Ni no kuni wrath of the white witch casino
Every once in a while you come across a story which, once you've plunged your
Only new casino sites for play on real money
mind into it, doesn't let go of you. Soaked with meaning and hidden layers to
explore, it opens up an entire new world. Structured by the laws of our own
existential lives - yet different in all the details - it manages to captivate
and intrigue not only yourself, but generations to come. That is exactly what ni no kuni manages to do. Playing such a videogame means
nothing other than merging your regular 'lifeworld' with another lifeworld, in
this case a world fully created by human beings. This differs from reading a
book or watching a movie in an important sense, namely that the subject's free
will literally start playing a role, one gets the feeling of *exploring* a
lifeworld rather than being a spectator. Appropriate music has the power to
enhance the intensity of this feeling, and our fancy is pampered by dynamic
and imaginative environments and creatures.
Ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch walkthrough and guide
Every once in a while you come across a story which, once you've plunged your
mind into it, doesn't let go of you. Soaked with meaning and hidden layers to
explore, it opens up an entire new world. Structured by the laws of our own
existential lives - yet different in all the details - it manages to captivate
and intrigue not only yourself, but generations to come.
The modern age has shaped a landscape in which spaces have been created that
allow people to tell narratives in different ways. Movies and TV-series are
but examples of the wide diversity of media that emerged in the 20th century.
The space in which video games shine has only opened up in recent decades and
by the looks of its main stream of output appears to be in its puberty.
It opens up fantastic possibilities to craft narratives in ways unseen before
and it's wonderful to witness every once in a while a game that makes full use
of the semantic potential that the videogame medium contains deep down; an
ability to shape a whole unique lifeworld in which one can dwell and live.
That is exactly what ni no kuni manages to do. Playing such a videogame means
nothing other than merging your regular 'lifeworld' with another lifeworld, in
this case a world fully created by human beings. This differs from reading a
book or watching a movie in an important sense, namely that the subject's free
will literally start playing a role; one gets the feeling of *exploring* a
lifeworld rather than being a spectator. Appropriate music has the power to
enhance the intensity of this feeling, and our fancy is pampered by dynamic
and imaginative environments and creatures.
The feeling of exploration is not an unimportant element of video games, and
especially if one already has the expectation to be drawn into another world,
it's a very disappointing experience to find a linear path drawn out for you;
in an almost unlawful fashion are you stripped from a portion of expected
Studio ghibli has managed to create a beautiful lifeworld that will surely
enchant you. In the end, be it in the form of a tragic yet wonderful graphic
novel such as jimmy corrigan by C. Ware, or in the shape of a movie like let the
right one in, or in the fashion of ni no kuni, what really matters is a
lifeworld's ability to charm its visitors in a singular way and leave a lasting
impression to be shared with others. We can safely assure you that ni no kuni
lives up to its name: another world.
While it's the duty of the creator(s) to craft the above potential, it's the
explorer's responsibility to truly do a lifeworld justice. Just like a tourist
ought to take his time exploring a new city in order to discover new things
worthy of attention, so too does a digital lifeworld require proper attention
and efforts. A travel guide for those prepared to undertake this not always
light hearted quest might thus be a welcome subsidiary.
As such, we do not share the opinion that guides take the fun out of games.
It's perfectly understandable should someone want to explore a world all by
themselves at first, but he who wishes to master the art of exploration better
stands on the shoulders of giants before him, to truly turn every turnable
stone. We hope this strategy guide aids you in doing fully justice to the
magnificent lifeworld of ni no kuni. It deserves it.
Ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch

The game was released in 2012 in japan and in 2013 in north america and europe, it was developed by level-5 and studio ghibli, a famous children's game company and a famous children's animation company respectively. In september 2019 the game was released for the nintendo switch [1] , as well as a remastered version for PS4 and PC.
Studio ghibli were responsible for the characters and areas of the game, as well as doing almost 20 minutes of the cutscene animation in the NDS game, character sprites, etc.
In the PS3 version, most of the 2D animated cutscenes stayed, however the character sprites and hand-drawn backgrounds were replaced by CG animation. There are also many more CG cutscenes compared to the NDS game.
Wrath of the white witch is the story of oliver, a resident of motorville. When he and his friend philip try out their newest car creation, the car falls apart and oliver almost drowns, and is saved by his mother allie; however, she faints and becomes bedridden, eventually dying from heart problems. Oliver becomes closed-off following his mothers death, while grieving oliver comes across a doll his mother gave him and begins to cry. As oliver cries, his tears cause his doll to come to life and reveal itself as a fairy named drippy, who informs oliver that he is from another world where a "dark djinn" named shadar took over. He then teaches oliver about soulmates between the two worlds, a person that shares a link with someone in oliver's world. He also says that his mother looks very much like a great sage, alicia, who was captured by shadar. Realizing that alicia must have been allie's soulmate, oliver sets out with drippy to travel to the other world and rescue alicia in the hope that doing so will bring allie back in his world
Spoiler warning! |
This section contains plot details, which may spoil your gameplay. |
Localisation changes
There are many, many changes in the english translation.
- Keywords were changed, for example "imagines" became "familiars", "runes" became "spells", and some keywords were "added", for example, the term "soul mate".
- Most names are different, for example, "mark" became "phil", "ancient tree" became "old father oak", "the middle continent" became "the summerlands", "teleport" became "travel", "refreshing coffee" became "iced coffee".
- Some names were drastically changed, for example, "babanasia kingdom" became "al mamoon", however some lines of dialogue and item names were left without changes, such as the name of the fruit "babana" remaining unchanged in the english version. The most notable example of name-changing is that "goroneeru kingdom" went through a complete name change in order to force a pun about an english rhyme that wasn't in the original:
- The first rhyme is "hickory, dickory, dock / the mouse ran up the clock / the clock struck one / the mouse ran down / hickory, dickory, dock."
- The second is "ding, dong, bell / pussy’s in the well / who put her in? / little johnny flynn / who pulled her out? / little tommy stout / what a naughty boy was that / to try to drown poor pussy cat / who ne’er did him any harm / but killed all the mice in the farmer's barn"
- Some of the changes to goroneeru kingdom were:
- The kingdom name became "ding dong dell"
- Goroneeru underground waterway (taken to mean "goroneeru sewers") became "ding dong well"
- "king nyandal" ("nyan" being japanese for "meow") became "king tom XIV"
- The term "his meowjesty" was added in the english translation, whereas in the japanese original he was almost always simply called "king-sama", and occasionally "king nyandal".
- "miranto" became "horace", and his title was changed from "magic user" to "the sage of ages".
- The large mouse mini-boss' name went from "チューベル chuuberu / kiss-bell", to "hickory dock".
- "miruko" became "tommy stout".
- Characters' titles or item names were changed or were given extra names/designations not in the original, for example miranto/horace went from "magic user" to "the sage of ages", shelly/myrtle was nicknamed "starey-mary", and solon was given the extra name "rashaad" along with the extra title "supreme sage". In the japanese, he's called "wizard-sama" or "solon-sama" ("sama" being a polite suffix used to refer to people vastly superior to you, ex. Royalty, although in the past it was a more common title equivalent to "mister/misses"). Another example is that phil/mark's drag-racing car is known as "the philmobile" in the english version, whereas in the japanese version it had no nickname.
- It's possible that some characters' personalities were changed in the translation. However, changing a character's personality and adding lots of puns is extremely common in japanese to english (american) translations.
- The english version of the magic master/wizard's companion uses incorrect "old english", whereas the japanese doesn't.
Differences with the DS game
- The overall story is the same, however, there are still some minor differences, this excludes the translation.
- The wizard's companion (or the magic master) was a physical book that was necessary to play the DS game, players were required to draw in spells on the screen or solve riddles using clues in the handbook. This is not the case in the PS3 game, the book wasn't necessary for game progression and the spell designs were included as a cosmetic detail.
- One of the 2D animated cutscenes that plays in the NDS game, one directly after entering the other world, is converted to 3D in wrath of the white witch, so as to better fit the layout of the world. The character sprites and hand-drawn backgrounds are also replaced with CG.
- Some in-game locations were slightly changed, including their layouts. Similarly some quests and events were slightly modified. For example, in the PS3 game the king goes down into the well to fight the rats, but in the NDS game, only oliver goes.
- Some of drippy's actions and dialogue were given to pea, a new character exclusive to the PS3 version.
- The dreamworld that oliver is taken to when sleeping in inns, was removed from the PS3 game.
- The merit/stamp card was given more possible rewards, but now there are "levels" that need to be unlocked before acquiring better rewards.
- The layouts of various screens was changed, for example the screen where you care for your familiars.
- The fairyground in the english PS3 game doesn't exist in the NDS version, instead being replaced story-wise by a town that became the crypt casino in the PS3 game. It was simply a city-like town with normal citizens and electric lights. The characters were normal humans in upper-class city style, for example suits, handle-bar mustaches, and dresses. See the fairyground page for more info.
- In the NDS version, there was an internet trade center normal to most japanese NDS games, in which users traded familiars/imagines with each other.
- About half of the items (in total, of both normal items and alchemy/cooking items) are different between the two games. See the provisions page for more info.
Ni no kuni's soundtrack was created by joe hisaishi, who has made the music for several studio ghibli films. All music was performed by the tokyo philharmonic orchestra. The soundtrack can be bought in itunes, among other places.
Ni no kuni wrath of the white witch casino
Tip, visit the graphics card page (there is a link next to the FPS number) and compare your graphics card to it to give you a personal point of reference.
The graphics card used will be periodically voted on by GD community.
Currently we use geforce GTX 1060. It represents an avg FPS at high graphics settings played on a 1080p resolution monitor. The accompanying CPU and RAM are always considered top end components, so that the bottleneck is always the graphics card.">

Graphics score reflects how great the visuals are for this pc game.
Based on scores by our most trusted members.
Please login to add your score for ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered graphics played on the pc.

Lifespan score reflects how much gameplay this pc game has in it. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.
A high lifespan score could represent a short fun game, which can be replayed again and again or it could be a game that takes a long time to complete.
Please login to add your score for ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered lifespan played on the pc.

Value score reflects how much enjoyment this pc game delivers compared to how much it costs. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.
A high value score will let people know that this game is worth its cost. As a game cost goes down over time the value score may go up to reflect its better value
Please login to add your score for ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered value played on the pc.

Main score reflects how great this pc game is on this platform. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.
A 10 means this pc game is perfect in all regards and will appeal to every gamer.
Please login to add your score for ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered value played on the pc.
Ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch walkthrough and guide
Every once in a while you come across a story which, once you've plunged your
mind into it, doesn't let go of you. Soaked with meaning and hidden layers to
explore, it opens up an entire new world. Structured by the laws of our own
existential lives - yet different in all the details - it manages to captivate
and intrigue not only yourself, but generations to come.
The modern age has shaped a landscape in which spaces have been created that
allow people to tell narratives in different ways. Movies and TV-series are
but examples of the wide diversity of media that emerged in the 20th century.
The space in which video games shine has only opened up in recent decades and
by the looks of its main stream of output appears to be in its puberty.
It opens up fantastic possibilities to craft narratives in ways unseen before
and it's wonderful to witness every once in a while a game that makes full use
of the semantic potential that the videogame medium contains deep down; an
ability to shape a whole unique lifeworld in which one can dwell and live.
That is exactly what ni no kuni manages to do. Playing such a videogame means
nothing other than merging your regular 'lifeworld' with another lifeworld, in
this case a world fully created by human beings. This differs from reading a
book or watching a movie in an important sense, namely that the subject's free
will literally start playing a role; one gets the feeling of *exploring* a
lifeworld rather than being a spectator. Appropriate music has the power to
enhance the intensity of this feeling, and our fancy is pampered by dynamic
and imaginative environments and creatures.
The feeling of exploration is not an unimportant element of video games, and
especially if one already has the expectation to be drawn into another world,
it's a very disappointing experience to find a linear path drawn out for you;
in an almost unlawful fashion are you stripped from a portion of expected
Studio ghibli has managed to create a beautiful lifeworld that will surely
enchant you. In the end, be it in the form of a tragic yet wonderful graphic
novel such as jimmy corrigan by C. Ware, or in the shape of a movie like let the
right one in, or in the fashion of ni no kuni, what really matters is a
lifeworld's ability to charm its visitors in a singular way and leave a lasting
impression to be shared with others. We can safely assure you that ni no kuni
lives up to its name: another world.
While it's the duty of the creator(s) to craft the above potential, it's the
explorer's responsibility to truly do a lifeworld justice. Just like a tourist
ought to take his time exploring a new city in order to discover new things
worthy of attention, so too does a digital lifeworld require proper attention
and efforts. A travel guide for those prepared to undertake this not always
light hearted quest might thus be a welcome subsidiary.
As such, we do not share the opinion that guides take the fun out of games.
It's perfectly understandable should someone want to explore a world all by
themselves at first, but he who wishes to master the art of exploration better
stands on the shoulders of giants before him, to truly turn every turnable
stone. We hope this strategy guide aids you in doing fully justice to the
magnificent lifeworld of ni no kuni. It deserves it.
Ni no kuni wrath of the white witch casino
Tip, visit the graphics card page (there is a link next to the FPS number) and compare your graphics card to it to give you a personal point of reference.
The graphics card used will be periodically voted on by GD community.
Currently we use geforce GTX 1060. It represents an avg FPS at high graphics settings played on a 1080p resolution monitor. The accompanying CPU and RAM are always considered top end components, so that the bottleneck is always the graphics card.">

Graphics score reflects how great the visuals are for this pc game.
Based on scores by our most trusted members.
Please login to add your score for ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered graphics played on the pc.

Lifespan score reflects how much gameplay this pc game has in it. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.
A high lifespan score could represent a short fun game, which can be replayed again and again or it could be a game that takes a long time to complete.
Please login to add your score for ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered lifespan played on the pc.

Value score reflects how much enjoyment this pc game delivers compared to how much it costs. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.
A high value score will let people know that this game is worth its cost. As a game cost goes down over time the value score may go up to reflect its better value
Please login to add your score for ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered value played on the pc.

Main score reflects how great this pc game is on this platform. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.
A 10 means this pc game is perfect in all regards and will appeal to every gamer.
Please login to add your score for ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered value played on the pc.
The temple of trials
When traveling through the valley leading towards the temple, a scene triggers
and you receive a new page of the wizard's companion, [THE SIXTH TALE] of
wonder. Head up to the temple when you're ready.
There aren't any enemies for you to fight in this area, at least no regular
random critters. Instead you'll have to face three separate trials to test
your worthiness as a wizard's apprentice. Simply talk to umbopa and solomon to
watch some scenes first.
The test of wits
Head right to start this trial, in which you must solve three puzzles. You'll
have to stand on the symbol and cast the 'puppet string' spell in order to move
the statues around, although you might want to ask the bird for a hint first,
which is, "the dragon sees the warrior's sword, while the bird is shown his
shield, the beast, meanwhile, looks to his right, and sees an empty field."
should you not be able to figure out the solution, the order in which the
statues must be placed is, from left to right: beast, dragon, warrior, bird.
The second puzzle requires you to move the blocks, making them blend in the
overall picture. From left to right, the first block needs to be placed in the
center of the figure's 'mouth', the next block's proper location is the left-to-
center part of the right eye, the third block should be moved to the right part
of the mouth, the fourth block fits the left eye (its right side), and the last
block fits the left part of the face's mouth.
If you're still having trouble getting these where they go, or you lose track
along the way, hopefully these tables will help.
The third puzzle is a bit more complicated than the first. Your hint? "the bird
is bound to dragon and moon, and on a star he sits. The beast links warrior,
moon, and star, yet knows not where he fits." if you need help, it can be solved
as follows: place the bird on the star mark on the lower right, the dragon on
the sun mark in the upper-right corner, the beast on the sun mark in the upper-
left corner, and the warrior on the moon mark directly to the right of the
beast. Completing this entire test nets you the [PROOF OF WITS].
The test of friendship
In these three trials, you have to control both oliver and esther simultaneously
to get them across the paths, without them falling off. As soon as you start,
the tiles will start falling down behind you, so a little speed is essential.
The first path is straightforward, but the second path requires you to stand on
switches to create bridges for the other person. The third path makes the two
paths cross from the left to the right and vice versa, so you might want to
control just one character at a time and quickly switch to the next. There are
no penalties for falling off, so you can try as often as you'd like. Finishing
this test grants you the [PROOF OF FRIENDSHIP].
The test of strength
The third and final test is a boss battle, as you might've expected. Talk to
solomon when you're ready to initiate it.
After the battle, you receive the page of [BASHURA] and the [PROOF OF STRENGTH].
Sage solomon also rewards you with the [BRIDGE] and [BROOM BROOM] spells, as
well as the important [HEART-WINNING HARP].
Now that you have this harp, esther can play serenades to seduce creatures into
becoming your familiar. You're given a tutorial on this in which you'll have to
select one out of three potential familiars: shonky-honker, boggly-boo, or a
naiad. The shonky-honker is an all-round familiar and fairly weak early in the
game, but has the potential to grow out to be the strongest familiar in the game
in terms of the magical attack stat. Boggly-boo is a strong attacker which will
learn elemental attacks, and the naiad is a familiar that is best used for
healing. If you plan on mastering ni no kuni, the shonky-honker might be a wise
decision. You can, however, catch these familiars later too.
Start the battle and fight the familiar of your choice, then play the serenade
as it falls in love with you. In regular battles there's only a small chance
that a creature does this, so you'll have to keep an eye out for when it does.
You'll also be shown how familiar metamorphosis works; this means your mite is
undergoing a required metamorphosis. You'll be given a [SUNDROP] treat; give it
to mite and he'll change into mighty mite. Unfortunately, this resets his level
back to 1, meaning he won't be as strong (in the beginning) as your mite. On
the plus side, a level 1 familiar is leveled up very quickly and the first ten
levels should be a breeze to get.
Then there's the familiar retreat, which allows you to store any unneeded
familiars away (up to a total of 400). The first time you use it you'll receive
vials of [GREAT SAGE'S SECRET x3], basically an elixir-like item that fully
restores the HP and MP of one character. You also receive [JUMBO SUNDROPS x3],
all used to metamorphose your familiars (into their third forms). For now you'll
want to hold on to your familiars, but the retreat will prove very valuable
later in the game.
You never have to worry about having too many familiars with you. If you catch a familiar when all your slots are full, it's automatically sent to the familiar retreat.
As for familiars to get now, we strongly recommend getting a sunshine, as it will be useful for an errand later on. Other than that, the green buncher makes for a nice physical attacker for esther.
Ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 critic reviews what's this?
Generally favorable reviews - based on 89 ratings

Generally favorable reviews - based on 89 ratings
- Summary: ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered. Journey back to the other world in ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch. LEVEL-5's classic tale returns better than ever. Join oliver as he embarks on an adventure through a world inhabited by new friends and ferocious foes alike in the hopes ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch remastered. Journey back to the other world in ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch. LEVEL-5's classic tale returns better than ever. Join oliver as he embarks on an adventure through a world inhabited by new friends and ferocious foes alike in the hopes of bringing back his mother after a tragic incident. With a copy of the wizard's companion in his hand and his trusty friend drippy by his side, he will travel across this rich fantasy world to tame familiars, take on enemies, and overcome the countless challenges that stand between him and his mother's salvation.
This charming tale unfolds through the use of animation storyboarded and created by the legendary studio ghibli and music composed by the renowned joe hisaishi. Ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch combines beautiful animated visuals, masterful storytelling, and a sweeping score to create an epic role-playing adventure like no other.
* TAKE THE OTHER WORLD WITH YOU - take ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch wherever you go on nintendo switch
* ALL-STAR PRODUCTION - LEVEL-5's mastery of the RPG genre is combined with studio ghibli's world-class animation and
music composed by the renowned joe hisaishi
* CAPTIVATING STORY - A charming yet tragic tale unfolds through the use of animation storyboarded and created by studio
ghibli with english and japanese voice-overs
* ROLE-PLAYING MASTERY - A rich mixture of familiar RPG elements, expertly crafted and designed, and featuring dozens of
locations to explore, hundreds of creatures to battle, and a wealth of quests and secrets to uncover
* DYNAMIC COMBAT - switch freely between characters and familiars in an exciting battle system that combines real-time and
turn-based tactical elements … expand
- Developer: level 5, engine software
- Genre(s): role-playing , japanese-style
- # of players: no online multiplayer
- Cheats: on gamefaqs
- Rating: E10+
- More details and credits »
Critic reviews
User reviews
The switch version is a 'must-get' for JRPG fans. Don't let the early reviews fool you on how it crashes on the switch. I played it on day one the switch version is a 'must-get' for JRPG fans. Don't let the early reviews fool you on how it crashes on the switch. I played it on day one and finished the game in a month with ZERO crashes. Despite being a PS3 game and having not much upgrade on the graphics, it was still a game worth playing and collecting for its 80-100 hours of content, that is if you try getting to 100% completion.
The story is a heartwarming tale of a boy adventuring into a magical world trying to do everything to get his mother back to his life, then later unfolds to something so much deeper and much darker. The story can hook any player from start to finish. The writers did a good job of slowly revealing the story to the players, and reaching to a point where the innocent boy you start with, ended with someone much developed as a person at the end. Though after finishing 'one' of the final bosses, you'll think that it was over, but no, there's another boss at the end with the initials WW, which kind of dragged the great storytelling to something feeling rushed at the end, but nonetheless, it was a story worth knowing about.
The gameplay is kind of similar to playing pokemon, where you can capture familiars, evolve them, feed them, and fight with them. The gameplay is okay and can get repetitive, though the good thing is, no enemy is too long to kill, that makes a game very dull. Just the right amount of length per fight which can help you grind without being burnt out.
Characters are all well developed, though again, at the end of the game, it could have been much better if it wasn't rushed. Voice acting can also be a little strange since it's a JRPG game with british accents. I know that I could've used the japanese voice option, but I always prefer hearing people speak in a language I can understand, so that took a little while of getting used to.
The biggest turn on for me for this game is that the studio that did the animation and art for it, was studio ghibli. Whenever a cartoon cutscene would show up, it was very pleasing to the viewer to watch, though, most of the cartoon animations are very abrupt, which leaves the players wanting to see more, which is kind of unfortunate as well, as the longer you play, the lesser cartoon animation you see, and instead, you're stuck with gameplay cutscenes. I was hoping to at least see more of the cartoon animation from ghibli at the end of the game, since it was lacking most at that part. … expand
so, let's see, what we have: ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch walkthrough and guide every once in a while you come across a story which, once you've plunged your mind into it, doesn't let go of you. Soaked with meaning at ni no kuni wrath of the white witch casino
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