Brag card game online
Before the first deal, the dealer shuffles the cards. After, the cards are only shuffled if the last hand was ‘seen’ and was won by a prial.
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For the most part, cards are not shuffled between hands. Brag, or three card brag, is a descendant of the spanish game primero. It is very similar to the popular card game in india, nepal, bangladesh, and trinidad teen patti, which means literally in hindi ‘three cards’.
Brag card game online
OBJECTIVE OF BRAG: win the money in the pot by remaining in the hand and/or having the highest ranking hand.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4-8 players
NUMBER OF CARDS: 52-card decks
RANK OF CARDS: A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2
TYPE OF GAME: gambling
Brag, or three card brag, is a descendant of the spanish game primero. It is very similar to the popular card game in india, nepal, bangladesh, and trinidad teen patti, which means literally in hindi ‘three cards’.
Brag is popular british gambling game which employs the skill bluffing to deceive other players.
There are several variations of brag which use anywhere between 4 and 13 cards, although 6,7,9, and 13 card brag have a very different game mechanism.
Set up
Before starting the game, players must agree upon:
- The amount of the initial stake or the ante – a forced bet each player must make before each deal.
- Minimum and maximum bet amounts – a bet the first player must make to stay in the hand.
- The limit on how much bets can be raised, if any.
- Any variations on the traditional rules.
Hand rankings (from high to low)
- PRIAL: prial is short for “pair royal.” three cards of equal rank, for example, K-K-K
- RUNNING FLUSH: three cards in sequences of the same suit. A-2-3 is a viable run and actually the highest, despite A being the highest ranking card. A-K-Q is the second highest run/running flush. 2-A-K is not a valid flush or run.
- RUN: three cards in sequence of any suit. Running flushes beat all runs.
- FLUSH: three cards, not in sequence, of the same suit. For example, if all cards are spades, 7-10-Q is a flush.
- PAIR: in a three card hand, a pair is having any two cards of equal rank. For example, A-A-J.
- HIGH CARD: A three card hand that doesn’t form any of the above combinations relies on high card- that is the highest ranking card. For example, in this hand: 5-10-K, K is the high card.
Suits are not ranked so equivalent hands are possible.
The ante & the deal
Prior to each deal, players must agree upon an ante. The ante must be paid by each player to the pot before the deal can begin. The deal and the play passes clockwise, the deal passes to the left with each hand.
Before the first deal, the dealer shuffles the cards. After, the cards are only shuffled if the last hand was ‘seen’ and was won by a prial. For the most part, cards are not shuffled between hands.
The dealer passes each player three cards, face-down, one at a time. Players have the option to look at their cards, but they do not have to. However, a player’s cards must remain secret from all other players in the game. There is only one exception to that, which is when the betting round ends with a “see.”
After the cards have been dealt betting starts with the player to the left of the dealer. The first bettor has two options: fold (throw down their cards and sacrifice their ante to the pot), or bet anywhere between the minimum and maximum amounts. If all but one player folds as betting continues the remaining player wins the pot and a new hand dealt.
If a player bets, the following players must either fold or make a minimum bet equal to the previous bet. Players may raise the bet, but it must be within the limit decided upon mutually by all other players.
In the event there are only two players left in the game, and all others have folded, there is another option available. Players may see the other’s cards. To see a player must pay twice the amount of the previous. If you pay to see another player’s card, they expose their hand first. If your hand is better than your opponents, expose it to collect your winnings in the pot. If your hand is worse or equal to your opponents, it is not necessary to reveal your hand, they win the pot. Reminder, if hands are equal, the player who paid to see loses the hand.
Betting does not end until all but one player drops out or there are two players left and one pays to see the other.
Here is an example of turn of betting in a four player game, note there is no equalizing of bets as in poker:
Player A bets 3 chips, player B bets 3 chips, player C folds, player D bets 3 chips, player A must bet at least 3 chips to stay in the hand.
As a rule of etiquette, never fold out of turn.
Running out of money
Brag is rarely played with table stakes, as in poker. Table stakes means players keep all the money they are playing without on the table, in brag players keep much of their money in their pockets. However, there is typically a minimum players must have on the table.
If you do not have enough money to bet but would like to stay in the hand you may cover the pot by betting all the money you have, putting it in the pot, and placing your cards face down on top. Players continue as normal but place their bets in a new pot. After the new pot is square, the winning hand is exposed. The hand covering the pot is compared with the winning hand, the old pot is won by the higher ranking hand. If the hands tie the winner of the new pot wins the old pot as well.
Covering the pot may be exercised when there are only two players left in the hand, however, the betting round ends. Some players, instead, practice that if there are two players and one runs out of money they must either: borrow money to bet or show their cards to potentially win the pot.
Playing blind
Any player has the option to play blind. Playing blind means you do not look at your cards and keep them on the table, face-down. Blind player’s bet normally but their bets are worth double. This means they only have to bet half the minimum or previous bet of an open player.
If you’ve been playing blind on a hand, when it is your turn to bet you always have the option of looking at your cards before choosing to bet or fold. However, this means you are now an open player and must bet equal to other open players to remain in the hand. You may not revert back to blind on that hand.
In the event you are playing blind and all other players fold, you do not win the pot. The pot continues on to the next hand.
Rules of seeing with blind players:
- You are open and your opponent is blind: you are not allowed to see a “blind man,” you may either bet or fold as normal, but you are not permitted to see.
- Both are blind: paying twice the blind (equal to an open bet) allows for hands to be compared. Normal seeing rules apply.
- You are blind and your opponent is open: your opponent can not see your cards but you may see theirs. Pay twice the blind stake in order to see.
Retaining a blind hand
If you have a blind hand and all other players fold you may keep that hand for the next deal. The dealer will still deal you three cards so that you have two hands. You have three options:
- Look at the new hand
- Look at the old hand
- Play double-blind
If you look at a hand you must decide if you want to keep it or fold immediately. Keeping the hand means you fold the other. You play as an open player, not a blind one. If you fold the hand you looked at, you may play blind with the other hand.
You may choose to look at neither and play both hands blind. If on your turn you decide to look at a hand you must follow the rules described above.
In the unlikely event you are the last player standing at the end of this hand, with two blind hands, you must sacrifice one. You cannot have three blind hands. You may only look at one hand.
Four card brag
The same rules are three card brag apply but players receive four cards as opposed to three. Players who look at their hands may dispose of one card to make the best three card hand they can. If there is a tie between two hands, the fourth card is the decider of the winning hand- high card wins. If those cards are also equal it is a tie.
Blind players keep all four cards on the table, if they decide to look at them, they must dispose of one card.
Five card brag
Played exactly like four card brag except players discard two cards as opposed to just one.
Wild cards
Brag can also be played with wild cards, referred to as floaters. Players must agree upon the details of wild cards before the game begins. Here are the common options:
- All 2s are wild OR
- Only black 2s are wild OR
- One-eyed jacks are wild (jack of hearts and jack of spades) OR
- Suicide king is wild (king of hearts) OR
- A joker or both jokers
Wildcards can be used to represent any card. In the case of equal hands, the natural hand- the hand without the wild card(s)- wins. A hand with fewer wild cards beats one with more.
3 card brag, rules, hand rankings & how to play!

Brag comes in many forms, not just the most popular 3 card version. 7 card brag, 9 card brag and even one called bastard brag were and still are popular even today.
Below is the most comprehensive and informative guide to playing 3 card brag. If you’re looking for a specific rule or part of the game overall then using the quick links below will help you narrow down your criteria.
3 card brag rules
Getting the 3 card brag rules in place before starting a game for real money is one of the most important things you can do.
This ensures everyone knows what’s going on and saves disagreements or worse as the game progresses.
Here we take a complete look at the rules and how to play 3 card brag. Further down we go through the 3 card brag hand rankings with a quick reference guide.
If you want to learn how to play? Then sit back, relax and get ready to read as we pretty much take a walk through of a hand and how to play 3 card brag.
Quick rules guide:
- The cards are never shuffled unless a prial is shown
- A run beats a flush
- Ace – 2 – 3 is the highest run
- 333 is the highest prial and highest hand
- Caller loses if 2 identical hands are shown
- A blind man can raise an open man
- An open man can NOT raise a bling player
- When 2 players remain an open player can call a blind player after 3 rounds of 1v1 betting
- All 3 cards count in a hand. A – K – 7 would beat A – K – 6
- Play always moves clockwise
Dealing the cards
Grab a pack/deck of cards from behind the bar, find some waifs and strays with a few quid in their pockets, pull some chairs up to a strange round table that you don’t all quite fit around, and you’re ready to play!
To start a game give the cards a good shuffle. This is the only time the pack is shuffled unless a prial (3 of a kind) is dealt.
Whoever has the cards simply dealt one card face up to each player in a clockwise direction starting on your immediate left. Whoever has the highest card is the dealer.
2 cards the same value? No problem, deal those players another card again clockwise until someone wins. Ready? Thank F$uk for that, now lets play.
Once you have established the first dealer the game can get started. At this point, all players place an ante into the pot. The dealer then deals 1 card at a time to each player in a clockwise direction. That means you deal to your left and play always goes in this direction throughout the game.
Once all players have 3 cards face down with the dealer dealing himself the final card it’s up to the player to the left of the dealer to either bet, fold, look (open) or don’t look (playing blind). Let’s look at how the betting works in more detail.
Betting in 3 card brag
The betting used may seem a bit strange or complicated at first. However, it really is pretty simple and you will get the hang of it quite quickly.
3 card brag hands
Along with learning the rules to this game, understanding the 3 card brag hands is equally important. There are a few unique hands that rank higher than you may well expect.
Poker players, for example, will get confused as to whether a flush beats a run or vice versa. So below are the 3 card brag hand rankings to help you play.
Also, remember a run is known as a straight in poker. It’s a RUN in brag so don’t bring your poker lingo into this real mans card game.
Brag hand rankings high to low
- A prial: 333 is the highest followed by AAA, KKK, QQQ, 222 being the lowest
- Running flush: (a run all the same suit) A-2-3 is the highest followed by A-K-Q. 2-3-4 is the lowest
- A run: 3 cards in value order. A-2-3 is the highest followed by A-K-q, K-Q-J and so on down to 2-3-4
- A flush: all 3 cards the same suit. Value counts so the highest flush is A-K-J, the lowest being 2-3-5
- A pair: all 3 card values count again so K-K-A would beat K-K-Q for example. Aces are the highest pair followed by kings, queens and so on.
- High card: ace high is the highest but again all 3 cards add value to the and. A-K-J would beat A-K-10 for example.
The main points to remember where 3 card brag hands are concerned are:
- A flush beats a run
- A 2 3 is the highest run
- 333 is the highest hand
- All 3 card count
Hopefully, that’s cleared things up a bit.
The history of 3 card brag
3 card brag is a 16th-century british card game and one of the early ancestors of poker. The elizabethan card game primero (from as far back as 1526) is thought to be the main influence behind brag.
3 card brag is part of the bluffing family when it comes to card games. In reality bluffing rarely comes into it and it’s usually just about who has the most bottle!
3 card brag was immensely popular in the 1980s and 1990s and played in most pubs or clubs for real money.
The explosion of UK poker sites and texas holdem, in particular, which stemmed from the USA caused the game of brag to lose its popularity. Yet, it’s still played today and I expect it to make a huge comeback within the next few years.
Amazingly 3 card brag in its best multiplayer form is not yet available online, multi-player poker yes, brag no. You can play 3 card brag online against the casino by choosing one from the list below.
Online casinos with 3 card brag
Before we get too excited multiplayer 3 card brag you would play against other people isn’t available online yet. This is very disappointing but something that should change over the next few years.
You can, however, play 3 card brag against the casino in where the excitement and history are noticeable. I suppose the fact online casinos dish out a welcome bonus is a reason to give it a go at the very least.
7 card brag, rules, how to play
7 card brag is another traditional UK card game played with between 3 and 6 players. It’s very similar in all aspects to the most popular version of all brag games which is 3 card brag.
The game is pretty much a game of turnovers with no betting rounds, just a pre specified bet before the cards are delay also called an “ante”.
We play 7 card brag for a £5 a hand, it may or may not sound like a lot, but it soon builds up as you need to win both hands to win the pot.
7 card brag dealing and betting
The dealer is chosen at the start by dealing 1 card face up to each player, highest card is the dealer. After the first dealer play moves clockwise and the deal moves round after every hand played.
All players ante, the amount of this is agreed before starting the game.
The dealer deals 7 cards to each player, if any players has 4 of a kind they instantly win the pot. If 2 players have 4 of a kind, the highest hand wins. I.E KKKK would beat QQQQ.
If no one has 4 of a kind players split their cards into 2 x 3 card brag hands, and discard their spare card face down in the middle.
All players place their best hand to the left, and their 2nd hand (worst hand) to their right.
Starting from the left of the dealer and moving round each player in turn turns over their best hand.
Who ever wins start the next round by turning over their second hand, followed in a clockwise direction by all other players.
To win the pot/money you need to win BOTH HANDS, this is where the pot builds up fast, and how you choose to split your hands becomes a crucial decision.
If no player wins both hands, the cards are collected and passed to the next dealer. All players ante again and a new hand is dealt. This continues until someone wins both hands and collects the cash!
7 card brag hand rankings
The best hand in 7 card brag is 4 of a kind, which automatically wins the pot as stated above.
The others hands are the same as 3 card brag with the exception of 777 being the highest prial.
7 card brag best hands
A prial: 777 is the highest follwed by AAA, KKK, QQQ and so on. 222 is the lowest prial.
Running flush: A23 is the highest followed by AKQ, KQJ and so on, the lowest is 234
A run: A23 is the higest, followed by AKQ, KQJ, QJ10 and so on down to 234 which is the lowest run.
A flush: AKJ os the highest flush all the way down to 235 being the worst.
Pairs: AA is the highest pair and the rest are ranking in normal order, KK then QQ, JJ, 1010, 99 etc.
High card: as in all brag games all 3 cards play so AK9 would beat AK8. AKJ is the highest hand without having a pair or better.
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Gamblers guide to everything casino, cards and slots
Welcome to play brag an established website built around real money casino games and online slots. Playbrag.Com was launched back in 2009 as an information source around the popular british card game 3 card brag. Since then the site has grown beyond all expectation.
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The world is a small place and casino games seem to appeal to everyone no matter where they are from. For example, we predict that soon players in india will be able to play real money teen patti online. This will likely lead to UK players getting multiplayer 3 card brag as its very, very similar. Once these games get released the US will start playing and boom! New games taking the world by storm.
About us
We love card games and online casino action. The reason for this website is to share rules, review online casinos and showcase real money card games from around the world.
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Please gamble responsibly. If you need help or advice with problem gambling visit www.Begambleaware.Org for expert help and advice
This website is for the sole use of person over the age of 18.
7 card brag, rules, how to play
7 card brag is another traditional UK card game played with between 3 and 6 players. It’s very similar in all aspects to the most popular version of all brag games which is 3 card brag.
The game is pretty much a game of turnovers with no betting rounds, just a pre specified bet before the cards are delay also called an “ante”.
We play 7 card brag for a £5 a hand, it may or may not sound like a lot, but it soon builds up as you need to win both hands to win the pot.
7 card brag dealing and betting
The dealer is chosen at the start by dealing 1 card face up to each player, highest card is the dealer. After the first dealer play moves clockwise and the deal moves round after every hand played.
All players ante, the amount of this is agreed before starting the game.
The dealer deals 7 cards to each player, if any players has 4 of a kind they instantly win the pot. If 2 players have 4 of a kind, the highest hand wins. I.E KKKK would beat QQQQ.
If no one has 4 of a kind players split their cards into 2 x 3 card brag hands, and discard their spare card face down in the middle.
All players place their best hand to the left, and their 2nd hand (worst hand) to their right.
Starting from the left of the dealer and moving round each player in turn turns over their best hand.
Who ever wins start the next round by turning over their second hand, followed in a clockwise direction by all other players.
To win the pot/money you need to win BOTH HANDS, this is where the pot builds up fast, and how you choose to split your hands becomes a crucial decision.
If no player wins both hands, the cards are collected and passed to the next dealer. All players ante again and a new hand is dealt. This continues until someone wins both hands and collects the cash!
7 card brag hand rankings
The best hand in 7 card brag is 4 of a kind, which automatically wins the pot as stated above.
The others hands are the same as 3 card brag with the exception of 777 being the highest prial.
7 card brag best hands
A prial: 777 is the highest follwed by AAA, KKK, QQQ and so on. 222 is the lowest prial.
Running flush: A23 is the highest followed by AKQ, KQJ and so on, the lowest is 234
A run: A23 is the higest, followed by AKQ, KQJ, QJ10 and so on down to 234 which is the lowest run.
A flush: AKJ os the highest flush all the way down to 235 being the worst.
Pairs: AA is the highest pair and the rest are ranking in normal order, KK then QQ, JJ, 1010, 99 etc.
High card: as in all brag games all 3 cards play so AK9 would beat AK8. AKJ is the highest hand without having a pair or better.
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Three card brag free game demo

Play british 3 card brag poker game online with basic winning strategy

The game is formed mainly on american three card poker and used a deck of 52 cards without jokers that are shuffled before the game. Furthermore, three card brag game free provides two different games. The basic game aim is to get 3 winning cards to beat dealer’s hand in order to win. In extra game ‘pair bonus’ the outcome and sum of winning are up to your hand combination in spite of dealer’s hand combination.
A player is able to play both games, making various bets. Are you interested in this attractive british game? What are you going to do? The answer is to choose three card brag online free and recognize an overall simplicity of gaming process!
How to play three card brag online poker - what are best-winning probabilities?
Obviously, three card brag game basic rules are simple and strategy is elementary. To start the game player has to make one or two ante bets, afterwards, he gets three cards. Stating the value of cards you are able to make a decision, using two variants. Firstly, to discard and loose the stakes or to continue the game, betting one ante. If you choose to play, the dealer shows his cards and if he doesn’t get queen high or better, the player has one ante payout and an additional stake is simply given back. The payout combinations include (from the higher to lower):
Hands in play | explained |
prial | 3 cards of equal rank |
running flush (straight) | 3 cards of one suit running in a sequence |
run | 3 cards of different suit running in a sequence |
flush | 3 cards of one suit |
pair | 2 or 3 cards of equal rank |
There are also payouts for ante and pair bonus stakes. Ante winning combinations are:
Combination | payout |
prial | 5 to 1 |
running flush | 4 to 1 |
run | 1 to 1 |
And for pair bonus are:
Hands in play | explained |
prial | 40 to 1 |
running flush | 30 to 1 |
run | 6 to 1 |
flush | 4 to 1 |
pair | 1 to 1 |
Simple three card brag strategy & tipcs that tickles your fancy
Three card brag and its tactics are the words that have never come together because of its fairly simple and easy to learn way of gaming. The counting of this game is not as difficult as it seems to be. So, there are some three card brag casino games tips that help you to hold a winning in your hands.
Firstly, ante play strategy is the easiest tactics where one has to raise the stake with of queen, 7, 4 or higher. In this case, casino odds will be 2,01%. The pair bonus doesn’t require on optimal strategy and gives 2,14% of online casino odds. Some players make both ante and pair stakes in order to increase the game excitement.
It must be admitted that three card brag game winning hands are practically identical to three card poker hands. But to feel the original differences one can feel, playing it for free online. Are you ready to try your intuition in the battle against online casino? Don’t waste your time and set up a demo version of three card brag without the risk of betting real money! Learn properly this real money games betting rules and play instantly (no download) for fun or for big winnings!
So, let's see, what we have: how to play three card brag the gambling card game. Here you will discover the rules for playing brag along with several fun variations on the game! At brag card game online
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