Gta v casino exploits
To use the GTA online lucky wheel glitch, you need to be ready to quickly quit the game if the outcome of the spin is not the one you want.
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To do this, interact with the lucky wheel then push the left stick up and quickly pull it down to give it a strong spin, allowing you time to set up the next step. On PS4, press and hold the PS button to bring up the quick menu, then hover over the close application option and hit X twice if you don't get the prize you want. For xbox one, wait until you see what the outcome of your spin is going to be, then if you're not happy with it quickly press the xbox button, scroll to GTA 5 and press the menu button then choose quit. PC users can simply press their defined keyboard shortcut to quit once the result is seen. (image credit: rockstar games)
GTA online lucky wheel glitch: how to win the casino podium car
Land the prize you want, including the casino podium car, with this GTA online lucky wheel glitch

It dominates the lobby area of the diamond casino and is impossible to miss, but are you aware of the GTA online lucky wheel glitch associated with it that allows you to keep spinning until you win the prize you want, including the coveted podium car? Normally you'd have to wait 24 hours real time between spins, and you now get an on-screen notification when you enter the GTA online casino telling you how long you have left until your next turn, but with the method outlined here you can keep playing repeatedly for your chance to win items such as casino chips, GTA$, RP, and of course that sought after podium car everyone wants in their collection.
Usually you'd have to accept the first prize the spinner drops on, but if you take advantage of the GTA online lucky wheel glitch we describe here then you can give yourself unlimited respins to earn your reward of choice. Follow this method in GTA online and you could soon be parking a flash new ride in your garage, completely for free.
Another prize worth considering is the mystery item, which covers a wide range of items – you could receive something very low-value such as consumables, but players have also reported winning vehicles such as the rocket voltic or even the rare and highly coveted lost slamvan. If the lucky wheel does land on mystery, you can quickly see what your reward is then follow the process below for another go if you're not satisfied with the outcome.
How to win your choice of prize with the GTA online lucky wheel glitch
(image credit: rockstar games)
To use the GTA online lucky wheel glitch, you need to be ready to quickly quit the game if the outcome of the spin is not the one you want. To do this, interact with the lucky wheel then push the left stick up and quickly pull it down to give it a strong spin, allowing you time to set up the next step. On PS4, press and hold the PS button to bring up the quick menu, then hover over the close application option and hit X twice if you don't get the prize you want. For xbox one, wait until you see what the outcome of your spin is going to be, then if you're not happy with it quickly press the xbox button, scroll to GTA 5 and press the menu button then choose quit. PC users can simply press their defined keyboard shortcut to quit once the result is seen.
All you need to do now is reload the game, and repeat the process for another chance to win the prize of your choice. Due to loading times it can take a short while to get back in, though you can speed things up a little by marking GTA online to load as default in the settings > saving and startup > startup flow menu, and setting the casino penthouse as your starting point on the interaction menu > spawn location option. Obviously, once you receive a prize you're happy with, don't quit the game and continue to collect your reward.
How to always win the casino podium car the GTA online lucky wheel glitch
(image credit: rockstar games)
If you don't want to leave things to chance, there is a method you can use which pretty much guarantees you'll win the podium car every time. To set this up, you need the lucky wheel to be resting on the clothing wedge two sections to the right of the vehicle wedge, as pictured above. You can ensure this set up is in place by playing a solo or invite only online session, otherwise you'll need to hope that nobody else has already spun the wheel in your casino – if they have, find a new session and try again or back out to the single player game and start a new solo/invite only session.
With the lucky wheel starting in the correct location, enter the spinning minigame then hold the left stick diagonally up and left between the 10-11 o'clock position. Wait a couple of seconds then gently bring the stick down while still pushing left – done correctly, the lucky wheel will slowly rotate once and land on the vehicle wedge, as shown in the gif above. You may need to experiment with the angle you hold the stick and speed you move it downwards, but as before you can quickly quit the game if you don't land the prize you're aiming for then reload for another go.
Note that although we were able to successfully replicate this method initially, as seen in the GIF above, we are struggling to do it now which may suggest a hotfix has been applied.
Are there any risks involved with using the GTA online lucky wheel glitch?
(image credit: rockstar games)
Technically all you're doing here is pushing the stick a certain way or quitting the game, but using the GTA online lucky wheel glitch is still gaming the system in order to secure a higher value prize. If rockstar detect irregular activity on your account then it's possible you could receive a temporary or permanent ban, though this is unlikely if you use this glitch responsibly – for example, winning a brand new car or the top cash/RP amount every day is likely to raise suspicions, but a single podium car win among other prizes would not look out of place.
The GTA online lucky wheel glitch has been known by players since the launch of the casino, and due to how it works it could be a difficult exploit for rockstar to counter. However, it's always possible that a hotfix could be deployed to eliminate it at some point, so use it (responsibly) while you can to ensure the reward of your dreams becomes a reality.
You can also check out our predictions for GTA 6 in the video below:
GTA online: game-breaking casino exploit gives free cash and supercars
Grand theft auto players welcomed the chance to make more cash in GTA online when the diamond casino and resort opened its doors, but it seems some players have found an exploit to land themselves big prizes and mega money already.
The new gambling hub was added by rockstar games on july 23 and proved to be a big hit with the game's online community, as people swap over their in-game cash for chips to play.
There are a number of games to play inside the casino, too, including slot machines and betting on horse races, but the one feature that has caught the attention of many players is the huge lucky wheel that gives them an opportunity to land some major prizes in GTA. So much so that an exploit has been uncovered for it.

Rockstar games new GTA online casino cheat is handing players more supercars and cash for free.
For those who aren't aware, rockstar will be placing up to 22 brand spanking new vehicles in their casino and all it takes to drive one home with you at the end of the night is a lucky spin of a wheel. Each player should only really have one spin of the lucky wheel each day, but there's a new cheat that can allow multiple tries.
The wheel includes other rewards, including cash prizes and character outfits, but there's a new trick that developers might not be aware of that enhances the chance of picking up a big win every day. It might seem very easy, but it will presumably be a huge time-consumer by the same token.
Those playing GTA online on console have discovered that as soon as you're made aware of the prize you have landed, if you quit out of the application and return to the casino in-game, you will be handed yet another spin on the lucky wheel. Clearly, this is something that shouldn't be allowed.
Some users on the GTA online subreddit claimed to have had up to 30 consecutive spins in the casino with a post on july 25, and it appears that some got what they were looking for.
"I got it after over 30 times," one said, after taking home a brand new truffade thrax vehicle - which is valued at over $2 million. Another, who is still yet to win the supercar, suggested that they were on their 77th spin but were still yet to hit the jackpot.
While more attempts are made available using the exploit, there's no guarantee that rewards will be on the way any time soon. Nevertheless, it shouldn't be possible.

Rockstar games GTA online cheaters using this new exploit are landing themselves supercars for free.
Whether or not rockstar are actively looking into this problem or not is unknown, but clearly it's a strategy that undermines their intentions for the feature.
It's also worth noting that those who are using the exploit in-game could face consequences in the future and it's not advisable to attempt it in the casino.
GTA 5 - casino profits (how to win)

Simple ways of tricking the system and get unlimited chips and goodies.
UPD! [fixed]
It is fixed, it might still work but when you win via this exploit after a short period of time you'll get placed into singleplayer.
Better way of making money can be found here.
Inside track
To make the most profit in casino chips - head on down to the horse betting area and sit down at any of the machines.
You will be greeted with this screen and we will only be focusing on the single events section. Click the place bet button on the right to enter the betting screen.

You will be greeted with a list of horses on the left displaying different odds of them winning. (skip this paragraph if you already know how the game works normally). The higher up the list, the greater the chance of them winning. However, the horses with lower odds of winning will give a higher payout if they do win. You will only get money back if the horse you bet on comes in first place. Choose a horse and the betting screen on the right appears. This is where you select the amount of money you want to bet and when you are ready you place the "place bet" button to start the race.

At this point, we can perform the simple exploit. Once you have selected your horse, make sure the current amount you are betting is 100 chips. Hover the courser over the right arrow to increase the bet, and in one single action, you must click and hold the mouse then immediately move over the place bet button. Keep holding the mouse button down until the race is over half way done. You will know you have done it right if at the start of the race it has charged you 200 or 300 chips. On the occasion that your chosen horse wins, you will be paid as if you bet the max amount of chips, but you only paid 200.

- Choose horse.
- Make sure current bet is 100.
- Hover over the increase bet right arrow >
- Click and hold the mouse, starting over the increase bet arrow then bring it down to the place bet button.
- Keep holding that same mouse click until the horses have reached the half way mark at least.

- Get lucky and enjoy payout when your horse wins!

Lucky wheel
The daily spinning wheel can also be tricked by killing the game before you win a prize you eventually didn't want. By doing it, I make my game windowed mode and open up the task manager, where I end the process before I win the prize. When you go back in the game, you'll realise you're able to spin it again.

Recommended for you:
- All GTA 5 guides!
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GTA V online money glitch: infinite cash available to those who try this trick!
Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced player, this hack can earn you a ton of money fast!

GTA V may have come out way back in september 2013, but the game is still alive and well thanks to its consistently brilliant updates to online gameplay.
Whether you’re new to GTA V online or an experienced player, making easy money is always a high priority.
Luckily for us, youtuber ‘COURTZ‘ has discovered a great glitch that allows you to make money without the risk of losing any.
Keep reading to find out how to use the money glitch!
Step one – head to the casino and set your spawn location
Drive to the casino, then open the menu. Head to the online tab, then options and set your spawn location to ‘casino penthouse’.
Next up, change your outfit to ensure you spawn location saves.
Step two – head to inside track
Once you’ve entered the casino, head to inside track (the horse race betting section).
Once you’re inside, take any seat to begin betting.
Step three – place your bet
Once you’ve opened the betting computer, click the ‘place bet’ button on the bottom right (below).
Find the horse with the worst (or highest) odds. In this case, COURTZ bet on a horse that was 26/1.
Then, stake the maximum amount on your horse (10,000 chips) and click ‘place bet’.
Sit back and enjoy the race (kind of…).
Step four – if you lose, QUIT!
Now this is the important part. If your horse wins, happy days, you walk away with all your winnings.
However if your horse is not going to win, quit the moment you realise it’s got no chance of winning. Make sure you close your game before before the horses cross the finish line.
Step five – respawn and go again
Once you’ve quit GTA V, restart the game.
You should spawn back at the casino, as that’s where you set your spawn location.
You’ll realise that you still have the full amount of chips that you had before you placed the losing bet.
Therefore, you can go back to the inside track and start this whole process again. Repeat this system until you win and as many times as you like!
So there you have it – a money glitch that allows you to make a ton of GTA dollars if you put a little time and effort in.
Rockstar will likely bring out a patch to rectify this glitch soon, so make the most of it while you can!
A massive thank you to youtuber COURTZ for discovering and sharing this money glitch. Check out his full video below.
If you’re you’re looking for more honest ways of making money in GTA online, the latest rockstar update features a load of new features.
These features can be collected or completed (usually for cash rewards) so you should really consider these updates as opportunities for free money, and to expand your criminal empire.
This week, rockstar announced the arrival of the rune zhaba, double business battle rewards, amongst a ton of other cool stuff.
Casino heist fingerprint hack cheat sheet in GTA: online

- GTA: online's diamond casino heist is one of the most popular heists in the game.
- A GTA fan has developed a cheat sheet to help players hack the scanner faster.
GTA: online is one of rockstar games' most valuable titles, and reportedly made over $600,000 per day when at the peak of its popularity. The game had a fairly large player base upon its release, but it really came into its own with the heists update in 2015.
Rockstar games has managed to not only retain its large player base but also attract new users by introducing various huge content updates such as:
- Doomsday heist
- The diamond casino and resort
- Arena war
- After hours
- Heists
GTA: online has managed to keep the experience fresh and engaging for its player base by delivering several exciting contact missions and heists that they can play with friends.
One of the more recent additions to GTA: online was the casino heist, and it involved hacking a fingerprint scanner —that will give access to a safe — within certain a time limit.
This part is relatively easy and requires memorising certain pictures and scans. However, the game randomises these patterns often to keep players on their toes.
GTA: online casino heist fingerprint hack cheat sheet
Reddit user u/rubensei has come up with a cheat sheet, essentially an image of the fingerprint scans for the hack.
You can also refer to this video for guidance as to how and why to use the cheat sheet in the casino heist:

The diamond casino heist is one of the best heists in the game, and GTA: online players get to live out their oceans' eleven fantasies by robbing the biggest casino in los santos.
Also read: money and RP glitches in GTA: online
There are several prerequisites that you will need to acquire before you can start the setup for the diamond casino heist, however.
GTA online players wiped for using new money exploit to get millions
GTA online players are already being punished for using the new apartment money exploit to rack up millions of dollars – with some claiming to have seen the money they gained being wiped.
Even though the majority of GTA online players either earn their money legitimately or purchase shark card microtransactions, there are plenty of others who use cheats and exploits to stack up cash in their maze bank account.
These exploits can be something as simple as glitching the end of a mission so the money duplicates or as complicated as following 20+ specific steps.
Following the recent los santos summer special update, players had uncovered a new glitch that allowed them to make millions in minutes through their apartments and garages. Though, it appears as if some are already facing repercussions.

Reddit user -sgtspaghetti- reported that, even though the glitch is still active, wipes had begun as of august 17 as they had lost some serious cash.
The redditor noted that they’d made around 175 million thanks to the glitch, but the money they had left after pumping some of it into purchasing vehicles, buildings, and clothing, had been wiped without the usual message from rockstar .
While some others were wary of the redditor’s claims, given that they hadn’t received the usual loading screen message from rockstar telling them about the wipe, a handful of others claimed they’d also lost cash.
On top of those claims, grand theft auto online youtuber JK gam3rs also had their video struck down by take 2 interactive.
“if you have done this glitch, you probably need to be careful from this point on,” the youtuber said. “they’re striking videos and taking them down so it means something to them, they’re not very happy.”
In the past, for similar exploits, rockstar has dished out waves of bans and account wipes, with some players being reset all the way back to level one.
It remains to be seen if they’ll be doing the same for this glitch, but, it’ll probably be patched sooner rather than later either way.
A GTA online casino glitch lets players win chips fast on the horse races
Inside track in the GTA online casino has a glitch that lets you bet low but win big.

Update (8/12): looks like the glitch has been fixed on PC.
Original story: though it sounds as if it may have already been patched out on console, there's currently a glitch in GTA online on PC that will let you fill your pockets with casino chips quickly and easily. The glitch allows players to win the maximum payout on an inside track race while only risking a couple of hundred chips.
Seeing as how this is basically an exploit, I won't explain how to actually do it, but you can find it pretty quickly if you search the internet. It doesn't require any bots or scripts: it's just about using your mouse in a certain way when placing your bet.
Be warned: we don't know if or how rockstar will punish players for using this exploit, but you could be risking having your account banned or losing all those chips if you get busted. And it's probably not worth it, honestly, to win a bunch of fake money while you sit in a casino, though I myself have been doing it a bunch today because I'm a filthy cheater.
The exploit only works with the single event betting option, not the main event (multiplayer) races. Essentially, you start the race having bet only 200 chips, but while the race is running your bet continues increasing, even though you can't see it happening. If you lose, you just lose the 200 you bet before the race started. If you win, you win whatever the maximum payout is. I just tried it this morning and it's definitely still working.
(image credit: rockstar games)
The smart thing to do is not risk your account by using this exploit. But if you do use it, then the smart thing to do is to bet on the #1 horse, which always has the best chance of winning. The payout won't be massive if the odds are evens or 3/1, but you'll win more often than not. With even odds you'll get 20,000 chips with each win and only lose 200 if your horse doesn't finish first.
Or, you could do what I do, which is bet on the #6 horse which usually has odds somewhere between 20/1 or 30/1. You won't win often and you'll be losing 200 each race, but when the #6 horse does win the payout is huge. I just won 270,000 on a 26/1 horse. It's a big payday for a lousy cheat like me.
I'll let you know if rockstar takes away my ill-gotten winnings somehow. Proceed at your own risk for now.
GTA online's slot machines are rigged and the npcs are winning all the damn money
A scientific survey of the AI-controlled gamblers shows they're always dominating the slots. Me, not so much.
I haven't been inside a real casino in years, but I remember enjoying the wheel of fortune slot machines. It was like any other three-reel machine, but if you got the special wheel symbol on the payline, you could then spin the big wheel of fortune on the top for a bonus prize. The machine would shout "wheel! Of! Fortune!" and the big wheel would spin and anyone nearby would stop what they were doing to watch. A fun, satisfying, and extremely stupid way to give away your money.
As I was walking through GTA online's new diamond casino yesterday, I noticed a couple of the virtual slot machines had wheel of fortune-style wheels built into them, too. I sat down at one called fame or shame to see if I could win the chance to spin the big-ass wheel. Next to me was an NPC playing a different slot, so as I sat there I watched her reels, too, to see which of us would hit three matching symbols on the payline first. Sort of like a race to pass the time.
I figured I'd win easily because I was spinning the reels much faster than she was—the casino npcs tend to react, curse, complain, look around, and fiddle with their bets between each spin. Meanwhile I hit the button as soon as possible, so I was spinning my reels about three times for every one of hers.
But she hit three sevens on her payline pretty quickly. And soon I began to notice she wasn't the only one. The casino npcs are hitting three sevens suspiciously often. All of them. They're winning hundreds of thousands of dollars every couple minutes. You know who isn't? Me. An important person.
I took a few laps around the casino, peeking over the gamblers' shoulders. Everywhere I went, I saw winners. And not just sevens on the payline! Below, I walk by five different gamblers and see lots of matching symbols on the payline. Three grapes. Three grapes. A miss. Three sevens. And three more sevens. At any given time, four out of five gamblers are hitting a damn jackpot. What gives?
This isn't random. I played slots for two solid hours last night because in addition to having no life I wanted to gather evidence. I'm not saying I never won anything—each slot has a symbol that pays off even if you only get one or two of them, but in all that time I hit three symbols exactly once. About an hour in I got three grapes. That was it! Three lousy goddamn grapes.
At the end of the night I was down 10 grand on a slot machine with a max bet of $25.
All the AI-controlled npcs, though? In that same period of time they won hundreds of thousand of dollars. Over and over again I'd walk past a gambler or park my ass next to one of them and they'd come up all sevens. Where are my sevens?
Is it a conspiracy? Are these npcs paid by the casino to sit there and win to convince idiots (me) that these are the loosest (and only) slots in town? Are they all part of a collective of cheaters who cracked these machines' algorithms and know how to hit the jackpot 25% of the time and won't tell me how they do it? Did one of my many, many deaths in GTA online deliver me to hell, like in that twilight zone episode, but instead of me always winning, everyone else is always winning? (note to the writer of that episode: that would be a much more punishing version of hell. Oh, wait, the writer of that episode died in 1967. Disregard.)
Lost in this frustrating slot machine conspiracy is the fact that I never got the chance to spin the fame or shame wheel and win a shirt or a watch or whatever prize it dispatches. You need to get three golden microphones on the payline to spin it, and I never got those. I also never got three sevens or three melons or three bells. Just those three measly grapes, once, in two hours.
Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! I've been strolling around in a white suit, white shoes, a white scarf and a white top hat—decidedly un-NPC-like. This morning I buy myself a standard NPC outfit, and drive back in a dull brown car, obeying all the traffic rules like an obedient AI.
I buy a sensible 500 chips from the cashier—not the usual 50,000 some high-falutin' player character might. I stand around in a cluster of npcs for a bit, blending in, then pretend to notice an interesting looking slot machine for the first time.
"fame or shame? Say, that sounds like a lark! Maybe I will give it a try! Excuse me, fellow automatons, I'll be right back." I walk nonchalantly over, glancing at at NPC sitting nearby (of course she has just hit triple sevens) and give the reels a spin.
Huh. Triple cherries. Just like that. What took me two hours last night, I just accomplished in a single spin.
It ain't triple sevens—frankly, it's not even as good as triple grapes—and I still haven't gotten to spin the fame or shame wheel. But it's an instant win for this fake NPC. Maybe I'm onto something.
So, let's see, what we have: keep spinning until you get the prize you want, including the casino podium car or lost slamvan, with this GTA online lucky wheel glitch. At gta v casino exploits
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