Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Ni no kuni platoon

The casino is located at the beginning of the tombstone trail. If the player goes right at the very first fork in the trail, it is in the immediate viewpoint.

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Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

The best way to win is based on strategy and knowing how the computer plays this game. First, decide which piles will be losers for you. Place your bishops by themselves and try to have at least three winners. A winner would be a pile of 18 or higher, a king, or a wizard coupled with a card under 5. You likely will set up two losers every campaign, but that's okay as long as your winners come through. The strategy comes from knowing how the computer plays and where the cards are placed.

Crypt casino

The crypt casino

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.


In the tombstone trail after you've used the breach time spell, you'll be able to enter the crypt casino. Here you can participate in four different games -- slot machine, blackjack, double cross or platoon -- to win chips and trade them in for awards. To get started speak with the skeleton in the back to exchange for some chips. They go for 5 guilders a piece so buy a few to get yourself really started. Rank B and C prizes are open initially. Rank A opens up after the manna event and rank S opens up after completing the game.

In the NDS version, the casino is seemingly a cross between the PS3 casino and the PS3 fairyground. See the fairyground entry for more info about the NDS' version of the crypt casino.


The casino is located at the beginning of the tombstone trail. If the player goes right at the very first fork in the trail, it is in the immediate viewpoint.


The casino's sticks to the spooky theme of the tombstone trail. The walls are dark colored, and ghosts are sticked on slot machines.

Games and rules

There are four types of games on the casino in the PS3 version. They are:

Slot machine

The slot machines function just like any other with a few exceptions. You can bet between 10 and 90 chips and the payouts written on the at the top. Mega mode is an addition that is based around getting a row of three in a row everytime you do this a wisp appears in the corner which fills the chance meter, though you can get two if it's a line of pumpkins. When the meter is filled and you land another three in a row you'll enter mega mode where payouts are doubled. This mode only lasts for seven turns. You can also receive items now and again from the treasure chests at the bottom. They all do different things and they can be helpful in landing the big payout.


This is the standard game of blackjack. You are dealt two cards that are taken at face value, face cards are worth ten, an ace is worth 11 unless it puts you over 21 in which case it is worth 1. Your object is to take a "hit" until you feel you are closer to 21 than the dealer is, at which point you stay. The game is hard to win a lot of chips in because you often bust. Typically, you'll want to stay at 17 or higher because that's what the dealer stays at.

Double cross

This is like the temple of trials: trial of friendship where you control each character with a different analog and must progress to the end of the stage. It's completely skill based and doing the harder stages results in more chips.


This is a totally original game and it is the best way to make chips in the casino because it relies more on skill than luck. You are dealt 10 cards and are forced to make 5 piles out of your cards. You must win three of the five battles that take place in order to move to the next phase, you can opt out at anytime after a round has been completed. The initial bet here will always be 200 chips.

acereferred to in this game as the bishop. If it is in a pile then that pile is a loser unless the opposing pile has a king in which this is winning hand. This is the only condition for which having the bishop at the end of the hand results in a win.
Kingthis card is worth 10 points just like any other face card but it is an automatic win unless the opposing hand has a bishop (ace).
Jokercalled a wizard in this game, this card is worth 0 and causes the piles to be switched before deciding the winner of the hand. This is typically played with a low card number so as to give your opponent a very low hand, thus resulting in a win for you.

  • The objective is to win three hands out of the five possible. Any other result and you lose your bet.

  • Before each round you place a bet on a hand you think will win, regardless of who it belongs to, though you can't see the opposing players cards. If your pile wins then you gain half of your stakes on top of your current bet.

  • At the beginning of each campaign the dealer flips a card for each player, the player with the higher card goes first. You choose which pile of yours to use in battle against the other player. If your number is higher then you win, unless one of the special cards takes place like the king or bishop.

  • Wizards cannot be placed alone in a pile. You must make five piles. If both piles contain a king then the highest point total wins, the same thing applies if both piles have bishops. If both piles have wizards, the piles are swapped twice so you retain your cards.

The best way to win is based on strategy and knowing how the computer plays this game. First, decide which piles will be losers for you. Place your bishops by themselves and try to have at least three winners. A winner would be a pile of 18 or higher, a king, or a wizard coupled with a card under 5. You likely will set up two losers every campaign, but that's okay as long as your winners come through. The strategy comes from knowing how the computer plays and where the cards are placed.

The computer will always place its kings, bishops, and wizards in the piles to your left. This means that any time a pile consists solely of numbers, all the piles to it's right are also number piles. Bishops are always placed to the left of kings. This leads to deducing that any time a bishop is revealed, all piles to the left also contain bishops and thus if you see a king that a bishop is never to its right. Wizards will always be placed left of a card without a wizard, ie; a wizard will never be in the right pile.

With this information we can deduce the sorting method of the computer: WB, B, WK, K, W#, #. You'll want to use a king or wizard + low card against the computer's largest pile on the right side and use your weakest winner (a pile that totals maybe 15 or 16) on any single cards off to the right. This leaves you with your strong pile to beat one of the three remaining decks and the chances of this are extremely good. Of course, you'll have to play this with some common sense based on what the computer uses.

Note: in the NDS version of the game, the only game available is the slot machine. However, there is a VIP room that likely contains other games.


Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.
number recruitment percentage
069 13%
morph lvl max lvl growth rate
17 35 early
stamina stamina recovery
30 1.6
movement speed attack speed
3 3
max atk max def max mag. Atk
115 67 108
max mag. Def max eva max accuracy
64 79 79
damage taken versus:
physical water light
100% 50% 100%
fire storm dark
150% 100% 100%

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.
HP EXP guilders
157 44 26
normal: moondrop (20%)
rare: strong coffee (4%)
normal: moondrop (32%)
rare: cloud cover (5%)
attack magic attack evasion
73 36 64
defense magic defense accuracy
72 51 68


Creature compendium:

"though it appears mild-mannered, this creature is willing and able to leap out of the water to strike foes."

"sea creatures that use their broad fins to traverse the oceans. Though they appear to be rather docile, they have been known to jump out of the water and attack unsuspecting seafarers."


Status effect modifiers:
vulnerable to: poison
highly vulnerable to: none
resistances: petrification
immunities: none

Compatibility: esther
tamable: yes
metamorph from: none
metamorphoses: hip-hooray
common celestial signs: moon
location found: the sea: south of the summerlands

Slot unlock

1. When it metamorphoses into a grimray or springray.
2. When its familiarity becomes 3.
3. When its familiarity becomes 5.

Playing platoon in real life - for 2 or 3 players (my rules and scoring)

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Playing platoon in real life - for 2 or 3 players (my rules and scoring)

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

I really enjoyed playing platoon in ni no kuni, but it started to get boring after I read about the AI's tactics and how easy it is to game the system. I want to play it against other people and have been thinking of rules for both a 2 player and a 3 player game. Here's what I have so far:

(all card value and card rules from ni no kuni apply.) deal each player 10 cards. Each player guesses a card pile as a winning pile and places a unique token on top of that pile. Each player draws 1 card - the highest card goes first. The game is played out as it does in ni no kuni. Scoring is as follows: 2 points to a player for winning the round, and 1 point to a player whose token was on a winning pile (regardless of who won the round). The first player to have 10 or more points at the end of a round wins the campaign. In the event of a tie, play one more round without the tokens to determine the winner.

The youngest player is player A. Players B and C are to the left of player A, going clockwise around the table. The gameplay and scoring rules from the 2-player version apply. One full round ends when each player has played the other two (A-B, B-C, C-A). All three players place a unique token every hand - it is possible to earn a point even if you are not playing a hand! The first player to have 10 or more points at the end of a round wins the campaign. In the event of a tie, continue playing as many rounds as necessary with the tokens until one player finishes a full round with more points than the other two.

I suppose you could ramp this up to 4 or more players if you wanted (ex. A-B, B-C, C-D, D-E, E-A), but then there would be one or more people you would never play in a round. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make any of these rules better, or let me know what different ways you play?

Let's game talk

Share your gamer love

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Ni no kuni: platoon strategy

Are you looking for a way to make some money at the casino in ni no kuni? I know that I hated dealing with the rigged games, stupid odds, and buying all my own chips. I went online and found a few pointers here and there, then compiled what I think might be some great data. I’m talking platoon people! So here are some tips I have based on what I learned

Always try to have a hand with 20: I personally like having at least 1 hand with more than 20, and another with at least 20 (if you can).
Put a bishop and joker (wizard) together if you can: I do this every chance I get, but actually lost once haha.
Predict your 20+ hand: don’t predict special cards because it’s just too unpredictable (unless your gut knows for sure).

These are some solid pointers. The most useful advice I got was from a video that talked about it. I actually went through the trouble of making a 41 game sheet for you to look at based on my games today. Before I did this, I couldn’t make chips to save my life, so I bought them. After I started to pay attention, I got through it in no time at all. Here’s my chart:

As you can see here, I have the wins/loses on the left, the number of campaigns I played at a time, and the cards she played. The right side just shows the game number it was, no biggie. If you look closely enough, you can see a pattern of how the platoon chick plays. You can almost always bet your 20 hand against her very right hand, unless she has more than 2 cards there. That’s when you use a 21+ or joker card. I also stayed away from her 2 left platoons as much as possible. After 30 games, her hands got weird, so I left, saved, and came back; that looked like it worked.

You should try your own chart and see if it doesn’t help you 100% more, especially if you are gunning for those tickets and golden tin-tin. After a while, you can almost assume what’s going to be where. I used this to my advantage towards the 5th and 6th campaign. She always has a trick up her sleeve around that time. Needless to say, I started with 900 chips and left with over 200,000 in no time at all. You really have to get a feel for it, and you’ll get it for sure. Let me know if this helps at all.

Playing platoon in real life - for 2 or 3 players (my rules and scoring)

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Playing platoon in real life - for 2 or 3 players (my rules and scoring)

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

I really enjoyed playing platoon in ni no kuni, but it started to get boring after I read about the AI's tactics and how easy it is to game the system. I want to play it against other people and have been thinking of rules for both a 2 player and a 3 player game. Here's what I have so far:

(all card value and card rules from ni no kuni apply.) deal each player 10 cards. Each player guesses a card pile as a winning pile and places a unique token on top of that pile. Each player draws 1 card - the highest card goes first. The game is played out as it does in ni no kuni. Scoring is as follows: 2 points to a player for winning the round, and 1 point to a player whose token was on a winning pile (regardless of who won the round). The first player to have 10 or more points at the end of a round wins the campaign. In the event of a tie, play one more round without the tokens to determine the winner.

The youngest player is player A. Players B and C are to the left of player A, going clockwise around the table. The gameplay and scoring rules from the 2-player version apply. One full round ends when each player has played the other two (A-B, B-C, C-A). All three players place a unique token every hand - it is possible to earn a point even if you are not playing a hand! The first player to have 10 or more points at the end of a round wins the campaign. In the event of a tie, continue playing as many rounds as necessary with the tokens until one player finishes a full round with more points than the other two.

I suppose you could ramp this up to 4 or more players if you wanted (ex. A-B, B-C, C-D, D-E, E-A), but then there would be one or more people you would never play in a round. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make any of these rules better, or let me know what different ways you play?

Playing platoon in real life - for 2 or 3 players (my rules and scoring)

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Playing platoon in real life - for 2 or 3 players (my rules and scoring)

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

I really enjoyed playing platoon in ni no kuni, but it started to get boring after I read about the AI's tactics and how easy it is to game the system. I want to play it against other people and have been thinking of rules for both a 2 player and a 3 player game. Here's what I have so far:

(all card value and card rules from ni no kuni apply.) deal each player 10 cards. Each player guesses a card pile as a winning pile and places a unique token on top of that pile. Each player draws 1 card - the highest card goes first. The game is played out as it does in ni no kuni. Scoring is as follows: 2 points to a player for winning the round, and 1 point to a player whose token was on a winning pile (regardless of who won the round). The first player to have 10 or more points at the end of a round wins the campaign. In the event of a tie, play one more round without the tokens to determine the winner.

The youngest player is player A. Players B and C are to the left of player A, going clockwise around the table. The gameplay and scoring rules from the 2-player version apply. One full round ends when each player has played the other two (A-B, B-C, C-A). All three players place a unique token every hand - it is possible to earn a point even if you are not playing a hand! The first player to have 10 or more points at the end of a round wins the campaign. In the event of a tie, continue playing as many rounds as necessary with the tokens until one player finishes a full round with more points than the other two.

I suppose you could ramp this up to 4 or more players if you wanted (ex. A-B, B-C, C-D, D-E, E-A), but then there would be one or more people you would never play in a round. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make any of these rules better, or let me know what different ways you play?

Let's game talk

Share your gamer love

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Ni no kuni: platoon strategy

Are you looking for a way to make some money at the casino in ni no kuni? I know that I hated dealing with the rigged games, stupid odds, and buying all my own chips. I went online and found a few pointers here and there, then compiled what I think might be some great data. I’m talking platoon people! So here are some tips I have based on what I learned

Always try to have a hand with 20: I personally like having at least 1 hand with more than 20, and another with at least 20 (if you can).
Put a bishop and joker (wizard) together if you can: I do this every chance I get, but actually lost once haha.
Predict your 20+ hand: don’t predict special cards because it’s just too unpredictable (unless your gut knows for sure).

These are some solid pointers. The most useful advice I got was from a video that talked about it. I actually went through the trouble of making a 41 game sheet for you to look at based on my games today. Before I did this, I couldn’t make chips to save my life, so I bought them. After I started to pay attention, I got through it in no time at all. Here’s my chart:

As you can see here, I have the wins/loses on the left, the number of campaigns I played at a time, and the cards she played. The right side just shows the game number it was, no biggie. If you look closely enough, you can see a pattern of how the platoon chick plays. You can almost always bet your 20 hand against her very right hand, unless she has more than 2 cards there. That’s when you use a 21+ or joker card. I also stayed away from her 2 left platoons as much as possible. After 30 games, her hands got weird, so I left, saved, and came back; that looked like it worked.

You should try your own chart and see if it doesn’t help you 100% more, especially if you are gunning for those tickets and golden tin-tin. After a while, you can almost assume what’s going to be where. I used this to my advantage towards the 5th and 6th campaign. She always has a trick up her sleeve around that time. Needless to say, I started with 900 chips and left with over 200,000 in no time at all. You really have to get a feel for it, and you’ll get it for sure. Let me know if this helps at all.

Ni no kuni: cross worlds animated teaser trailer

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Level-5 and netmarble have released an animated teaser trailer for ni no kuni: cross worlds, its massively multiplayer online RPG due for ios and android in 2020 in japan.

Here is an overview of the gameвђ™s story, via its official website:

You are a beta tester for the virtual reality game вђњsoul divers.Вђќ as you progress through the game, you start to notice that the gameвђ™s world is real. After meeting a mysterious woman named rania, you learn your mission. To carry out your mission, you must confront powerful enemies and rebuild the kingdomвђ¦ is it possible to save the connected two worlds from ruin?

Read more about ni no kuni: cross worlds here.

Watch the trailer below.

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Can someone explain the trick to winning platoon to me as if I was a 5 year old

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Can someone explain the trick to winning platoon to me as if I was a 5 year old

Crypt Casino, ni no kuni platoon.

Ok so im in the casino and ive read a bunch of tutorials on how to beat the AI in the vasino. Im following the instructions but can't win more than 3 games straight. It's confusing. Help?

This video helped me ALOT. The AI tends to place special cards in the first 2 rows, and purely numbers in the last 2 rows. The middle tends to be a bit of a wildcard.

Joker goes with your lowest card

Evenly distribute the rest

Then with the betting, I'd bet joker > king > highest. Joker and king are almost guaranteed because you'll swap it with one of the 2 right piles.

If they bet on one of their 2 right piles, immediately target it with a joker or king deck, if you have neither, then use your highest value deck. If they bet on one of your piles, or one of the first 3 piles, try to avoid that pile entirely.

Then with fighting, you want to use king and joker on their 2 right decks, any leftover king/jokers use it on the middle deck. If you only had one king/joker, use your highest value deck on the SMALLEST of the 2 right decks.

With any aces, you want to go for the 2nd deck because it usually contains the king.

If you happen to get a hand with little/no special cards, you're pretty screwed, but you MIGHT get away with:

2nd lowest (if you get 0 specials)

Adds up to 11 (10 if you're really strapped for points)

Adds up to 11 (10 if you're really strapped for points)

Then, you'll want to bet on your 11 IF the enemy has a single card deck on the right.

Immediately use your 11 on their single card and you should win. Then use your 2 low decks on their 2 left cards and you might get lucky with a joker or ace.

So, let's see, what we have: in the tombstone trail after you've used the breach time spell, you'll be able to enter the crypt casino. Here you can participate in four different games -- slot machine, blackjack, double cross or platoon -- to win chips and trade them in for awards. To get started speak with the skeleton in... At ni no kuni platoon

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