Best hawaii online casino sites
Please note that while the state of hawaii does accept social gaming, it has no laws pertaining to online casino games.
Only new casino sites for play on real money
Running an online gambling business from within the borders of the state is completely out of question, but as mentioned above playing on offshore sites shouldn’t put you in any kind of trouble. Hawaii doesn’t have any online casinos operating on the intrastate market, but it’s possible for hawaii residents to join the action on one of the numerous offshore casino sites, which attract players from all over the world. Those casinos generally have larger player pools than their local, US-only counterparts, giving you access to massive jackpots and offering some of the best promotions available in the industry right now.
Hawaii online casinos
Hawaii may be one of the hottest tourist destinations in the united states, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the least gambling-friendly countries in the entire country. Gambling-related regulations are pretty much as strict as in utah and can be summed up with a simple statement: if an activity involves placing a wager, it is most probably illegal.
Hawaii residents as well as the people visiting the state have no access to any land-based casinos, card rooms, or race tracks. The only way to gamble legally is to do so in the privacy of your home, but even then the operator isn’t allowed to profit from hosting the games. Fortunately, this also means that online casino enthusiasts playing at offshore gambling sites are very unlikely to be bothered by the local authorities.
Hawaii gambling laws
Gambling in the hawaii is covered by hawaii statutes §712-1220 through §712-1231 and is defined as placing a wager on a game of chance.
“A person engages in gambling if he stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under his control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that he or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome.”
Please note that while the state of hawaii does accept social gaming, it has no laws pertaining to online casino games. Running an online gambling business from within the borders of the state is completely out of question, but as mentioned above playing on offshore sites shouldn’t put you in any kind of trouble.
Online casinos
Hawaii doesn’t have any online casinos operating on the intrastate market, but it’s possible for hawaii residents to join the action on one of the numerous offshore casino sites, which attract players from all over the world. Those casinos generally have larger player pools than their local, US-only counterparts, giving you access to massive jackpots and offering some of the best promotions available in the industry right now.
Offshore casino sites that accept hawaii players
Even though hawaii has some of the most severe anti-gambling regulations in the entire country, most offshore sites that accept US-based customers shouldn’t have any problems with accepting hawaii residents. Most of those sites run on real time gaming software, which is a popular platform for international casinos that allows them to integrate slots and other games developed by third-party companies, such as betsoft gaming.
Most hawaii residents prefer to fund their offshore casino accounts using credit card payments. The most popular credit card brands include visa and mastercard, but american express cards have also seen some limited use in the past. The biggest problem with using a credit card to make a deposit to an offshore site is the fact that your transaction may be blocked by the bank, which won’t cost you any money, but will prevent you from using the same card for online gambling purposes in the future. Consequently, it is more convenient to find a western union/moneygram friendly site, as making a deposit via a cash transfer has a 100% success rate.
Developing legal scenarios
While hawaii legislators are starting to realize that land-based gambling might be an excellent way to boost state revenue, there’s no denying the fact that it’s very unlikely for the state to go beyond legalizing brick and mortar gambling venues in the foreseeable future. Consequently, hawaii residents have no choice but to continue playing on offshore casino sites, which isn’t all that bad since state officials don’t seem to be interested in prosecuting online players.
Hawaii online casinos

Hawaii is one of the newest and smallest additions to the united states, and for many people might as well be a foreign country due to its extreme distance away from the mainland. With that being said, hawaiian residents do not need to feel isolated when it comes to playing their favorite casino games, because that can be done with little to no effort whatsoever. The legal status of gambling in the state is something that raises a few eyebrows, but is fairly easy to understand when you take a few moments.
Though it may seem difficult to believe, the state of hawaii has never really been all that open to gambling. Not only does the state lack a lottery system and bingo games, there is not one, single land-based casino, nor has there ever been. Up until very recently, playing casino games could only be done so long as you were playing at an online site accepting deposits from hawaiian residents. Nowadays, however, gambling in the state has been made a great deal easier.
What are the best hawaii real money gambling sites?
- Large selection of slots
- Variety of banking options
- 300% bonus up to $6,000

Is online gambling legal in hawaii?

In the absence of an intrastate system, you might think that there are no gambling options whatsoever. Hawaii is so disconnected from the rest of the country and such a hotspot for tourists, you would think that casinos would be present at each and every hotel and resort. Places in the caribbean have made similar moves and have seen a huge revenue boost from the existence of full casinos at their resorts.
The reality, however, is that an abundant quantity of online casinos offer their services to residents of the state of hawaii.
The laws of the state do not forbid online casinos from catering to residents, and that is exactly how hawaiians have been finding games for some time now. If you are wondering whether these sites are licensed and regulated, most of them are. Even though they may not be based in hawaii and may not be licensed by the state government, most reputable casinos that are able to operate within the state are fully licensed and regulated.
Of all the states that are considering the establishment of an intrastate betting system, hawaii is at the forefront and is expected to have on established before long. This would allow for a regulated and legalized system of online casino play, something that does not exist at the present moment in time. This would not only allow for citizens of the state to gamble, but also for diehard gamblers that might be travelling from the lower 48. All in all, it seems as though it is only a matter of time until hawaii takes advantage of what seems like a glaring opportunity to bring in more cash for the state.
Legal status of brick and mortar casinos — hawaii
Hawaii is like so many other states that have absolutely no brick and mortar casino presence whatsoever, taking things a step further, hawaii does not even allow for casino games to be played at horse/dog tracks. While there are so many people who are hoping this will change, the fact of the matter is that to gamble in hawaii, you either need to hop on a cruise ship, or fly to las vegas. Whether you believe it or not, there is a native population all over hawaii.
In other states across the US, native american tribes have lobbied to offer casinos on their own, sovereign land and have succeeded. In hawaii, however, that much has not yet happened and does not seem like it is going to happen anytime soon. In all reality, it is looking much more like legalized online casino play will become a reality far before any brick and mortar casinos are established.
This is a very unfortunate situation, but also one that has helped the online casino industry thrive. Being a very small state as far as land mass is concerned, there isn’t very many places for casinos to be erected, but with such a large tourist presence year in and year out, it seems as though the state is missing out on quite a few revenue dollars by not allowing live gambling at casinos. Still, it is not worth getting too worked up over seeing as it is highly unlikely brick and mortar casinos will ever be able to be established in the state.
If you keep up with the state’s trending political topics, you will see that brick and mortar casinos are not anywhere near the top of that list. It seems as though the small island nation has much bigger things to concern itself with. With that being said, the establishment of at least a few online casinos might bring in millions and millions of dollars of additional revenue for the state.
Hawaii online casinos & gambling FAQ
- Abbreviation: HI
- State motto: the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
- Capital city: honolulu
- Population estimate: 1.4 million (40th)
- Website: https://www.Hawaii.Gov/
How can I upload funds to a new player account?
After you have finished signing up and creating an account, the next step is to fund a player account. In most cases, this can be done in a few different ways, but the 2 most popular are by making a deposit by way of debit/credit card or bank transfer. Every site’s deposit options vary, but these are the two you will see most often.
Do I need to download anything to my computer?
This is something that heavily depends on the site which you are playing at. Some online casinos force you to download their software in order to play games, while others are able to operate within a web browser. Some sites even offer players the option to either download software or play within their browser.
Should I be worried about shady online casinos?
So long as you do some research and ensure that you are only playing at sites with solid reputations, there should be no worries with regard to your personal and financial information’s safety. With that being said, however, there still exist some unscrupulous characters out there who are looking to scam you out of your hard-earned money. For this reason, doing your research is paramount.
How far away is a regulated intrastate online casino system?
The answer to this is anything but straightforward. Hawaiian lawmakers are constantly trying to pass legislation that would establish an intrastate network of online casinos operators, but so far very little progress has been made. Though many feel as though an intrastate system is just around the corner, that much is almost impossible to weigh in on with any amount of confidence.
Hawaii online casinos
For most people, hawaii is paradise on earth. If you are an earnest gambler, however, hawaii gambling laws can leave you in tears. This is because hawaii boasts some of the most rigid legislation, as far as gambling is concerned.
This isn’t the end of the conversation, though. To really understand the limits of hawaii gambling laws and online gambling in hawaii, you have to be more aware of the legal online gambling in the USA situation. Below, you will find all of the details that will allow you to do just that…
Best hawaii online casino sites
- 200% up to $2000
- Great everyday bonuses and promotions
- Reliable security technologies
Is gambling legal in hawaii?
Bluntly put, no gambling in HI is absolutely not permitted. In fact, all forms of gambling have been deemed as illegal in this state. This includes activities such as lotteries and even bingo. In general, people are not allowed to place bets of any kind within the boundaries of hawaii.
This legislation doesn’t just apply to the gambling businesses on the hawaiian islands, either. According to the hawaiian government, not even cruise ships are allowed to offer such gambling activities or services as long as they are in hawaiian waters. Therefore, there is no such thing as legal gambling in hawaii.
The legal situation in hawaii
To start with, let’s take a look at what the legal jargon actually has to say about placing wagers. According to the hawaii legislation, someone is engaged in gambling if: “he stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under his control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that he or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome.”
As you can see, the lawmakers have been very careful about the terminology that they have chosen. This has been done to cover a broader range of gambling games and activities. Thus, options such as roulette and baccarat are out.
There is more to it, however. The gambling code also covers the following: “gambling device means any device, machine, paraphernalia, or equipment that is used or usable in the playing phases of any gambling activity, whether that activity consists of gambling between persons or gambling by a person involving the playing of a machine.”
By including this statement, the hawaii government has also taken steps to crack down on items such as slot machines, video machines, and anything else that can be potentially used to place a wager. In this sense, gambling legislation is quite a bit more sophisticated than in other areas.
Are there casinos in hawaii?
It should come as no surprise to learn that there aren’t any hawaii state casinos. So, if you are hoping to find a list of casinos in hawaii, you can think again. Such establishments aren’t allowed on government or private land.
This doesn’t mean that people haven’t tried their best through the ages. There have often been businesses that have attempted to start smaller gambling operations in secret where you could play casino games. Eventually, though, these have all come to light and have typically been shut down by the hawaiian authorities.
Recently, the authorities have taken an even more stringent approach to these illegal casinos that play for real money. As such, they are constantly on the lookout for suspicious establishments and will often place harsh punishments on brick-and-mortar casinos. Due to this, it is best to stay away from these kinds of land-based casinos.
The perspective on sports wagers
Now, in most parts of the USA, you will discover that sports betting are allowed to a certain degree. At the very least, citizens are allowed to play wagers on horse and greyhound races. Well, it would appear that hawaii is the exception to this rule as well.
No citizen or tourist is allowed to place a wager on any kinds of sport. This includes traditional options such as football, baseball, and basketball. The only way that people can make any money in this manner is if they decide to gamble online with offshore websites which are RTG USA casinos mostly here.
Are online casinos a solution?
Since the laws for traditional gambling is so strict, you may be trying to shift your focus to online gambling hawaii. Well, then you will not be the only one. Many individuals feeling stifled by the current legislation is seeking out online gambling HI as a reprieve.
Before you do this, though, you may want to understand hawaii online gambling laws first. The thing is, most wagering laws were written a long time ago. As such, they fail to specifically address hawaii online gambling. So, does this mean that this is legal?
Well, if you were to follow the letter of the law, you would probably discover that the answer to “is online poker legal in hawaii?” a resounding no. Furthermore, you will notice that there aren’t any online casinos in hawaii state.
This doesn’t mean that you are completely out of online gambling options, however. This because you still have the opportunity to make use of an offshore online gaming system. Unlike in the case of hawaii online casinos, offshore sites are not governed by the hawaiian authorities. As a result, they are out of the reach of such agencies.
Thus, if you were to look up “is bovada legal in hawaii”, you would find that it is possible for you to place online wagers there. In fact, you can do so on any online casino that allows american players. This, of course, is as long as the online sites are being operated in a different location.
Are there any penalties for such online activities?
It should be noted that the hawaii government is fully aware that its residents are using such online platforms and casinos. There have been instances where lawmakers have stated as such, in an effort to get the laws changed. Despite this knowledge, very little is done to curb these online gambling activities.
So, if you are considering visiting one of these sites, you can have peace of mind. The hawaiian authorities aren’t interested in you or how you are spending your money online at these casinos. They are more concerned with the physical gambling operations on the hawaiian islands. So, there shouldn’t be any obstacles to your online wagering.
Not to mention, in the unlikely instance that you are caught, there shouldn’t be any penalties levied against you. After all, there aren’t any particular laws forbidding such online activities or casinos.
Understanding offshore websites
As mentioned, offshore online casinos don’t fall under the same jurisdiction as other gambling casinos in hawaii. Due to this, they are able to safely offer their services to anyone in the US. Still, it is common to feel nervous about placing cash wagers on such online casinos.
This is a logical concern since not all of these online casinos are equally as reputable. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to discover which casinos offer the best online games and activities. By reading reviews, you should be able to pinpoint what the right casinos for you are.
Furthermore, an increasing number of casinos are becoming licensed by foreign agencies. By receiving such accreditations, casinos are vowing to follow certain rules and to maintain specific standards online. What’s more, these regulatory agencies also frequently investigate casinos to ensure that they are running a legitimate online operation.
It should also be noted that you do have to follow certain regulations when using such casino sites. For instance, due to strict laws, there is technically no legal gambling age in hawaii. However, if you were to visit offshore virtual casinos, you will have to verify your age online.
In most circumstances, the casinos will have to determine that you are at least 21 years of age. There may be a few that also cater to individuals who are 18 years of age or older. These, however, are a bit rarer.
The future of gambling in hawaii
Considering the current state, it is interesting to consider what will become of online wagering in the future. While hawaii has maintained rather strict legislation regarding casinos and related activities, people have been fighting for change for a long time. In fact, a number of individuals have been put forward amendments to these hawaii laws.
Of course, each of these legislations has been shot down. Nonetheless, as the rest of the country takes a more relaxed approach to wagering, hawaii just may come around as well. As you can imagine, this isn’t going to happen overnight. It could be years before there is any real change. Nevertheless, there is some evidence to give hungry gamblers some hope.
There is no denying that hawaii has some of the strictest gambling and casino laws in the country. This, however, is when it comes to land-based casinos. If you were to consider the online casino route, though, you would discover that there are far more opportunities available to you here.
The good news for hawaiian gamblers is that you don’t have to give up hope entirely when it comes to such matters. You may have to look elsewhere for digital casinos but in the end, the results will be the same. At least until the laws are changed, individuals will still be able to engage in the hobbies and the activities that they truly enjoy.
Legal online casino in hawaii
With legal-gambling-USA.Com, enjoy our selection of online casino legal in hawaii to play online casino legally.
This ranking only list online casinos authorized in the state of hawaii.
Note: delaware became the first state to legalize online gambling on june 2012; new jersey became the third state to legalize online gambling while nevada became the first state to legalize poker.
Online casino news in hawaii
Hawaii considers legalization of gambling in the state
January 30, 2020 — for the longest time, it was widely accepted among gambling industry experts that the states of utah and hawaii would never legalize any form of gambling. With utah being greatly influenced by the M.
Hawaii looking to approve online gambling
January 28, 2017 — while very liberal in its attitudes towards some aspects of life, hawaii has always shown a reluctance to support any form of gambling as evidenced by its status as one of the very few states that d.
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Hawaii casinos and gambling
Short summary: hawaii is the second most restrictive state when it comes to its gaming laws. The only state that is more restrictive is utah, and that’s because they went out of their way to specifically outlaw internet gaming, even though the verbiage of the law already had that covered. Hawaii has no specifically legalized and regulated form of gambling whatsoever.
If you are looking for land casinos in hawaii, find the water, pick a direction and start swimming.
Better yet, maybe take a boat or fly to las vegas. The california, known to residents of the aloha state as, “the cal,” in downtown paradise is basically known as a place that draws many hawaiians through the doors.
I will now list all of the forms of gambling that are legalized and regulated in your state:
Nothing is legal. No casinos. NO lottery. No charitable gambling. No social gambling. No bingo. No tribal casinos because there are no tribes. Nothing.
You do have two casino cruise ships that sail into international waters out of honolulu, so I suppose that is slightly better than having to travel all the way to the mainland, but it’s bad and I am sorry.
It’s only surprising to me because the state is so beautiful and it is already a tremendous tourist destination. I can only imagine how many tourists, both from within the united states and foreigners would take hawaii over las vegas in a heartbeat if honolulu just had one or two casinos. The only people I can think of who do not want to vacation in hawaii either love gambling or look like I do with my shirt off.
Online gambling legality in hawaii
A cursory reading of 712-1220 (4) & (5) will show:
4) “gambling. A person engages in gambling if he stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under his control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that he or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome. Gambling does not include bona fide business transactions valid under the law of contracts, including but not limited to contracts for the purchase or sale at a future date of securities or commodities, and agreements to compensate for loss caused by the happening of chance, including but not limited to contracts of indemnity or guaranty and life, health, or accident insurance.”
(5) “gambling device means any device, machine, paraphernalia, or equipment that is used or usable in the playing phases of any gambling activity, whether that activity consists of gambling between persons or gambling by a person involving the playing of a machine.”
Anything related to the gambling laws would seem to apply both to the player as well as anyone acting as an operator. The good news is that gambling is a petty misdemeanor.
There have been cases in hawaii in which illegal gambling apparatuses have been seized and arrests made, but all of these incidents have had to do with some type of physical location gambling taking place.
From what we can tell, no player has ever been arrested, fined or punished in anyway for gambling online from his/her own home, and as with other states, we do not believe that will ever happen. If it’s one of the three days a year that your weather isn’t absolutely gorgeous and you want to fire up the computer and visit one of the many online casinos out there, you should be fine.
Hawaii gambling sites
The tropical resort of hawaii, the 50th state in the union, has no form of land based gambling, which is why hawaii gambling sites are becoming more and more necessary. Hawaii online gambling is something that cannot be ignored, as there is really no other way to partake in the games. We have determined that any form of gambling that can be found in a vegas style gaming center can be found online, even sports betting. Since you would have previously had to take a trip to vegas in order to participate in these games, this has come as quite the advantage. No matter what you are looking for, we are sure you will find it here.
Is online gambling legal in hawaii?
Under state law, the simple answer is no. In fact, although this island paradise was a pari-mutuel mecca at the beginning of the twentieth century, lawmakers have since determined, for whatever reason, that they do not want their state to become known as anything more than a "get away from it all" destination. As such, they are resistant to any endeavors that may bring what they deem "unsavory" elements to the islands, so they have essentially outlawed all forms of gambling, online and otherwise.
The good news is that sites not based in hawaii or anywhere else in america are available to players in hawaii, so lovers of casino-style games, poker and more can still find a legal and safe means to enjoy these pastimes. And since gambling is, for all intents and purposes, illegal within state borders, there are no age restrictions other than the minimum of 18 required by most of the recommended sites.
Best sports betting sites for hawaii residents
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best online casinos for hawaii residents
online casinos | deposit bonuses | bonus codes | software | visit |
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best online poker sites for hawaii residents
online poker rooms | deposit bonuses | average traffic | visit |
betonline poker | 200% match good to $1,000 | 8,000+ players | VISIT |
sportsbetting poker | 200% match good to $1,000 | 8,000+ players | VISIT |
What is the legal gambling age in hawaii?
Although most gambling sites will allow any users over 18 to sign up, the legal age to gamble in hawaii is 18. We at hawaiigamblingsites.Com heartily recommend waiting until you are of age to gamble just to avoid any legal complications.
How do the existing gambling laws pertain to online gambling?
According to US federal law, online gambling is not prohibited. The only time legal issues get involved is if a hawaii resident is facilitating gambling, whether out of a brick and mortar den or through their own website. As long as a resident is merely PARTICIPATING in gambling, they are in no violations of federal law.
What kind of trouble can I get in for gambling online?
In the long history of the state of hawaii, there have been no legal cases in relation to online gambling. If an otherwise honest citizen is a mere participant in online gambling, there is no reason to fret over whether or not they will be prosecuted.
Where are the gambling sites accepting hawaii residents licensed?
Since federal law makes it nearly impossible to host gambling within the united states, most legal gambling sites are based overseas. Some of the most popular locations are the united kingdom, guatemala or costa rica. All of these countries have strict regulation laws and ethical codes related to gambling.
What happens if my credit card deposit fails?
Certain credit card companies – especially those not typically associated with overseas transactions – may fail to process deposits to online gambling sites. That’s ok, it’s why gambling sites have a variety of deposit methods. Although credit cards are often the easiest means of making a deposit, there are several convenient means to fund your account available through each site.
How high are the slot payouts through most online casinos?
Through innovative software and strict oversight from various regional gamin commissions, online slot machines have just as high a rate of payout as their land based counterparts. Although your odds-to-payout ratio will differ based on which machine you're using, we have generally found that online casinos pay out about 90% of what they take in via their slots.
How safe are online gambling sites accepting hawaii residents?
The online gambling sites listed on this page are among the safest websites on the entire internet. Featuring a secure network and a crackerjack team of cashiers and security specialists, these sites have proven to be even safer than online retail giants like amazon or ebay. You can find full reviews of these sites at www.Legalonlinegamblingsites.Com or a number of other websites.
Where do I have to go for help if I need it?
Online casinos for hawaii residents come backed by some of the best customer service you’ll find for any product, period. Most offer 24/7 phone lines and online chat services that will have you connected to a live person in a matter of a few minutes. These teams should be able to solve any of your problems.
How can I make sure that the hawaii accepted gambling sites are actually paying out their players?
We here at hawaiigamblingsites.Com are not really any sort of professionals. We only pass these sites along because we use them ourselves, and we do our homework. We would never pass a site along to you that does not function as a legitimate business that pays out its customers on a regular basis.
What happens if I want to file a dispute with a particular gambling site?
In the rare instance that the customer service department cannot solve your service dispute, all of these sites report to different gaming commissions. An inquiry filed with them should bring immediate attention to your dispute.
NOTE - we are not here to explain the laws pertaining to online gambling in the state of hawaii. We are here to show you where you can gamble online, not to tell you whether or not you will be able to join in on the phone. We recommend you speak with a lawyer in order to determine whether or not what online gambling sites accepting hawaii residents are legal.
So, let's see, what we have: hawaii online casinos hawaii may be one of the hottest tourist destinations in the united states, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the least gambling-friendly countries in the entire at best hawaii online casino sites
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