Ni no kuni casino guide
The feeling of exploration is not an unimportant element of video games, and
especially if one already has the expectation to be drawn into another world,
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it's a very disappointing experience to find a linear path drawn out for you,
in an almost unlawful fashion are you stripped from a portion of expected
freedom. The modern age has shaped a landscape in which spaces have been created that
allow people to tell narratives in different ways. Movies and TV-series are
but examples of the wide diversity of media that emerged in the 20th century.
The space in which video games shine has only opened up in recent decades and
by the looks of its main stream of output appears to be in its puberty.
Ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch walkthrough and guide
Every once in a while you come across a story which, once you've plunged your
mind into it, doesn't let go of you. Soaked with meaning and hidden layers to
explore, it opens up an entire new world. Structured by the laws of our own
existential lives - yet different in all the details - it manages to captivate
and intrigue not only yourself, but generations to come.
The modern age has shaped a landscape in which spaces have been created that
allow people to tell narratives in different ways. Movies and TV-series are
but examples of the wide diversity of media that emerged in the 20th century.
The space in which video games shine has only opened up in recent decades and
by the looks of its main stream of output appears to be in its puberty.
It opens up fantastic possibilities to craft narratives in ways unseen before
and it's wonderful to witness every once in a while a game that makes full use
of the semantic potential that the videogame medium contains deep down; an
ability to shape a whole unique lifeworld in which one can dwell and live.
That is exactly what ni no kuni manages to do. Playing such a videogame means
nothing other than merging your regular 'lifeworld' with another lifeworld, in
this case a world fully created by human beings. This differs from reading a
book or watching a movie in an important sense, namely that the subject's free
will literally start playing a role; one gets the feeling of *exploring* a
lifeworld rather than being a spectator. Appropriate music has the power to
enhance the intensity of this feeling, and our fancy is pampered by dynamic
and imaginative environments and creatures.
The feeling of exploration is not an unimportant element of video games, and
especially if one already has the expectation to be drawn into another world,
it's a very disappointing experience to find a linear path drawn out for you;
in an almost unlawful fashion are you stripped from a portion of expected
Studio ghibli has managed to create a beautiful lifeworld that will surely
enchant you. In the end, be it in the form of a tragic yet wonderful graphic
novel such as jimmy corrigan by C. Ware, or in the shape of a movie like let the
right one in, or in the fashion of ni no kuni, what really matters is a
lifeworld's ability to charm its visitors in a singular way and leave a lasting
impression to be shared with others. We can safely assure you that ni no kuni
lives up to its name: another world.
While it's the duty of the creator(s) to craft the above potential, it's the
explorer's responsibility to truly do a lifeworld justice. Just like a tourist
ought to take his time exploring a new city in order to discover new things
worthy of attention, so too does a digital lifeworld require proper attention
and efforts. A travel guide for those prepared to undertake this not always
light hearted quest might thus be a welcome subsidiary.
As such, we do not share the opinion that guides take the fun out of games.
It's perfectly understandable should someone want to explore a world all by
themselves at first, but he who wishes to master the art of exploration better
stands on the shoulders of giants before him, to truly turn every turnable
stone. We hope this strategy guide aids you in doing fully justice to the
magnificent lifeworld of ni no kuni. It deserves it.
Ni no kuni casino guide
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
Note: this game is also titled ninokuni: shiroki seihai no joou.
Easy experience and money
First, you must have access to the boat to travel. Then, go northeast of the summerlands to find a series of islands. The larger of the islands is called swan island, and the smaller island on the southern tip of the chain is called ugly duckling island. On ugly duckling island, run around to encounter the toko familiar, which rewards oliver's party with 2,000 EXP. When toko familiars are encountered, they can run away quickly. Thus, focus on them, or use spells that hide your presence to make catching and defeating them easier. Different types of the toko provide big rewards throughout the game. The following is a list of other locations to find different types of tokos, and the rewards they provide:
Location: ivory tower вђ“ final dungeon reward: 10,000 G
Location: snake ruins reward: 6,000 G
Location: swan island вђ“ north of summerlands (often encountered in groups of two to three) reward: 2,000 EXP
Location: ivory tower вђ“ final dungeon reward: 24,000 EXP
Location: billy goat bluffs reward: 8,000 EXP
Horace riddle solutions
A ghost named horace can be found in different locations throughout the game. He will have a different riddle for you to solve each time. For each riddle, you will need to type out the correct answer to be rewarded with a unique spell -- one of which allows you to easily exit a dungeon, while another gives you radar for secret treasure chests. The following is a list of the locations to find horace, the answers to his riddles, and the rewards you get for solving the puzzles:
Location: ding dong dell вђ“ castle entrance riddle solution: cast "spirit medium" spell reward: makes more riddles available.
Location: al mamoon вђ“ fountain square riddle solution: "dragon of the west" reward: draw poison spell
Location: castaway cove вђ“ dock bridge riddle solution: "finest fiber" reward: vacate spell
Location: fairygrounds вђ“ fairy godmother path riddle solution: "crispy lettuce" reward: sage's secret alchemy formula
Location: hamelin вђ“ hootique balcony riddle solution: "5" reward: chart chests spell
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
Out of this world (bronze): awarded for casting gateway and traveling to another world. Guildering the lily (silver): awarded for amassing a fortune of half a million guilders. Man of steal (bronze): awarded for successfully stealing 50 times. Glim reaper (bronze): awarded for gathering 2,000 glims. Little battler experience (silver): awarded for winning 1,000 battles. Overfamiliar (bronze): awarded for maximizing a familiar's familiarity. Pedigree breeder (bronze): awarded for training a familiar to its full potential. Viva the evolution! (bronze): awarded for managing 10 metamorphoses. Familiarizer (bronze): awarded for taming 20 different species. Boy scout (bronze): awarded for running 15 different errands. New sheriff in town (bronze): awarded for completing 10 different bounty hunts. Pop pop fizz fizz (bronze): awarded for alchemizing 10 different items. Treasure hunter (silver): awarded for finding all hidden treasure chests. Globetrotter (silver): awarded for setting foot in all secluded regions. Raising the stakes (bronze): awarded for collecting your first prize at the casino. Magic master (silver): awarded for learning all of oliver's spells. Prima donna (bronze): awarded for learning all of esther's songs. Gunslinger (bronze): awarded for learning all of swaine's trickshots.
Additionally, there are 16 secret trophies:
Wizardry whiz (platinum): awarded for becoming a master magician. Congratulations! You truly are a whiz at wizardry! En guardian! (bronze): awarded for defeating the guardian of the woods and bringing him back to his senses. Anchors aweigh (bronze): awarded for obtaining the sea cow. Fly the friendlier skies (bronze): awarded for befriending tengri. Wonder wand (bronze): awarded for restoring the legendary wand mornstar to its former glory. A tonic for the djinn (bronze): awarded for defeating the dark djinn. Council trouncer (silver): awarded for freeing the other world from the clutches of the zodiarchy. King of the world (gold): awarded for defeating the guardian of worlds. Familiarologist (gold): awarded for taming 250 different species. Humanitarian of the year (silver): awarded for running 60 different errands. Bounty hunter (silver): awarded for completing 40 different bounty hunts. Super hero (gold): awarded for collecting all the merit awards. Mad scientist (gold): awarded for alchemizing 120 different items. High roller (silver): awarded for collecting all of the tickets for the mem-O-vision by winning big at the casino. Solosseum slugger (bronze): awarded for winning your first bout in the solosseum series. Solosseum supremo (gold): awarded for becoming the champion of the solosseum series.
Ni no kuni guide: 20+ essential tips to get you started
A beginner guide for the first 10-20 hours
The world of ni no kuni is whimsical, beautiful, and sometimes scary. The mere fact that the game features a number of old school JRPG tropes is enough to frighten even some of the hardiest of gamers, who are used to modern conveniences like fast travel from the start.
Having acclimated myself to level-5's newest instant JRPG classic, I'm ready to provide a short starter guide for the first 10-20 hours or so, for people who may be scared off from tackling this beast.
Release this game from its shrink-wrap, read these tips, and get ready for an amazing journey.
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
Tame non-story spoilers incoming. I’d recommend saving this article if you get stuck, and need a quick reference:
- While you're wandering the world map, press X in peculiar spots (like patches of forest) to look for hidden items. If you need to locate the areas you've already found secret items in, go to the "regions of the world" section of your wizard's companion. Specifically in regards to forests, if you see a patch of them, always explore it to find a potential hidden hamlet.
- Speaking of items on the world map, always grab the twinkling stars whenever you can. The sparkles are items, and like pots in towns, they'll reappear every 10-60 minutes.
- Do not be afraid to grind. Grind near a town and fight enemies as much as you can. Try to pick up health and mana orbs in combat, and if you need it, head into town to use the inn to restore all of your stats, then go back to grinding. You shouldn't need to grind in the first 15 hours or so, but it's an option.
- Speaking of inns, always stay at least once to gain extra story in your wizard's companion book.
- When enemies start to run away from you on sight, you'll know you've saturated all the EXP you can from an area.
- If you die in combat, you'll lose 10% of your total cash after continuing. Although you can lower this rate to 5% later in the game, don't be afraid to spend some of your money before you go into a dungeon -- in case you die. Of course, you could just reload a recent save to avoid any loss of money.
- Like any JRPG, you should save a lot. Save before entering an area you haven't been before. Save near a town on the world map. When a story character asks you to "prepare yourself" before entering an area, save it.
- Always, always do errands and bounty hunts as soon as they become available in every town. Doing them as soon as they become available rewards tenfold with items that will be relevant as soon as they're acquired, rather than waiting to finish them and getting inadequate gear.
- The stamp rewards from finishing errands are invaluable, and hoarding stamp cards early is a great way to get amazing perks like extra experience later in the game. It's important to note that errands are often incredibly easy, and you'll almost always happen upon a bounty location while roaming to your next story location anyway.
- If you're put off by all the walking, you'll gain the ability to fast travel around 20 hours in, and flight capabilities on the world map after that. For the first 20 hours, focus on completing errands in local areas so you don't have to do much backtracking. You can always do errands at a later date if you really need to, and always view their status on the journal portion of the main menu.
- About four hours into the game, the game teaches you how to "take pieces of heart" from npcs who show up with a green dot on your map, which help you solve errands and story quests. In every town, always press R1 to open the map, and survey the area for flashing green and blue dots.
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
- Once oliver gains a familiar, he should never engage in direct combat with his wand. Ever. Always use your creatures in combat whenever possible or oliver's spells.
- You can't beat every fight with just one familiar, however, as there is a limited amount of time that it can fight at once. A common strategy is to switch back to oliver when your pet's stamina is in the red zone, and run around the outside of the map, circle strafing until they can fight again.
But this doesn't mean oliver is useless -- quite the opposite in fact. Oliver can heal your party with healing touch, and use powerful magic while circle strafing and avoiding damage. Against boss characters, try spamming his ice and fire spell when you have some free mana -- just keep some available in case you need to use healing touch.
- The first familiar you get, mitey, is not only incredibly cute, but he's also the clear-cut best familiar for quite a while. If you feed him his favorite food consistently (chocolate), he'll have enough power to take down pretty much everyone in the first 10 hours almost single-handedly. Use him to level up the first few story related familiars you get. You'll earn mitey almost immediately after you leave motorville, your next one in the first few hours in the first town, and you'll net another two (and your first human party member) in the first ten hours or so.
- Speaking of food, keep those familiars full. Every fight will drop their fullness rating by one, which is almost a grind in a grind, when you level them up and lower their fullness to boost their stats.
- Always wait to metamorph familiars if you can. If you morph them into their next form immediately, they'll lose a lot of their potential. For instance, a level 20 mitey will carry over less stats than a level 40 mitey when he morphs into his next form at level 1.
![Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Walkthrough and Guide, ni no kuni casino guide.](
- Take a look at your familiars on the status screen, and notice their symbols -- the red and orange colored sun, the yellow and blue moon, and the white and blue star. In terms of combat, sun beats moon, moon beats star, and star beats sun. You'll do extra damage to enemies who are weak to your symbol. Use this to your advantage by surveying your enemy before you send your familiars out to battle. In most fights on the world map in the first 10 hours of the game or so, this doesn't really matter that much.
- Use L2 and R2 to switch between menus -- don't bother with the d-pad initially. It's much easier and more accurate to switch between combat abilities this way.
- Resist the urge to run around in combat, early in the game. Although it may seem cool, taking a more direct approach to combat and just mashing the X button to attack is often the best strategy before you start gaining party members. If you run around too much enemies will just beat on you.
- However, like an MMO, free-running does play a critical role in pretty much every fight in the game past a certain point. You can use it to avoid dangerous hazards (like a pit of poison), and attacks that enemies make from the front (like a flame breath). In boss fights, always remain aware of your surroundings and keep moving.
- The circle button cancels commands in combat. This is crucial when the game requires you to make a split second defensive stance to avoid a powerful boss attack. If you're in the middle of doing something, press circle, press L2 or R2 to switch to defend, and press X.
- You can cancel enemy tricks (abilities) and counter their attacks with the correct timing. When an enemy is using a trick, try pummeling them to stun and stop the trick -- just keep in mind this isn't a guaranteed stop. Alternatively, you can quickly cancel and defend to stay on the safe side. To counter, choose an enemy, target them, choose attack, and wait until a bubble appears near your character to press the X button and initiate the counter.
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