flour, vegetable oils, water, thickener (1404), herb & spice, maize flour, salt, onion powder, garlic powder, natural lemon flavours, rice flour, acidity regulator (330), fructose, soy flour, yeast, yeast extract, sugar, wheat gluten, colours (160b, 150d, 100, 160c)].
Contains fish, wheat, gluten & soy.
No artificial preservatives, colours or flavours.
- + when consumed as part of a healthy eating plan containing 500mg of EPA and DHA per day.
- ++ when consumed as part of a healthy eating plan.
So, let's see, what we have: A python interface to BPASS - bridging the gap between observation and theory - 1.5.1 - a python package on pypi - libraries.Io at 18 hoki
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