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Tureeff financed a very successful residential reconstruction project with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B.
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Emin bey apartment project has been constructed by yelkovan inşaat. The project has started in 2017, in istanbul and completed. Tureeff financed a very successful residential reconstruction project with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Birlik apartment project has been constructed by intaya construction. The project has started in 2017, in istanbul and.
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Adana esinloft project by adiva inşaat details

DMS yapı reconstruction project details
GN yapı yeshill reconstruction project details

Refugee trainings details
DMS construction - moda apartm.
Tureeff financed the first residential building reconstruction project under the turkish government’s urban transformation plan (UTP). DMS construction company has become the first beneficiary of a tureeff reconstruction loan, for its B energy class.
Adiva construction - esinloft
Esin loft residential project was implemented by adiva construction co. In adana, as the first reconstruction (UTP) project of tureeff implemented in anatolia. Adiva co. Is an SME construction company mainly operates in adana region. They started esin.
GN construction - yeshill resi.
Yeshill residence project was implemented by GN construction co. In istanbul, as one of the most successfull reconstruction (urban transformation plan-UTP) projects implemented under tureeff. GN construction is an SME construction company mainly.
Yelkovan construction - selvil.
Tureeff financed a very successful residential reconstruction project with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Selvili project has been constructed by yelkovan construction. The project has started in 2016, in istanbul and completed.
Yelkovan construction - akgül.
Turkish residential energy efficiency financing facility (tureeff) has financed another very successful reconstruction project with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Akgül project has been constructed by yelkovan inşaat. The project.
Mono architecture - çağlar A.
Turkish residential energy efficiency financing facility (tureeff) has financed another very successful reconstruction project with a high energy performance certified as EPC B. Çağlar apartmanı project has been constructed by mono mimarlık. The.
GN construction - meltem apart.
Meltem apartmanı residential project was implemented by GN construction co. In istanbul, as one of the most successfull reconstruction (UTP) projects implemented under tureeff. GN construction is an SME construction company mainly operates in istanbul region.
GN construction - sultan apart.
Sultan apartment residential project was implemented by GN construction co. In istanbul, as one of the most successfull reconstruction (UTP) projects implemented under tureeff. GN construction is an SME construction company mainly operates.
Yelkovan construction - emin B.
Tureeff financed a very successful residential reconstruction project with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Emin bey apartment project has been constructed by yelkovan inşaat. The project has started in 2017, in istanbul and completed.
Yelkovan construction - cevat .
Tureeff financed a very successful residential reconstruction project with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Cevat bey apartments has been constructed by yelkovan inşaat. The project has started in 2017, in istanbul and completed.
Mono architecture - akpınar A.
Turkish residential energy efficiency financing facility (tureeff) has financed another very successful reconstruction project with a high energy performance certified as EPC B. Akpınar-A apartment project has been constructed by mono mimarlık. The.
Mono architecture - akpınar A.
Turkish residential energy efficiency financing facility (tureeff) has financed another very successful reconstruction project with a high energy performance certified as EPC B. Akpınar-B apartment project has been constructed by mono mimarlık. The.
Zafer hakan construction - ana.
Tureeff financed a very successful residential reconstruction project with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Anamur apartment project has been constructed by zafer hakan construction. The project has started in 2017, in istanbul.
Intaya construction: birlik A.
Tureeff financed a very successful residential reconstruction project with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Birlik apartment project has been constructed by intaya construction. The project has started in 2017, in istanbul and.
Şahanlar construction - pando.
Tureeff financed the first residential reconstruction project in denizli with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Pandora apartments block A project has been constructed by şahanlar construction. The project has started in 2017.
Serkan construction - özay ap.
Tureeff financed a very successful residential reconstruction project with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Özay apartments project has been constructed by serkan construction. The project has started in 2017, in istanbul and.
Mint - şişli project
Turkish residential energy efficiency financing facility (tureeff) has financed another very successful reconstruction project with a high energy performance certified as EPC B. Şişli project has been constructed by mint construction. The project will.
Modern klima - vendor loan
Modern klima from istanbul, has become the most frequent beneficiary of tureeff vendor loans. By using tureeff's vendor loan, company has become able to offer the market increasing quantities of high energy performance white appliances.
Şahinler A.Ş. Isparta: energ.
In cooperation with tureeff, ŞAHİNLER A.Ş. From isparta benefited tureeff vendor loans and provided its customers with energy efficient white goods and equipment. By using tureeff's energy efficient (EE) vendor loan, the company had opportunity.
Şahanlar construction - pando.
Tureeff financed the first residential reconstruction project in denizli with a high energy perfomance certified as EPC B. Pandora apartments block B project has been constructed by şahanlar construction. The project has started in 2017.
Turkish köfte

Tips for lamb and meatballs
How to pick lamb
How to freeze lamb
How to thaw lamb
How to store meatballs
How to freeze meatballs
How to thaw meatballs
Ingredients (11)
- 1 pound ground lamb
- 1 medium garlic clove, minced
- 1/2 cup grated red onion, grated on the small holes of a box grater
- 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh italian parsley
- 2 teaspoons ground sumac
- 1 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt
- 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh mint leaves
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1/2 teaspoon hot paprika
- Calories 168
- Fat 13.43g
- Saturated fat 5.81g
- Trans fat
- Carbs 1.66g
- Fiber 0.47g
- Sugar 0.5g
- Protein 9.68g
- Cholesterol 41.39mg
- Sodium 160.92mg
- Nutritional analysis per serving (8 servings)powered by
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If you visit turkey, you’ll see köfte—balls of ground meat (or sometimes ground vegetables) seasoned with onion, herbs, and spices—everywhere. The recipes vary from region to region and town to town. Some köfte are made with bulgur, rice, or breadcrumbs; others are meat only, mostly lamb, but sometimes a combination of beef and lamb. They are served with flatbread, onions sprinkled with sumac, and yogurt.
Special equipment: roll your köfte meat around wide, flat wooden skewers. If you use thin skewers, your köfte will likely fall into the grill.
You’ll also need four standard 4-1/2-pound bricks. Wrapped in foil and placed in pairs on opposite ends of the grill, they hold the ends of the skewers aloft so that the köfte float well above the flames as they cook. Bricks can be purchased at most hardware stores.
Game plan: to prepare the köfte indoors, set the broiler to high and arrange a rack in the middle of the oven. Form the lamb mixture into flat meatballs (no skewers) and place them on a baking sheet, making sure they’re not touching. Broil until the köfte are no longer pink in the middle, about 10 minutes.
This recipe was our featured gateway dish for turkey.
Turfe kyōtei
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Adiva inşaat adana esinloft projesi detaylar

DMS yapı yeniden inşa projesi detaylar
GN yapı yeshill yeniden inşa projesi detaylar

Mültecilere yönelik eğitim detaylar
DMS yapı - moda apartmanı
Tureeff, kentsel dönüşüm planı kapsamında ilk yeniden inşa projesini gerçekleştirdi. DMS.
Adiva yapı - esinloft
Tureeff kapsamında değerlendirilen istanbul dışındaki ilk proje olan esin loft konut projesi adana'da.
GN inşaat - yeshill rezidans
Tureeff kapsamında değerlendirilen en başarılı proje örneklerinden biri olan yeshill rezidans konut projesi.
Yelkovan inşaat - selvili ap.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Yelkovan inşaat - akgül apa.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Mono mimarlık - çağlar apar.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
GN inşaat - meltem apartman�.
Tureeff kapsamında değerlendirilen en başarılı proje örneklerinden biri olan meltem apartmanı konut projesi.
GN inşaat - sultan apartman�.
Tureeff kapsamında değerlendirilen en başarılı proje örneklerinden biri olan sultan apartmanı konut projesi.
Yelkovan inşaat - emin bey A.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Yelkovan inşaat - cevat bey .
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Mono mimarlık - akpınar apar.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Mono mimarlık - akpınar apar.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Zafer hakan yapı - anamur apa.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Intaya inşaat: birlik apart.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Şahanlar inşaat - pandora S.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Serkan yapı - özay apartman�.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Mint - şişli projesi
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Modern klima - satıcı kredil.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff)'in enerji verimli beyaz eşya ve ekipman çözümünden.
Şahinler A.Ş. Isparta: enerj.
Tureeff ile yapmış olduğu işbirliği vesilesiyle müşterilerini yüksek sayıda enerji verimli beyaz eşya.
Şahanlar inşaat - pandora S.
Türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı (tureeff), başarılı proje finansmanı örneklerine.
Thread: japan only super famicom titles
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Japan only super famicom titles
I am wondering if theres a list of super famicom games that were ONLY released in japan?
You could use the online rarity guide to the left and sort SNES by non-US releases. Press 'country' twice to sort z->a and japan start mid 1st page and on.
Doesn't work since games in the DP database get an entry for each region. So he'll still get every super famicom title that saw a release in the US on the list. And the listings on wikipedia have no way to subdivide the list to just view japanese exclusives.
I tried to make one using the wikipedia list and excel, deleting entries that list an official english release. Apologies if it's too long or if my rudimentary methods missed some details:
Hey that's amazing work. Thanks! I will be using that list. Now if I only knew what each game was, I guess I'll have to check youtube.
Last edited by oldskool; 04-06-2010 at 05:45 PM .
It wasn't that much work. Just paste the three lists into excel, sort the whole list by "english translation", then delete the rows with official translations, resort the remaining list by title, and remove items that aren't titles.
The list from RF generation has super famicom titles that were released on the super nintendo. That's not exactly what I was looking for, but thanks.
What are some excellent shooters, run n gun, and platformer games that were never released here? I want to stay away from dating games, rpg's, and anything text heavy.
I have a bunch of short super famicom reviews on my site with screenshots. This may help
I'd personaly advice:
. There're just too many of them. Some of my reviews need to be revisited (english is not my native language) but I hope the site will help you discover some cool SFC only games

Last edited by lkermel; 04-06-2010 at 06:19 PM .
The list from RF generation has super famicom titles that were released on the super nintendo. That's not exactly what I was looking for, but thanks.
What are some excellent shooters, run n gun, and platformer games that were never released here? I want to stay away from dating games, rpg's, and anything text heavy.
pop'n twinbee (not on this list because it's one of the rare games to get a PAL release, but no NA release)
parodius games (parodius da! Is also not on the list because of a PAL release)
marchen adventure cotton 100% (already mentioned)
Run 'n gun:
rendering ranger R2 (but it's perhaps the rarest SFC game to get a retail release, so this will cost an arm and a leg)
majuuou (also rendered majyuuou for complicated reasons I won't get into here - this is also very expensive, maybe due to being highly sought-after)
doremi fantasy
magical pop'n
umihara kawase
sutte hakkun (I am so addicted to this game - I've finished every stage including all the bonus and battle stages, but I still keep finding ways to improve my scores and times every once in a while; incredible replay value for a puzzler/platformer)
For whatever reason, the shooters and platformers I've named all happen to be rather on the cute side, but they're all really good games.
Most of this stuff will be kind of expensive too. :/
The scaffolding - aibou episode summaries
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Sunday, november 30, 2014
Selected words from aibou TV season 4 episode 13 - the last call/message(最後の着信)
Itchō(一丁) - one, as in one cup of ramen
Shishū(死臭) - stench of death
Tsuke gatai(つけ難い) - hard to put (hard to distinguish)
Shoji-hin(所持品) - personal belongings
Sujō(素性) - identity, information about the individual
Tsūwa rireki(通話履歴) - call history
Chakushin(着信) - phone call
Shibō suitei jikoku(死亡推定時刻) - estimated time of death
Kokusai denwa(国際電話) - international call
Teguchi(手口) - modus operandi
Tōroku(登録) - register, record
Renrakusaki(連絡先) - contact information
Tokumei(匿名) - anonymously(false name)
Sōken(送検) - sending the person accused to the prosecutor
Jikoshi(事故死) - accidental death
Chimeishō(致命傷) - mortal wound
Daboku-kon(打撲痕) - bruise marks
Jōhō-ya(情報屋) - police informer
Chōsho(調書) - a statement of the facts of the case in a criminal charge
Shikkō yūyo(執行猶予) - suspended sentence
yukizuri(行きずり) - casual
Neta(ネタ) - story, information
Kontan(魂胆) - ulterior motive
Okonomiyaki-ya(お好み焼き屋) - okonomiyaki restaurant
Hikitori ishi(引き取り意思) - intention to pick up
Shunpūteishōta(春風亭昇太) - rakugo performer, inspector ukyō gives CSI yonezawa a ticket to his performance
Kashikari(貸し借り) - lending and borrowing
Ashidori(足取り) - steps(location and the time) the person took
Gyaku gire(逆ギレ) - misplaced anger
Masutā(マスター) - proprietor of a bar
Norokeru(ノロケル) - to boast, speak proudly of
Fukikomu(吹き込む) - to record
Katagi(堅気) - not part of organized crime or extremist groups
Dōgyōsha(同業者) - person in the same business
Roppongi-sho(六本木署) - roppongi station
Seikatsu anzen-ka(生活安全課) - life safety division
Busson jiko(物損事故) - traffic accident resulting in property damage
Kansatsu-kan chōshu(監察官聴取) - inspector general hearing
Shokumu shitsumon(職務質問) one of the activities carried out by the japanese police. When a japanese policeman notices a person acting oddly, he or she questions the individual about what's going on.
Genkōhantaiho(現行犯逮捕) - immediate arrest, arrest at the scene of the crime
Jishu taiho(自首逮捕) - surrender arrest
Keishisōkan-shō(警視総監賞) - commissioner's award
Shochō-shō(署長賞) - chief award
Ōshū-ryō(押収量) - amount seized
Kankatsu-gai teishutsu(管轄外提出) - submitted from outside the jurisdiction
Ihō sōsa(違法捜査) - illegal investigation
Shinin'nikuchinashi(死人に口なし) - dead men tell no tales.
Miseshime(見せしめ) - lesson, example, warning to others
Te o kudasu(手を下す) - to do something by oneself, without using an intermediary
Tagai(互い) - mutual, each other
Ten'nai(店内) - inside the store
Shōgō(照合) - match and verify
Utagai o harasu(疑いを晴らす) - to dispel doubts
Namayake(生焼け) - soddenness, sogginess, saturated
Torotoro(トロトロ) - soft and squishy
O torikae(お取替え) - replace it
Nakamichi-dōri(中道通り) - nakamichi street
Mushikaesu(蒸し返す) - bring it up again
Yokeinaosewa(余計なお世話) - it's none of your business
Chōkan kanbō(長官官房) - chief cabinet secretary
Shindō-on(振動音) - vibration sound
Fuseru(付せる) - do not ask "about something"
Yaminihōmuru(闇に葬る) - buried into the darkness
Ukaba renai(浮かばれない) - not be vindicated
Aibou TV season 4 episode 13 - the last call/message(最後の着信)
Subtitle: the last call/message(最後の着信)
One evening, sergeant kaoru runs into kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎), a 27 year old man, who gives the sergeant a free pack of cigarettes saying that he's quitting since he's getting married. Before kōtarō leaves, the man returns to sergeant kaoru and tells the sergeant that he won't be able to get married unless he quits smoking. The good-natured man turns out to be a drug dealer who was trying to wash his hands clean from the business so that he could marry a high school classmate. Unfortunately, he turns up dead at the bottom of a set of stairs of a park three days later. Who killed kōtarō? Was it his drug supplier ichirō washizu(鷲頭 一郎), sadao hishinuma(菱沼 貞夫) the cop he's been passing information to, or someone else?
Characters appearing/mentioned in the story
Sadao hishinuma(菱沼 貞夫) - detective working in the life safety division(生活安全課 seikatsu anzen-ka) at roppongi station (六本木署 roppongi-sho). Detective hishinuma has received numerous awards for drug seizure including the commissioner's award(警視総監賞 keishisōkan-shō) and the chief award (署長賞 shochō-shō).
He arrested kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎) three years ago. The detective says that kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎) turned himself in carrying stimulants he purchased. He supposedly told the detective that he gave into his desires on a weak moment but got scared before he used them. Since kōtarō turned himself in, his sentence was suspended, and he hadn't been arrested since.
When inspector ukyō asks detective hishinuma if he recognizes the phone number registered on kōtarō's white cellphone, the detective answers that he hasn't seen kōtarō in three years and doesn't recognize the phone number.
Yumi shirasaka(白坂 由美) - she was kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎)'s high school classmate back in osaka and a member of the badminton club. They ran into each other two months ago. Since then, they got together several times including the day he was killed.
On the day kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎) was killed, they got together at a cafe, saw a movie, and ate together at a okonomiyaki restaurant. While there, kōtarō complained about the quality of the okonomiyaki to the chef,. Kōtarō then took her home in a cab, went to a bar, and then walked to kichijoji(吉祥寺 kichijōji) by himself.
She later tells the tokumeigakari pair that kōtarō used a red cellphone while they were eating in the okonomiyaki restaurant.
Kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎) - the good-natured man who gives sergeant kaoru cigarettes after seeing that the sergeant had just run out. Kōtarō had a criminal record however - he had been arrested three years ago for possession of stimulants. Three days after meeting sergeant kaoru, he is found dead at the bottom of a set of stairs at a park known to have little foot traffic at night, a perfect place for dealing drugs. Right before he died, he scratched someone and had skin cells lodged underneath his fingernails and died between 10 PM and 12 AM. He had alcohol in his system at the time of his death.
Kōtarō was holding a white cellphone when he died and made his last call at 10 PM. He also had a red and black phone in his possession at the time of his death. He used his red phone for personal calls, black for his business calls (drug deal customers), and the white phone for unknown purposes - only two numbers were registered on that phone, both without names.
He lived in nishimachi(西町) in kichijoji(吉祥寺 kichijōji). His mother lives in osaka and had left a message on his answering machine, not knowing that her son had been killed.
Ichirō washizu(鷲頭 一郎) - kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎)'s drug supplier. Kōtarō's registered ichirō's phone number on one of his cellphones, which allowed the sōichi to track him down. Superintendent kakuta's men had also tracked ichirō down with help from their informants. As a result, the two groups fought over who gets to take ichirō in. Ichirō realized that it's better to be taken into custody for selling drugs rather than for murder, so he deliberately admitted to selling drugs to kōtarō so he would be arrested by superintendent kakuta's men.
Once in custody, it turns out that ichirō doesn't have an alibi for the night kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎) was murdered. He also knew that kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎) was a spy for the police, and he reveals that detective sadao hishinuma(菱沼 貞夫) was the one who had told him.
Ichirō eventually reveals where he was shortly before kōtarō was killed. After finding out that kōtarō was spying for the police, ichirō decided to teach kōtarō a lesson for betraying him. Ichirō was getting ready to beat him up at the park where kōtarō was killed, but before he could carry it out, ichirō overheard kōtarō talking to detective hishinuma on the white cellphone. Realizing that he had been set up, ichirō decided against beating kōtarō up and left after overhearing that detective hishinuma was heading over to the park to talk to kōtarō.
Ten'in(店員) - the unnamed clerk and chef at the okonomiyaki restaurant. Kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎) complained about the quality of the okonomiyaki to him after the clerk warned kōtarō not to use a cell phone in the store. The clerk tells the tokumeigakari pair that kōtarō was using a white cellphone in the restaurant. He lives in kichijoji(吉祥寺 kichijōji).
Masutā(マスター) - the unnamed proprietor of a bar where kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎) dropped by before he was killed. The proprietor says that kōtarō came to the bar by himself, as he always did. Kōtarō got very drunk on the day he died and rambled on about getting married. Yumi shirasaka(白坂 由美) had told him that she wanted to live together with him, and that had put him in a very good mood.
Haruki ōkōchi(大河内 春樹) - the tokumeigakari pair visit general inspector ōkōchi to ask about detective sadao hishinuma(菱沼 貞夫). Even though kōtarō waki(脇 幸太郎) had caused a traffic accident resulting in property damage, the case was never sent to the prosecutor. Under questioning, detective hishinuma had admitted that he didn't send the case to the prosecutor. The tokumeigakari pair suspect that this is because kōtarō was a spy for the detective, and the detective was protecting his informant. General inspector ōkōchi confesses that he suspects something fishy about kōtarō 's initial arrest as well.
The general inspector before general inspector ōkōchi had closed his eyes to detective sadao hishinuma(菱沼 貞夫)'s questionable activities because the detective had seized a large quantity of drugs.
So, let's see, what we have: türkiye konutlarda enerji verimliliği finansman programı. At turfe kyōtei
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