Gta inside track betting
The race will automatically start and you'll be charged your 200 chips bet, but keep holding X/A until the end of the race and your bet amount will secretly increase in the background.
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If your horse loses, you'll only have lost your original small bet, but if your horse comes in first then you'll receive the maximum winnings – which even at evens will result in 20,000 chips being deposited to your account! To summarise the GTA online inside track glitch method: essentially, you're not actually hacking the game, so as long as you don't go over the top with your casino chip harvesting then you shouldn't run into any problems. That being said, you are using an exploit to earn more chips than you should be entitled to, so don't be surprised if your use of the GTA online inside track glitch leads to a temporary ban from casino game activities. As with all GTA online exploits and glitches, this will eventually be patched out by rockstar, so make use of it (responsibly) while you still can.
GTA online inside track glitch: how to use the GTA online horse racing glitch to earn casino chips fast
Earn maximum casino chip winnings with minimum risk using this easy GTA online inside track glitch

If you're searching for the GTA online inside track glitch, then you've no doubt heard it was a particularly profitable way to win chips on horse racing events, by securing the maximum win payout while only having to place the minimum bet. It's true that when the diamond casino and resort launched, savvy players discovered a technique to quickly amass large numbers of chips at the GTA online casino, without the risk of staking more than the bare minimum bet to limit their exposure.
This GTA online horse racing glitch was easy to carry out, but unfortunately it quickly became too good to be true, and as of wednesday august 7, 2019, a hotfix was applied by rockstar to remove the GTA online inside track glitch from the game, as the cursor no longer moves down to place bet while holding the X/A button. This stopped the method from being used in GTA online and no workaround has been found for it since, but we will leave all of the information here for reference.
How to use the GTA online inside track glitch
(image credit: rockstar games)
Note: this glitch has now been patched out of GTA online
The method for activating the GTA online inside track glitch is very simple, and just involves the following steps. First, head to the inside track area of the casino and interact with a terminal, then choose the single event option. Next, select the horse on the left you want to bet on – usually the top two options are most likely to win, and therefore actually give you a return on your bet, but as always the outcome is completely random. Finally, move the cursor over to the increase bet arrow, press and hold X (PS4) or A (XBO, PC pad) then immediately tap down on the d-pad to move the cursor to place bet while still holding X/A.
The race will automatically start and you'll be charged your 200 chips bet, but keep holding X/A until the end of the race and your bet amount will secretly increase in the background. If your horse loses, you'll only have lost your original small bet, but if your horse comes in first then you'll receive the maximum winnings – which even at evens will result in 20,000 chips being deposited to your account! To summarise the GTA online inside track glitch method:
- Select your horse to bet on – 1 or 2 are most likely to win
- Press and hold X/A on the increase bet arrow
- Immediately tap d-pad down while still holding X/A to start the race
- Keep X/A held until the end of the race and see if you win
- Repeat
Are there any risks involved with using the GTA online inside track glitch?
(image credit: rockstar games)
As with any glitch or exploit in an online game, there are certain risks with using the GTA online inside track glitch, especially if you do it to excess. Rockstar have the ability to ban users from accessing the casino games if they detect excessive or irregular betting patterns, and a number of players have reported this happening to them. However, a lot of them were using bots or macros to speed up the process, which may have made them easier to detect.
Essentially, you're not actually hacking the game, so as long as you don't go over the top with your casino chip harvesting then you shouldn't run into any problems. That being said, you are using an exploit to earn more chips than you should be entitled to, so don't be surprised if your use of the GTA online inside track glitch leads to a temporary ban from casino game activities. As with all GTA online exploits and glitches, this will eventually be patched out by rockstar, so make use of it (responsibly) while you still can.
You can also check out our predictions for GTA 6 in the video below:
GTA casino: tips to win big on inside track horse racing
The diamond casino offers a number of new games to play in GTA dollars.
Once you have done that, head over to the inside track station - located near the slot machines - and take a seat at one of the betting pods. From there, you will see that there are two options available to play, either the online main event race or single-player single event races.

Rockstar games win big in the GTA online casino with these top tips for inside track.
Inside track's single-player races are a winner
You will notice that there's a timer for the online races as they start up every five minutes, but single-player races can be played at any time you like and we've found a top tip that appears to be working.
You're given the option to refresh the single-player horse list by exiting the screen and going back into it, which is going to be a useful tool. Refresh the menu a few times until you find a race where the odds for horse number one is evens and the second horse is at least 5/1.
From there, place a maximum bet on the top horse and more often than not, you can double your money with this easy trick - sourced from reddit user buckaroono.

Xbox one screengrab these are the two inside track races you can play in GTA online's casino.
Spotting GTA inside track patterns
It's not always about spotting the right odds for horses, though, as some players have noticed trends and patterns in the race lists within single events too.
According to trollingtheherd, who shared their method to reddit in july following the opening of the casino, if hennagin's steed is in the second position on the list against a horse with the same odds above it, it's very likely to be the winner.
You can keep backing out of the menu to find this, but sometimes the game may make you wait a minute or two after repeatedly exiting the game.
When the horse with the lowest odds is not priced at evens, though, the chances of horse three or four winning also increases.

Rockstar games if you find hennagin's steed with the same odds as horse one, you should be onto a winner.
Miracles don't happen at GTA's casino
This third trick is more of a rule of thumb than anything, but will certainly prevent you from throwing away thousands of your GTA cash to no avail.
While it might be tempting to gamble a lot of money on the horses with the highest odds, with one eye on high returns, as this is virtual horse racing, not real horse racing which has a lot of unpredictable twists and turns, it's worth noting that more often than not these runners will get beat.

Rockstar games don't go betting 10,000 chips on sir scrambled every race, even if the odds are great.
Old ill will, ol skag or sir scrambled might win eventually, but you will lose so many chips waiting around for the miracle to happen that it probably won't be worth the hassle.
So, there you have it. Our top tips for the GTA online casino game inside track. We'll continue to update this article with even more top tips, patterns and trends when they're discovered. Until then, go and rake in the millions!
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GTA online: inside track horse racing tips & tricks
Grand theft auto online gives players a lot of ways to make money at the casino. This guide will show players how to earn money from inside track.
Now that players in GTA online have access to the casino, there are tons of ways to spend and earn money in the game. Players can spend their time playing slot machines are jumping in at any number of casino-style games. Those who are looking for a chance to earn big money though can try their hand at the inside track horse racing.
Inside the casino there will be a pod near some slot machines that allow the player to bet on horse races. The pod will let players decide how much they want to bet, which horse they want to bet on, and even show players the odds of each horse winning the race. This guide will show players the best way to make money off of inside track.
GTA online: understand the odds of winning
Just like in real life, betting on horses all about checking the odds and deciding which horse is the best to win on. Horses with higher odds of winning will win more races, but won't give as many returns to the player. Horses with lower 0dds are a huge risk, but if they win the player will gain a massive reward.
Unless players have a lot of money to spend, they probably won't want to place bets on the lower odd horses. Those who want to maximize how many times they bet on a winning horse, will probably want to focus on the first or second horse in the race. There are a few tips that can help players ensure they win as often as possible.
GTA online: stick to single-player races
Players have the option of either choosing single-player or main event races. Main event races are only held every five minutes and are played against other players in the world. Those who get lucky can technically win more money on the main event races, but the single-player races can be played more often and can be manipulated to ensure that the player has the best odds at winning.
Players can refresh the single-player horse races by exiting the pod and rejoining, which is extremely useful for changing up the list of horses and getting different odds for the race. Players should refresh the page a few times until they find a race where the number one horse has even odds of winning and the second horse has odds of at least 5/1. Players who place a maximum bet on the first horse will more often than not win. This is an easy way to gain a lot of money quickly.
GTA online: spotting patterns with inside track
Several players have noticed that there are patterns that the game presents in inside track. Players will want to watch the game and see if they notice a certain horse winning the race under certain conditions. These patterns are not guarantees, but players will notice that horses are more likely to win races while these conditions are present.
One pattern that players will want to keep an eye out for is that if hennigan's steed is in the second position with the same odds as the first horse, then it is more than likely that hennigan's steed will win the race. Additionally, if the horse with the lowest odds is not even, then the horses in third and fourth place will have an increased chance of winning. Playing around with inside track is, like all gambling, mostly luck. Players who know how to work the system though can drastically increase their chances of winning though.
Grand theft auto online can be played on playstation 4, xbox one, and PC.
Inside track betting
Inside track
Tipo de negocio
Inside track betting o casa de apuestas, es un lugar en donde se apuesta a las carreras de caballos y es una manera fácil de obtener dinero.
Lugares en donde se encuentra
- En el estado de san andreas:
- Downtown los santos, delante del estacionamiento debajo del cruce de mulholland.
- Montgomery (red county), es el lugar que asaltan carl johnson y catalina en la misión against all odds.
- Y la casa de apuestas de wu zi mu (inaccesible).
- Vice point (vice city): el lugar solo es un decorado, por tanto es inaccesible y no cumple ninguna función en el juego.
Grand theft auto: san andreas
Las casas de apuestas están disponibles desde el inicio del juego. A la noche es fácil de ubicar por su luminosidad azul. La carrera se transmite en directo desde el canal san andreas racing channel.
Las apuestas son una muy buena forma de hacer dinero rápido, en caso de que pierdas puedes no guardar la partida y volver a empezarla. Es conveniente comprar un piso franco cercano a algunas de las sucursales para guardar las partidas con el dinero ganado, y luego hacer más apuestas, ganar, y volver a guardar las partidas, repitiendo el ciclo hasta obtener una cantidad de dinero deseada.
En las casas de apuestas, con una sola vez se puede apostar mucho más dinero que en los casinos, la cantidad máxima es 9.999.995 $ (nueve millones, novecientos noventa y nueve mil, novecientos noventa y cinco), de la misma forma se puede perder y ganar mucho más que en los casinos, se pierde la cantidad apostada, pero se gana la cantidad apostada multiplicada por el número de las apuestas en contra del caballo, siendo algo favorable para el jugador, la cantidad máxima que es posible ganar es de 119.999.940 $ (ciento diecinueve millones, novecientos noventa y nueve mil, novecientos cuarenta) que sucede al apostar al 5º caballo con 12 apuestas en contra, siendo una cantidad exorbitantemente alta de dinero.
En las máquinas de apostar, al tener como máximo valores incrementales de 10.000 $, a veces puede resultar tedioso cargar dinero si es mucho, especialmente si se quiere llegar a la cantidad máxima (9.999.995 $), ya que hay que presionar la tecla esprintar intermitentemente para ir cargando la cantidad de dinero que se quiere apostar.
Grand theft auto online
En esta entrega regresa con la misma función que tuvo en su entrega anterior. Forma parte de la actualización GTA online: the diamond casino & resort.
Inside track en GTA online funciona de manera similar a su contraparte anterior. Los jugadores pueden apostar en cualquiera de los seis caballos de la carrera, con un mínimo de $ 100 y un máximo de $ 10,000.
Los caballos están numerados. Los caballos n. ° 1 y n. ° 2 son los más propensos a ganar, los siguientes dos tienen posibilidades pequeñas y los caballos n. ° 5 y n. ° 6 tienen menos probabilidades de ganar.
Cada caballo tiene su oportunidad de ganar en forma de decimales. Cada caballo en línea tiene una menor posibilidad de ganar que el anterior; los dos caballos del mismo "nivel" pueden tener la misma oportunidad. Los caballos de nivel superior pueden tener posibilidades de "igualar" a "5/1", los caballos de nivel medio de "6/1" a 15/1 ", y los caballos de nivel inferior de" 16/1 "a" 30/1 ".
Los jugadores pueden ganar teóricamente hasta $300,000 de una sola carrera, si apuestan $10,000 en el caballo # 6, pero es poco probable que este caballo gane.
GTA V online money glitch: infinite cash available to those who try this trick!
Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced player, this hack can earn you a ton of money fast!

GTA V may have come out way back in september 2013, but the game is still alive and well thanks to its consistently brilliant updates to online gameplay.
Whether you’re new to GTA V online or an experienced player, making easy money is always a high priority.
Luckily for us, youtuber ‘COURTZ‘ has discovered a great glitch that allows you to make money without the risk of losing any.
Keep reading to find out how to use the money glitch!
Step one – head to the casino and set your spawn location
Drive to the casino, then open the menu. Head to the online tab, then options and set your spawn location to ‘casino penthouse’.
Next up, change your outfit to ensure you spawn location saves.
Step two – head to inside track
Once you’ve entered the casino, head to inside track (the horse race betting section).
Once you’re inside, take any seat to begin betting.
Step three – place your bet
Once you’ve opened the betting computer, click the ‘place bet’ button on the bottom right (below).
Find the horse with the worst (or highest) odds. In this case, COURTZ bet on a horse that was 26/1.
Then, stake the maximum amount on your horse (10,000 chips) and click ‘place bet’.
Sit back and enjoy the race (kind of…).
Step four – if you lose, QUIT!
Now this is the important part. If your horse wins, happy days, you walk away with all your winnings.
However if your horse is not going to win, quit the moment you realise it’s got no chance of winning. Make sure you close your game before before the horses cross the finish line.
Step five – respawn and go again
Once you’ve quit GTA V, restart the game.
You should spawn back at the casino, as that’s where you set your spawn location.
You’ll realise that you still have the full amount of chips that you had before you placed the losing bet.
Therefore, you can go back to the inside track and start this whole process again. Repeat this system until you win and as many times as you like!
So there you have it – a money glitch that allows you to make a ton of GTA dollars if you put a little time and effort in.
Rockstar will likely bring out a patch to rectify this glitch soon, so make the most of it while you can!
A massive thank you to youtuber COURTZ for discovering and sharing this money glitch. Check out his full video below.
If you’re you’re looking for more honest ways of making money in GTA online, the latest rockstar update features a load of new features.
These features can be collected or completed (usually for cash rewards) so you should really consider these updates as opportunities for free money, and to expand your criminal empire.
This week, rockstar announced the arrival of the rune zhaba, double business battle rewards, amongst a ton of other cool stuff.
GTA online: popular trick to get more casino chips has been removed
Rockstar games have acted fast to remove a GTA online exploit that might have caused millions of chips to leave the diamond casino in the wrong hands.
Cheaters are always looking for ways to get more cash in grand theft auto V's online mode and it didn't take long for the new gambling games to be targeted by players who don't fancy splashing out on some shark cards.
Two game-breaking exploits have been unearthed by members of the game's online community since the casino first opened its doors on july 23, one involving the lucky wheel and another much simpler cheat for the inside track horse racing game.

Xbox one screengrab GTA online's casino has been losing some major chips since the track horse glitch was found.
The latter appears to have been removed, however, by a hotfix, preventing people from using the method to earn cash easily by betting on the horses.
Previously, with just a few simple steps, players could get their hands on vast sums of money playing inside track. All they had to do was select a horse to bet on, then press and hold X or A depending on what console you're playing GTA on.

Xbox one screengrab the GTA online exploit worked on the single event mode, as seen on inside track.
From there, quickly click the d-pad down as the race starts up and the amount staked - which appears to be 200 chips at a time - will actually increase in the background until they reach the finish line.
Each turn could have landed cheaters a minimum of 20,000 chips per try, which is more than many online missions and could be completed in a fraction of the time.

Xbox one screengrab the track horse exploit in GTA online has now been patched.
Clearly, this was a problem that the developers thought was worth pursuing, as a patch has now been introduced. Following this update, the cursor no longer moves to increase the stake of the bet while the race is being played, rendering the method that worked in the past pretty much useless.
Whether or not cheaters will find their way around the patch remains to be seen, but it's clear that attempts like this to steal money from the casino using exploits won't be tolerated.
GTA 5 – horse betting guide with statistical analysis (GTA online)
GTA online horse betting guide with statistical analysis – 101 betting rounds analysed and conclusions. How to increase your chances of winning on horse betting in GTA online.
- I played and recorded the results of 101 rounds of horse betting in inside tracks (I wanted to do only 100, so percentages would looked nicer, but I accidentally started another one so I included that one too for extra data.)
- All rounds were single events.
- I took breaks every 15-20 races.
- No strategy was used during the recording of this data.
- I selected horse 1 each time, and went for max bet ($10,000).
- I skipped races where horse 1 had even odds.
- I also placed bets on horses which I knew will not win to eliminate personal bias in statistics.

The table on the left holds the odds number (X/1) of each horse (H 1-2-3-4-5-6) in each round. Yellow colored cell means it won.
The table on the right is the winner of each race, name of the horse, the odds of the horse, and which number it had during the race (1-6).
In between the 2 tables I marked when I decided to take a break from betting. It was done to see if leaving the betting for a few minutes affects the result of the following rounds or not.

Lucky horses
This is a sum of how many times each horse has won. It is clear that there are specific horses which win more than others (other than it’s odds).
It has to be noted though that it is RNG (random number generated with an added algorithm that weighs in the odds number) meaning the winners are randomized, there is no way to tell exactly which horse is going to win.
However specific horses do indeed win more than others. I observed this even outside of this experiment when I’m just playing for fun.
The luckiest and most profitable horses to bet on (odds / wins / winnings):
Group 1 (lower winnings per race – very likely to win)
- Lonely stepbrother (3/1 – 5 wins – $200,000)
- Crackers and please (3/1 – 4 wins – $160,000)
- Dancin shoes (5/1 – 4 wins – $240,000)
- Omens and ice (3/1 – 4 wins – $160,000)
- Bouncy blessed (5/1 – 3 wins – $180,000)
- Creepy dentist (7/1 – 3 wins – $240,000)
- Dexie runner (6/1 – 3 wins – $210,000)
- Dr deez reins (5/1 – 3 wins – $180,000)
- Los santos savior (5/1 – 3 wins – $180,000)
Group 2 (medium winnings per race – not likely to win)
- Sizzurp (13/1 – 2 wins – $280,000)
- Ghost dank (10/1 – 2 wins – $220,000)
- Tenpenny (10/1 – 2 wins – $220,000)
Group 3 (very high winnings – extremely unlikely to win)
- Bad egg (29/1 – 1 wins – $300,000)
- Sir scrambled (26/1 – 1 wins – $270,000)
- Glass or tina (23/1 – 1 wins – $240,000)
- Miss mary john (22/1 – 1 wins – $230,000)

The table below shows all the available odds and how likely they are to win. 2/1, 3/1, and 5/1 are the most likely to win.
It’s more profitable to play 5/1 and 3/1, however you are more likely to win playing 2/1.
An interesting observation:
taking a look on odds 8/1 and up, 10/1 and 13/1 had noticeably higher win rates. It’s also strange that 8/1 and up there were rarely any odds number where there were 2 or more winners besides these. 10/1 had 5 wins, and out of those, 4 was won by 2 horses, tenpenny and ghost dank, both won 2 times each. 13/1 had 3 wins and sizzurp won 2 of those.

Horse numbers
Horse 1 and horse 2 is the most likely to win. Picking horse 1 means more wins overall, but not that much, so either can be chosen.
I recommend not alternating between horses, but rather sticking with either horse 1 or horse 2. The reason is because any time you chose another, the other one has almost just as much possibility of winning, and you may pick the wrong one round after round. However if you pick one from the 2 and stay with it, it will win eventually.

Conclusions drawn from the data recorded:
- You are more likely to win with odds 2/1 (22.8%), 3/1 (17.8%), and 5/1 (15.8%).
- Playing 5/1 is more profitable, followed by 3/1, and 2/1.
- You are more likely to win picking horse number 1 (34.7%), 2 (31.7%), and 3 (15.8%).
- There are horses which most likely perform better than the rest. However some can be a result of random occurrence. You can use the lucky horse list to increase your chances.
- If 3 or more horses appear in the next round from the last one, the winner of the last round will most likely win.
- (personal opinion) taking a break of a few minutes from the betting affects the winning pattern of the next rounds. I took a longer break at round 40, an almost half hour break, and after coming back my win/lose ratio dropped significantly. But just before that, round 21 to 39 my win/lose ratio was very high.
- Bonus (off data) interesting observation: if your horse gains a huge lead at the start and it falls back just before reaching the middle off the track, your horse will most likely gain a huge lead suddenly in the second half of the race and win.
the most efficient way to play is always picking either horse 1 or horse 2. Alternating between them can be a good strategy too by picking the luckier horse, however there’s always a chance of picking the wrong one, so staying with only one horse might be a better idea because it will win eventually.
Even though 2/1 wins more than 3/1 and 5/1, it brings in less money overall. The most profitable odd to play is 5/1, followed by 3/1, and then 2/1.
Use the lucky horse list, or memorize the names of the horses which win more frequently and pick them over others.
To sum it up in short:
Go with horse number 1 with 5/1 or 3/1 odds, and pick horses which are known to win more. If you get a bad horse, just close the betting screen and then reenter it (you don’t have to stand up). However if you do this frequently the game will kick you from the betting table for around 1-2 minutes, so make sure you wait 5-10 seconds between quitting and reentering the betting screen.
I have to note that I can’t guarantee that by following this strategy you will absolutely profit, because the winners are randomized after all, however these are my statistics and observations. In my case it works, and I made 1.1 million chips in less than 2 days doing this.
If you are on a losing streak (lost 5 times in a row or more), then take a break, walk around, play a diamond miner, or a three card poker, or just do something in real life. It’s not worth getting frustrated over a game.
Also, DO NOT put all your money on bettings! I repeat DO NOT put all your money buying chips so you can bet all of it on horse racing! This is important!
You want to have spare money you can afford to lose (around $200,000-$300,000 is good) and have at least one or two businesses (preferably bunker, nightclub, or MC, so it works in the background while you do the betting)! The reason is because if you don’t have a lot of money and you convert all of it to chips then you might go broke if you have a bad streak, and it’s also safer and more profitable to do this alongside with other sources of income!
So, let's see, what we have: earn maximum casino chip winnings with minimum risk using this easy GTA online inside track glitch. At gta inside track betting
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