Texas tea peli
- Ensimmäinen bonuspeli on nimeltään big oil derrick bonus round. Bonuspeli aktivoituu pelaajan saadessa vähintään kolme öljynporaustornisymbolia samalle voittolinjalle. Peli vie pelaajan kartalle, jossa pelaaja pääsee etsimään öljyä. Kartta sisältää kahdeksan vaihtoehtoa, joiden alta paljastuu ylimääräisiä kolikkopalkintoja. Useammalla bonussymbolilla saa ylimääräisiä voittomahdollisuuksia.
- Toinen bonuspeli on nimeltään the oil dividend check. Tämä peli aktivoituu kolmella scatter-symbolilla. Tämä ei tosin taida varsinaisesti olla bonuspeli, sillä pelaaja ei voi vaikuttaa bonuskierroksen kulkuun mitenkään. Pelistä voi voittaa satunnaisen suuruisen kolikkopalkinnon.
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Pelin voittosymbolien teemoja ovat tietenkin öljy ja teksas. Ruudulla pyörivät öljynporaustornit, sonnit, vyötiäiset, kaktukset, häränsarvilla koristellut avoautot, yksityiskoneet, ja kaikki muut teksasin öljypohatan arkeen kuuluvat esineet. Parhaat voitot antava voittosymboli on pelin logonakin toimiva ”texas tea”-logo. Viisi kappaletta näitä symboleita antaa pelin päävoiton, eli 10 000 kolikkoa. Muut symbolit tuovat pienehköjä, 100 – 500 kolikon suuruisia voittoja.
Ilmainen texas tea kolikkopeli

Pelin tiedot
- Ohjelmisto: IGT
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- Maksimi kolikkoa linjalla: 45
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- Bonuskierroksia kyllä
- Jokerisymboli kyllä
- Progressiivinen ei
- Scatteri kyllä
- Autoplay ei
- Kertojat ei
- Ilmaiskierrokset ei
Texas tea slottipelin idea on varsin erikoinen. Kyseessä on teksasin öljykentille sijoittuva videoslotti. Kaikenlaisia länkkäri- ja kullanhuuhdontaslotteja löytyy pilvin pimein, mutta nimenomaan öljyn etsimisestä kertovia kolikkopelejä ei muita taidakaan olla markkinoilla. Tämä kolikkopeli on samanlainen family guy.
Selvästi dallas sarjasta teemansa ammentava texas tea kolikkopeli on peliyhtiö IGT:n käsialaa. IGT on eurooppalaisten pelaajien keskuudessa melko tuntematon pelitalo, ja yritys onkin keskittynyt tarjoamaan pelejään lähinnä amerikkalaisille kasinoille. Yrityksen pelejä löytyy kuitenkin myös joiltakin harvoilta ja valituilta eurooppalaisilta nettikasinoilta.
Texas tea pelin yleisilme on sangen tavallinen. Pelissä on viisi rullaa ja 9 eri voittolinjaa. Voitot irtoavat tavalliseen tapaan saamalla vähintään kolme samaa symbolia samalle voittolinjalle. Yhden pelikierroksen hinta on 9 – 45 kolikkoa ja pelin päävoitto on 10 000 kolikkoa. Tämän videoslotin erikoisuutena on kaksi erillistä bonuspeliä.
Ensisilmäyksellä texas tea hedelmäpeli vaikuttaa hieman epäilyttävältä. Pelin on luonut amerikkalainen pelitarjoaja, joka valmistaa pelejä lähinnä fyysisiin videoslottilaitteisiin. Monesti nämä ns. Käännöspelit antavat huomattavasti huonompia palautusprosentteja kuin alun alkaenkin netissä pelattavaksi suunnitellut videoslotit. Pelin pelkistetty ja hieman keskeneräisen oloinen grafiikka, sekä hiomattoman oloinen tekniikka herättävät entistä enemmän epäilyksiä. Huolet ovat kuitenkin turhia, sillä pelin palautusprosentti on peräti 97.35 %. Kolikkopeli texas tea kilpailee siis palautusprosentillaan tasaväkisesti tunnetuimpien pelitalojen parhaita palautuksia antavien slottien kanssa.
Peliin voi tutustua demo-tilassa pelaamalla. Texas tea ilmainen kolikkopeli löytyy tältä sivustolta.
Tuplasti bonuksia
Texas tea sisältää kaksi bonuspeliä, joiden avulla on mahdollista voittaa suuriakin jättipotteja.
- Ensimmäinen bonuspeli on nimeltään big oil derrick bonus round. Bonuspeli aktivoituu pelaajan saadessa vähintään kolme öljynporaustornisymbolia samalle voittolinjalle. Peli vie pelaajan kartalle, jossa pelaaja pääsee etsimään öljyä. Kartta sisältää kahdeksan vaihtoehtoa, joiden alta paljastuu ylimääräisiä kolikkopalkintoja. Useammalla bonussymbolilla saa ylimääräisiä voittomahdollisuuksia.
- Toinen bonuspeli on nimeltään the oil dividend check. Tämä peli aktivoituu kolmella scatter-symbolilla. Tämä ei tosin taida varsinaisesti olla bonuspeli, sillä pelaaja ei voi vaikuttaa bonuskierroksen kulkuun mitenkään. Pelistä voi voittaa satunnaisen suuruisen kolikkopalkinnon.
Pelin voittosymbolien teemoja ovat tietenkin öljy ja teksas. Ruudulla pyörivät öljynporaustornit, sonnit, vyötiäiset, kaktukset, häränsarvilla koristellut avoautot, yksityiskoneet, ja kaikki muut teksasin öljypohatan arkeen kuuluvat esineet. Parhaat voitot antava voittosymboli on pelin logonakin toimiva ”texas tea”-logo. Viisi kappaletta näitä symboleita antaa pelin päävoiton, eli 10 000 kolikkoa. Muut symbolit tuovat pienehköjä, 100 – 500 kolikon suuruisia voittoja.
Pelissä on myös kaksi bonussymbolia. Öljynporaustorni-bonussymboli vie pelaajan big oil derrick bonus round bonuspeliin ja sikaria poltteleva ”texas ted”-symboli avaa the oil dividend check bonuspelin. Molempiin bonuspeleihin pääsemiseksi vaaditaan vähintään kolme kappaletta bonussymboleja. Öljynporaustorni-symbolit on saatava samalle voittolinjalle, kun taas ”texas ted”-symbolit ovat scatter-symboleja, eli niiden ei tarvitse osua millekään tietylle voittolinjalle.
Texas tea kolikkopeli tarjoaa varsin keskinkertaista grafiikkaa, eikä pelissä ole oikeastaan mitään omintakeista. Tässä pelissä on kuitenkin erinomainen palautusprosentti ja se erottuu selkeästi esimerkiksi net entertainmentin ja microgamingin peleistä. Texas tea videoslotti sopii mainiosti niille pelaajille, jotka ovat alkaneet kyllästymään tunnetuimpien pelitalojen slotteihin.
Pelaa texas tea videoslottia ilmaiseksi sivustollamme. Slotozilla tarjoaa kaikki ajankohtaiset kasinoarvostelut, peliarvostelut, ilmaiset kolikkopelit ja kasinomaailman viimeisimmät kuulumiset. Sivuiltamme löydät kaikki nettikasinoiden kolikkopelit, sekä mobiili kolikkopelit. Lisäksi löydät myös ilmaisia demopelejä, joiden avulla voit tutustua slotteihin rauhassa.
Texas tea recipe: add bourbon to your long island
The texas tea is really just a long island iced tea with a shot of bourbon. It's a simple twist on a popular mixed drink and one that you're sure to enjoy. Better yet, you can make it as a single drink or mix it up for a party. Be warned, though; it's easy to make it a little too strong if you're not careful.
As with most variations on the long island, you're going to pour a lot of liquor into the texas tea. In total, you'll pick up six bottles, which is practically the entire "well" of the bar going into a single glass. This is why the recipe calls for just 1/2-ounce of each rather than the full 1 1/2 ounce shot used in most cocktail recipes.
- 1/2 ounce tequila
- 1/2 ounce bourbon
- 1/2 ounce gin
- 1/2 ounce rum
- 1/2 ounce vodka
- 1/2 ounce triple sec
- 1 ounce sweet and sour mix
- Garnish: lemon wedge
- Garnish: cola
Steps to make it
Pour the spirits and sour mix into a collins glass filled with ice.
Garnish with the lemon wedge.
There are many variations on this recipe floating around in bars. Some bartenders will skip the gin, and others use another style of whiskey. The point is that it should include whiskey of some sort, but feel free to adjust the recipe to your taste.
How strong is the texas tea?
The liquor list for the texas tea is long, but if you follow the recipe you're only pouring a total of three ounces. This is important to keep in mind.
If you over-pour, the drink can get out of hand very quickly and it will be too strong. Before you know it, you'll be drunker than expected and have one nasty hangover in the morning. It happens all the time with the long island family of drinks, so here's a little comparison to put it into perspective.
If you pour the texas tea with 80-proof liquors, a 60-proof triple sec, and 2 ounces of cola, the drink would have an alcohol content of approximately:
- 1/2-ounce pour of each liquor: 20 percent ABV (40 proof)
- 1-ounce pour of each liquor: 27 percent ABV (54 proof)
You can see the difference that an extra 1/2-ounce can make. When compared to the long island iced tea (which averages 16 percent ABV), that shot of bourbon we add has an impact as well.
Chef robert wemischner teams with peli teas at las vegas world tea expo
March 26, 2009 - prlog -- beverly hills, california - peli teas announces the participation of robert wemischner, food writer, pastry chef, and author of cooking with tea at the 2009 world tea expo in las vegas may 2-3. Mr. Wemischner will be cooking with tea and offering tantalizing tastes of his tea-based dishes at the show using peli premium teas on saturday and sunday may 2nd and may 3rd. He will also be available to sign his book.
Cooking with tea was a result of robert’s passion for gourmet cooking with tea. He has been using peli teas for tea-based dishes for a few months and is delighted by the quality and wide range of peli teas teas and comments: “when cooking with tea it is important to have a tea with the proper character and freshness. I have found that peli teas deliver flavors that stand up to the other ingredients in a dish. Having found teas of such high quality, I am pleased to recommend that other chefs and cooks alike try these teas with my recipes.”
Robert selected the peli tarry souchong to flavor his decadent tea-scented chocolate truffles and will also be using peli’s keemun hao ya A as the prime flavoring in a dish of tea-sauced scallops. For a tea-smoked mushroom medley he will be featuring a peli yunnan black tea. And in a healthful dessert, he will use green tea to poach fragrant asian pears.
Tea is considered an antioxidant; research points to the many health attributes of all types of true tea and scientific data suggests that all tea (black, green, oolong, or white) from camellia sinensis contributes positively to a healthy lifestyle.
Peli teas, LLC is a premium tea company formed by peter leonard and lily chang in 2006 to showcase the world’s best teas, including zhejiang green tea, ti quan yin green oolong tea, silver needle white tea, da hong pao dark oolong tea, keemun needle black tea and jasmine dragon pearl green tea among others. Peli teas also has wholesale and private labeling services and has announced its continued support and participation in the world tea championships for 2009. Peli will be in booth 434. See peli teas online at www.Peliteas.Com
Peli teas, LLC is a premium tea company formed to showcase china's best green, white, oolong and black teas. We have wholesale and private labeling services that include gourmet sachets and loose leaf teas. We are 2008 world tea championships winners.
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Käytämme sivullamme evästeitä, jotta voimme kehittää palvelujamme ja tarjota sinulle yhä parempia pelielämyksiä. Ollessasi sivullamme hyväksyt evästekäytäntömme, joka on linjassa evästekäytäntömme sekä yksityisyyskäytäntöjemme kanssa. Ymmärrän
Trauma-informed training series
As a result of school closures and remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students have been at higher risk of exposure due to adverse childhood experiences and first hand exposure to the effects of COVID-19. We also know that many educators have themselves experienced a prolonged state of stress over the course of the pandemic and share many of the concerns regarding loss of safety, health and predictability as students upon the return to school.
Thatвђ™s why TEA has launched project restore and this trauma-informed training video series, which is designed to address these extraordinary and unprecedented needs and connect you to relevant science and strategies that can help you address your own emotional needs as well the needs of your students and colleagues. This series will help educators create an environment that jump starts teaching and learning and drives student achievement.
As a result of school closures and remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students have been at higher risk of exposure due to adverse childhood experiences and first hand exposure to the effects of COVID-19. We also know that many educators have themselves experienced a prolonged state of stress over the course of the pandemic and share many of the concerns regarding loss of safety, health and predictability as students upon the return to school.
Thatвђ™s why TEA has launched project restore and this trauma-informed training video series, which is designed to address these extraordinary and unprecedented needs and connect you to relevant science and strategies that can help you address your own emotional needs as well the needs of your students and colleagues. This series will help educators create an environment that jump starts teaching and learning and drives student achievement.
Peli teas
Popular teas from peli teas
Recent tasting notes
Another tea I had while waiting for my next flight at the airport after my original one had been canceled; I wanted something sweet so I ended up adding quite a lot of cream and sugar to this, but it still had a really good taste in my opinion! It was quite rich, almost a little citrus-y even…? A good ear grey I say (wow that rhymed). The packaging was really nice too HAHA it had like the… preparation info on the pouch it came in AND THE POUCH WAS LIKE … REALLY SOFT TOO IDK I liked it… a lot. :’|
Would like to try more of peli’s teas sometime!
I am not big on oolong tea’s. This one is ok, not my favorite.
There wasn’t much of this tea left, so I’m extremely excited they were willing to provide me some of this tea.
This pu’er is loose, not pressed into a cake. Its leaves a mixture of light and medium brown. The aroma is light and earthy, more of dirt than moss with some hints are a woody quality I thought similar of a tree bark.
The liquor steeps to a wonderful dark motor oil brown and has a smooth airy aroma with similar earth overtones as in the aroma and more mild wood notes. The second steeping is equally aromatic and flavorful.
The texture of the brew is extremely smooth. There’s almost no astringency or acidity at all. The flavor profile is also more of earthen qualities and less mossy than I expected.
Texas tea slot machine
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Texas tea slot review
Take a trip down to the great state of texas and try to strike it rich with texas tea slot machine. This cartoon-style slot machine by IGT provides the thrill of trying to strike it big, with a whole lot of southern charm.
The flashy animations, scenes, and fast gameplay are sure to make players want to stick around for a spell. The chance for a big jackpot and two big variable bonuses don’t hurt either.
Texas tea slots are an interesting mixture of old cartoon-style graphics and newer animations. The free-to-play slot machine background is a very simple blue sky with two oil derricks lining the reels, and the symbols are simply placed onto a white background. Each of the symbols is a nicely drawn texas-themed piece though.
The reels feature a bull, an armadillo, texas ted’s car and airplane, the logo, three texas flowers and a cactus.
The car flashes its lights and honks on wins, and the armadillo sticks out its tongue and shouts. Most impressive is that both bonuses feature fully animated transitions and payouts, with characters dancing, oil derricks pumping and checks floating through the air.
The soundtrack is fairly catchy frontier-style music, although it’s a little more cattle drive than prospector.
There’s a pretty big focus on the themed sound effects that trigger on wins or when certain spaces come up on the board. Players will hear a lot of honking, whip cracking and bulls snorting.
After a little time, the sound can be overwhelming, but it does a good job of building excitement as the reels settle.
Compare game features – paylines – RTP
game specs for the IGT’s texas tea slot machine
game specs | by feature |
reels | 5 |
paylines | 9 |
min. Bet | $5 |
max. Bet | $900 |
max. RTP | 87.5% to 96.2% |
max. Jackpot | 9999999999 credits |
features | wild, scatter, jackpots |
mobile app | yes |
Texas tea slots: core gameplay
The texas tea slot machine features three rows and five reels, but only nine possible paylines. Players can choose to play one, three, five or all nine.
The paylines are fairly easy to keep track of since it’s just three horizontals and a few diagonal variations. Everything has to flow along the payline from left-to-right to win, except for the texas ted spaces. These are scatter-based and pay out as long as they’re anywhere on the board.
There is a straight jackpot available, with five matching texas tea symbols in a payline paying out 10,000x the line bet.

The core gameplay can be an interesting mix of volatile and steady. With only nine paylines there aren’t as many ways to win as some modern machines, and the game doesn’t feature any wilds to help bridge gaps.
Players betting on all nine lines will definitely see some major swings as a few misses can put a real strain on the buy-in. That said, the game somewhat alleviates this by offering some very generous payouts.
The lower paying flower spaces still pay off a slightly profitable amount for just matching three, and the higher paying spaces offer consolation payouts for just two matching spaces.
Even getting just one texas tea symbol in the left column pays 2x the line bet. This stops the game from being too harsh on the player’s bank while they’re looking for a bigger win to recover.
Black gold bonus feature
The free texas tea slot features two oil-themed bonus games, which provide some of the bigger potential payouts. The first is a fairly simple variable scatter win.
Getting three texas ted spaces anywhere on the board triggers the “oil dividend” bonus round. This isn’t an interactive game; the game just moves to ted’s office for a quick animated scene.
After he cuts the player a check, it will appear on the screen and start counting up before settling on a total payout, which is based on a multiplier of the total bet for that spin.

The multiplier depends on how many spaces appeared, and a little luck. Three scatter symbols can pay 3x, 8x, 15x or 25x. Four scatter symbols can pay 8x, 10x, 25x, 40x or 50x, and getting five symbols can pay 20x, 30x, 50x, 75x or 100x.
The other game is triggered by getting at least three oil derrick symbols in a winning payline, starting from left to right. This takes the player to a special “big oil” bonus round, which starts with a map of texas.
Players are awarded oil pumps based on how many were in their winning payline. There are eight regions that players can choose for drilling, and players can only put one pump in each region.
Once the pumps are placed they’ll start working. Each pump adds to the multiplier, possibly through several rounds of successful pumping.
Once each well is dry, the multiplier is applied to the line bet, and the player goes back to the main game. Payouts for big oil depend on the number of drills available.
The minimum is a 5x multiplier. Three, four and five pumps have maximum multipliers of 100x, 200x and 495x.
Is it a player’s cup of tea?
The texas tea online slot games are great for players looking for fun bonus games, big payouts and fast gameplay. The design is adorable, and the sounds create a great atmosphere for a shorter session.
The big oil bonus game is a fun, interactive twist on jackpots, and the other potential high payouts keep the game exciting. Problems only arise for any players looking for a very long and relaxing game.
While there are still loss breakers mixed in, the limited ways to win can leave smaller buy-ins quickly drained.
The charm of the animations and sound effects may also wear thin after the 100th armadillo cry. Still, it’s fun for a quick visit and a chance at that black gold.
Texas tea peli
Peli teas is proud to announce its featured teas.
Whole leaf teas
The evergreen tea tree or bush (camellia sinensis) has leathery, serrated, strongly veined leaves that sprout from short-channeled stalks off a stem that has numerous leafy branches. The underside of a young leaf has many fine hairs that disappear as the leaf ages. The plant can grow as tall as small trees but it is mostly trimmed to bush size to encourage new growth. The young leaves, or flush, are the prized leaves from which the best teas are made.
At the time of emperor nung, all camellia sinensis varieties were wild and were discovered in various parts of the country. These plants adapted to different humidity levels, elevations and amount of sun light. Variations were found in many different climates.
By the time of lu yu, cultivation was spreading rapidly as it was a sign of respect to the imperial family. Tribute teas were favored and small quantites were reserved for royalty. Each tea-growing province had certain attributes that resulted in different types of tea being produced.
It is some of these quality teas that peli teas has brought to the attention of the north american tea drinker. These mostly hand picked and traditionally processed teas have been enjoyed for hundreds of years in china.
So, let's see, what we have: texas tea peliautomaatti ilmaiseksi netissä. IGT -pelikehittäjän slotti tarjonnassamme tuo voittoja erinomaisen palautusprosentin ansiosta. At texas tea peli
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