Fu system skywind
With its comparatively small diameter of 1.5 m (4.92 ft) and low weight of just 19 kg (42 lbs) the turbine can be fitted to most any building or mast.
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Yet its power output of 1kw makes it ideally suited for the completion of most any PV-plant. Skywind turbines can be ordered via our online order system which can be found at www.Myskywind.Shop and usually ship within a few days after order. Since skywind is designed to fit in standard parcels our turbines are shipped with DHL, UPS or fedex and will usually arrive by airfreight within very short time.
High quality micro wind turbines:
Skywind NG micro wind turbines are the only turbines in its class providing a guaranteed power performance curve . From the very beginning high durability, low noise emissions and easy installation represented the key aspects for skywind. To achieve this a complex all-metal rotor made from aerospace grade aluminum was developed.
With its comparatively small diameter of 1.5 m (4.92 ft) and low weight of just 19 kg (42 lbs) the turbine can be fitted to most any building or mast. Yet its power output of 1kw makes it ideally suited for the completion of most any PV-plant.
With hundreds of turbines working inside residential areas skywind NG has become the most popular micro wind turbine in germany . Every skywind turbine consists of a blade, a generator and an inverter with dumpload for breaking in case of storms. Skywind NG turbines have proven their performance not only on german sites but under the harsh conditions of the african desert or canadian ice-fields as well. With its ‘made in germany’ quality and guaranteed power performance curve skywind is your choice for any serious energy project.
Skywind turbines can be ordered via our online order system which can be found at www.Myskywind.Shop and usually ship within a few days after order. Since skywind is designed to fit in standard parcels our turbines are shipped with DHL, UPS or fedex and will usually arrive by airfreight within very short time.
Affordable energy, generated by the force of the wind only - thatвґs our skywind NG . Build entirely from aluminum and steel, it represents the most robust and powerful turbine of its size ever. Our all-metal rotor technology is proven around the planet since 2009 and awarded by the SIEMENS STIFTUNG as well as the german industrial award! The skywind is made in germany and the united states utilizing our unique and patented technology.
Windkraft fгјr jedermann:
Mit mikrowindkraft nutzen sie die HГ¶he ihrer vorhandenen gebг¤ude oder hallen und installieren die anlagen direkt auf dem dach. Ohne masten und fundamente, ohne kranwagen und ohne aufwг¤ndigen anschluss. Der erzeugte strom wird dann direkt bei ihnen verbraucht. Auch hier ohne umweg гјber EEG oder sonstige subventionen. Dabei ist der skywind im betrieb so leise, dass er dank der prгјfung des tгњv nord selbst in reinen wohngebieten installiert werden kann.
Als einzige mikrowindkraftanlage weltweit ist der skywind unabhг¤ngig und unter realistischen bedingungen durch die windtest grevenbroich vermessen worden. Von deutschland гјber nepal, japan, kanada, chile, sгјdafrika, kuwait sogar bis nach somalia wurden inzwischen mehrere tausend skywind mikrowindkraftanlagen verkauft. Ob einfamilienhaus, firmengebг¤ude oder sendemast - fгјr fast alle kleineren projekte ist strom aus windkraft die perfekte ergг¤nzung.
Der skywind nutzt genau die in der EU geltenden limits fгјr sehr kleine windkraftanlagen aus. WГ¤re der rotor minimal grг¶гџer oder die betriebsspannung hг¶her, wгјrde die anlage einer wesentlich strengeren reglementierung unterliegen. Die folgen fгјr sie wг¤ren aufwendige genehmigungen und versicherungen. Eine kleinere anlage hingegen wгјrde erheblich weniger leisten, wг¤re aufgrund der fixkosten wie leistungsvermessung und schallgutachten dabei jedoch nur geringfгјgig gгјnstiger im preis.
Der skywind NG ist 2015 & 2016 durch die fachjury des deutschen industriepreises ausgezeichnet worden! Auгџerdem ist die technologie aufgrund der besonderen robustheit preistrг¤ger der SIEMENS stiftung.
Lesen sie was die fachpresse гјber den skywind NG berichtet: bericht photovoltaik oder bericht NDR .
Fordern sie jetzt detaillierte informationen an:
Gгјnstige energie aus wind, erzeugt auf dem eigenen dach - das ist der skywind NG . Die erste unabhг¤ngig geprгјfte mikrowindanlage ist effizient, leise und made in germany. Mit unseren weltweit einzigartigen anlagen in patentierter ganzmetallbauweise erzeugen sie in zukunft ihren eigenen strom. Seit 2020 gehг¶rt der skywind NG zur skywind energy gmbh welche ihn weltweit vertreibt.
Skywind - model NG - micro wind turbine
The skywind NG is the very first micro wind turbine designed with the same passion and expertise currently known only from large scale megawatt turbines. Key aspects are its high power and durability at comparatively small size and weight. Its patented all metal design provides unique strengh and an unmatchable service life. Every turbine consists of a turbine with rotor and grid inverter (230V and 110V available) as well as an automatic storm control system with dumpload. All components are prepared for quick installation. There´s no need to program the inverter or balance the rotor - it´s all just plug and play!
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Products details
Our micro turbine was designed using state of the art technologies like CFD´s (computational fluid dynamics) and is manufactured with 6-axis CNC machining centers. While design and metalwork is done in germany, the DC-machine is made in america and assembled with the turbine in germany. The turbine generates only very low noise emissions due to its outstanding aerodynamic performance. In fact it is so quiet it is approved for use in german residential-only areas. A certificated noise map may be provided upon request.
Our turbines are in use all over the world including very hot regions. Skywind´s can be delivered with grid inverter (110 or 230 V, 50 - 60 hz) or battery inverters. Skywind turbines mounted on our patented rafter mounting may even be used in hurricane regions, as those can be lowered onto the roof in case of too much wind.
Affordable energy, generated by the force of the wind only - that´s the skywind NG . The first micro wind turbine tested under realistic conditions by independent measurement service provider windtest grevenbroich. Build entirely from aluminum and steel, it represents the most robust and powerful turbine of its size ever. The skywind is made in germany and the united states by utilizing our unique and patented technology.
Your skywind delivery includes:
Rotor blade, made of aircraft grade aluminum with anti-reflective coating RAL 7037
nacelle incl. Low voltage DC-generator with anti-reflective coating RAL 7016
mast fitting for 60mm diameter tube RAL 7016
preset 1.000 W grid inverter (230 or 110 V available) incl. Dump-load for overspeed control
automatic storm control system with brake
Our patented rooftop kit also includes:
- 1.80 m steel tower with patented rooftop angle adaptor
- Rafter mounting for installation on the rooftop, variable in size
- Vibration decouplers for smooth and quiet operation on buildings
Skywind NG turbines are always shipped with an effective, redundant storm control system that will stop the turbines rotation in case of a storm or a grid failure. For sites with extreme wind conditions or hurricanes our rooftop tower may be chosen. The tower can be lowered onto the roof by the loosening of a single screw and by one man only. Download our brochure.
Fusystems skywind is experienced with shipments all over the planet. For detailed information on shipments to your country please contact our sales team.
Tecnical data
Videos related to this product
Skywind, PV, sonnenbatterie video
This skywind NG micro wind turbine installation was installed 2015 in western germany together with 7 kw of PV and a 16 kwh sonnenbatterie storage. The system is making its owner energy independent.
Energy-efficient house in the orca depression video
Zwei skywind NG versorgen gemeinsam mit einer PV-anlage dieses haus, dass nur 2kw heizleistung benötigt. Hier laufen beide anlagen bei voller leistung im orkantief 'billie'. Bei genauem hinsehen kann auch die arbeit der mastentkopplung beobachtet werden.
Wind power, photovoltaic + electricity storage video
Windkraft und photovoltaik auf stromspeicher für das eigene zuhause. Jetzt energieautark werden.
Skywind in action at sunset video
Ein durchziehender gewittersturm sorgte mit böen bis 12 m/s für schönstes windwetter im sonnenuntergang. Maximale leistung im video lag bei 0,58kw. Trotz der hohen drehzahl von über 1000 U/min ist die anlage kaum zu hören. Trotz des shutters der kamera lässt sich bereits erahnen wie wenig vom rotor im betrieb zu bemerken ist.
22/5000 infeed skywind NG video
Aufgenommen im sturm am 09.08.2014 mit maximalen böen um 14 m/s bei 9 m/s. Aufgenommen direkt am wechselrichter. Die anlage selbst läuft mit nur zwei metern abstand und ohne trennende insolierung direkt über dem wechselrichter.
Skywind wind turbines: powerful, reliable & easy to set up!
Skywind NG micro wind turbines are powering homes, equipment and telecommunication around the world. Our patented all-metal construction offers outstanding durability and power output on off-shore platforms as well as in the himalaya. Skywind turbines always ship with generator, control computer and storm control system to allow for easy set-up.
Start generating clean and affordable energy from your rooftop today with skywind NG micro wind turbines
Weighing less than 20 kg a skywind NG turbine can be set-up without a crane or expensive special equipment
With skywind your barn, carport or other buildings become a free tower for your own energy production
Complete your island grid or battery storage system with wind energy during the night and in bad weather
Thousands of skywind turbines are even operating charging 12/24 V batteries - like this one a school in rural chile
Avoid downtimes of your equipment or reduce use of your diesel back-up generator by incorporating wind power
Why skywind?
By focusing on a single type of wind turbine we maximize the quantity helping to drastically cut production cost per unit. Low weight and small dimensions of a single unit also allow for easy transport and installation anywhere in the world.
". The skywind NG is basically a solar panel working with wind"
… a simple and memorable but absolutely accurate description of what has made skywind turbines so successful around the globe. By focusing on quality and customer service skywind has become the largest manufacturer of micro turbines in europe.
Receive detailed information by email: click here
Fusystems skywind gmbh
Skywind NG micro wind turbines are the only turbines in their class providing a guaranteed power performance curve. Fusystems started development of wind turbines in 2009. From the very beginning high durability, low noise emissions and an easy installation represented key aspects for the upcoming system. To achieve this a complex all-metal, single-piece rotor was developed. With its comparatively small rotor diameter of 1.5 m (4.92 ft) and low weight of just 19 kg (42 lbs) the turbine can be fitted to most any building or mast.
![High Quality Micro Wind Turbines, fu system skywind. High Quality Micro Wind Turbines, fu system skywind.](https://www.thinkgreen.com.bd/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/lo.png)
With thousands of turbines working around the globe, skywind NG has become the most popular micro wind turbine in europe. Every skywind turbine consists of a blade, a generator, an inverter with dumpload for breaking in case of a storm and a redundant automatic braking system. Skywind NG turbines have proven their performance not only on german sites but under the harsh conditions of the african desert as well. With its ‘made in germany’ quality and guaranteed power performance curve skywind is your choice for any serious energy project. Check out our FAQ for answers to all the most important question.
The fusystems skywind corp. Represents the single most awarded micro wind turbine manufacturer in the world. Fusystems skywind is part of the cronenberg enterprise group active in business since 1711. In 2016 skywind has also been awarded by SIEMENS stiftung and is member of the SIEMENS empowering people network since. In 2018 skywind is celebrating its 5th anniversary.
Thousands of turbines utilizing our patented all-metal turbine technology have been delivered since 2009. Take action now and request your detailed information package.
Affordable energy, generated by the force of the wind only – that´s the skywind NG. The first micro wind turbine tested under realistic conditions by independent measurement service provider windtest grevenbroich. Build entirely from aluminum and steel, it represents the most robust and powerful turbine of its size ever. The skywind is made in germany and the united states by utilizing our unique and patented technology.
Fusystems skywind gmbh
Fusystems started development of wind turbines in 2009. From the very beginning high durability, low noise emissions and an easy installation represented key aspects for the upcoming system. To achieve this a complex all-metal, single-piece rotor was developed. With its comparatively small diameter of 1.5 m (4.92 ft) and low weight of just 15.5 kg (34 lbs) the turbine can be fitted to most any building or mast. Yet its power output of 1 kw makes it ideally suited for the completion of most any PV-plant. Fusystems skywind is selling the turbines to business customers only. If you are interested in becoming a reseller of the most advanced micro wind systems in its class worldwide please feel free to contact us. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
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About us
Fusystems skywind is selling the turbines to business customers only. If you are interested in becoming a reseller of the most advanced micro wind systems in its class worldwide please feel free to contact us . Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
The fusystems skywind corp. Represents the single most awarded micro wind turbine manufacturer in the world. Fusystems skywind is part of the cronenberg enterprise group active in business since 1711. In 2016 skywind has also been awarded by SIEMENS stiftung and is member of the SIEMENS empowering people network since.
Thousands of turbines utilizing our patented all-metal turbine technology have been delivered since 2009. Join our team in helping us to make wind power available to everyone!
Wind turbines that can be used anywhere energy is needed - that has been the goal of fritz unger ever since he started developing his first wind turbine prototype in 2009. Since these days skywinds objective has been creating the most advanced micro wind turbines and delivering them to our customers world wide.
Today, after more than 2.500 rotors build, our skywind turbines can be found most anywhere on the planet. No matter if it´s a school in chile, communication equipment in kuwait, entire villages in mali, cottages in finland, shelters in japan or houses and hangars in germany, canada and the united states. Our patented skywind turbines have become a symbol of energy independency.
Now, what makes skywind turbines so special?
- The unique metal construction. Especially in hot, sandy and/or salty conditions, common plastic (CRP/GRP) turbines fail quickly due to UV-radiation and abrasion. Only the unique skywind metal construction can cope with these conditions for years to come.
- The high quality generator. Most turbines available will utilize materials like neodymium and plastics. This allows for cheap construction and lighter parts, but will not last over the years. Neodymium demagnetises above 130°C inside the turbine and plastic moulded coils quickly deform under load and temperature. Only our skywind generator with its heat capacity of +300°C and 100% metal construction allows continuous and reliable operation for decades.
By choosing skywind NG turbines you decide for german quality engineering and competence in your energy supply. Make your choice and contact us now. Skywind is always looking for new sales partners worldwide.
Skywind - model NG - micro wind turbine
The skywind NG is the very first micro wind turbine designed with the same passion and expertise currently known only from large scale megawatt turbines. Key aspects are its high power and durability at comparatively small size and weight. Its patented all metal design provides unique strengh and an unmatchable service life. Every turbine consists of a turbine with rotor and grid inverter (230V and 110V available) as well as an automatic storm control system with dumpload. All components are prepared for quick installation. There´s no need to program the inverter or balance the rotor - it´s all just plug and play!
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Products details
Our micro turbine was designed using state of the art technologies like CFD´s (computational fluid dynamics) and is manufactured with 6-axis CNC machining centers. While design and metalwork is done in germany, the DC-machine is made in america and assembled with the turbine in germany. The turbine generates only very low noise emissions due to its outstanding aerodynamic performance. In fact it is so quiet it is approved for use in german residential-only areas. A certificated noise map may be provided upon request.
Our turbines are in use all over the world including very hot regions. Skywind´s can be delivered with grid inverter (110 or 230 V, 50 - 60 hz) or battery inverters. Skywind turbines mounted on our patented rafter mounting may even be used in hurricane regions, as those can be lowered onto the roof in case of too much wind.
Affordable energy, generated by the force of the wind only - that´s the skywind NG . The first micro wind turbine tested under realistic conditions by independent measurement service provider windtest grevenbroich. Build entirely from aluminum and steel, it represents the most robust and powerful turbine of its size ever. The skywind is made in germany and the united states by utilizing our unique and patented technology.
Your skywind delivery includes:
Rotor blade, made of aircraft grade aluminum with anti-reflective coating RAL 7037
nacelle incl. Low voltage DC-generator with anti-reflective coating RAL 7016
mast fitting for 60mm diameter tube RAL 7016
preset 1.000 W grid inverter (230 or 110 V available) incl. Dump-load for overspeed control
automatic storm control system with brake
Our patented rooftop kit also includes:
- 1.80 m steel tower with patented rooftop angle adaptor
- Rafter mounting for installation on the rooftop, variable in size
- Vibration decouplers for smooth and quiet operation on buildings
Skywind NG turbines are always shipped with an effective, redundant storm control system that will stop the turbines rotation in case of a storm or a grid failure. For sites with extreme wind conditions or hurricanes our rooftop tower may be chosen. The tower can be lowered onto the roof by the loosening of a single screw and by one man only. Download our brochure.
Fusystems skywind is experienced with shipments all over the planet. For detailed information on shipments to your country please contact our sales team.
Tecnical data
Videos related to this product
Skywind, PV, sonnenbatterie video
This skywind NG micro wind turbine installation was installed 2015 in western germany together with 7 kw of PV and a 16 kwh sonnenbatterie storage. The system is making its owner energy independent.
Energy-efficient house in the orca depression video
Zwei skywind NG versorgen gemeinsam mit einer PV-anlage dieses haus, dass nur 2kw heizleistung benötigt. Hier laufen beide anlagen bei voller leistung im orkantief 'billie'. Bei genauem hinsehen kann auch die arbeit der mastentkopplung beobachtet werden.
Wind power, photovoltaic + electricity storage video
Windkraft und photovoltaik auf stromspeicher für das eigene zuhause. Jetzt energieautark werden.
Skywind in action at sunset video
Ein durchziehender gewittersturm sorgte mit böen bis 12 m/s für schönstes windwetter im sonnenuntergang. Maximale leistung im video lag bei 0,58kw. Trotz der hohen drehzahl von über 1000 U/min ist die anlage kaum zu hören. Trotz des shutters der kamera lässt sich bereits erahnen wie wenig vom rotor im betrieb zu bemerken ist.
22/5000 infeed skywind NG video
Aufgenommen im sturm am 09.08.2014 mit maximalen böen um 14 m/s bei 9 m/s. Aufgenommen direkt am wechselrichter. Die anlage selbst läuft mit nur zwei metern abstand und ohne trennende insolierung direkt über dem wechselrichter.
Skywind micro wind turbines - dependable power
Affordable energy, generated by the force of the wind only - that´s the skywind NG. Manufactured entirely from aluminum and steel, it represents the most robust and powerful turbine of its size ever. Controlled by a state of the art inverter computer and two independent braking systems your skywind can be adjusted to generate the highest amount of energy at your site.
![High Quality Micro Wind Turbines, fu system skywind. High Quality Micro Wind Turbines, fu system skywind.](https://myskywind.shop/storage/images/IMG_3835%2520LR%2520s.jpg)
An unmatched system
Skywind NG micro wind turbines are designed and tested to deliver best possible performance for a given site. An inverter computer allows the operator to adjust power output, rotational speeds and efficiency. Additionally skywind NG turbines always ship with an effective, redundant storm control system that will stop the turbines rotation in case of a storm or a grid failure.
A DC version for 12 or 24 V battery charging is also available and provides dependable power for telecommunication equipment and scientific stations around the globe.
The turbine generates only very low noise emissions due to its outstanding aerodynamic performance. In fact it is so quiet its approved for use in german residential-only areas.
Check our TÜV noise certificate and make sure you have read our technical brochure.
![High Quality Micro Wind Turbines, fu system skywind. High Quality Micro Wind Turbines, fu system skywind.](https://myskywind.shop/storage/images/Lieferumfang%2520SkyWind%2520Energy%2520New.png)
In 2018 the world bank group, in association with the technical university of denmark released the global wind atlas - the worlds first accurate, free wind map. Just enter your address in the top left input line and click on your site to receive your annual wind speed.
Does it work for me?
Once the annual wind speed is known -for example by using the global wind atlas- the annual average energy production can be determined using the turbines performance chart.
A single skywind NG turbine will usually generate some 100 to 1500 kwh per year, depending on the site. For comparison: 1 kwh is the amount of energy required to fully charge a large car battery.
Of course this example is just for illustration - your skywind will not need a battery. The generated energy is immediatly converted to 110/230 V and fed into your system via the computer controlled inverter included in the delivery.
The DC version will charge your batteries with up to 30 amps.
Manufactured to highest standards
The skywind NG represents the single most awarded micro wind turbine in the world. In 2016 the unique skywind NG technology has also been awarded by SIEMENS stiftung and is part of the SIEMENS empowering people network since.
Each skywind NG wind turbine is manufactured near hanover, germany to highest industry standards. Only after passing our rigorous testing routine a skywind turbine will leave our factory for delivery to projects world wide. Your turbine will usually ship within 3 to 4 days after order confirmation.
It is by the quality of our patented machines and the knowledge of our experienced engineers that skywind has become the leading supplier for professional projects around the world.
Power supply - telecommunication - off grid power
Our solution
Skywind will reduce cost and risk onshore and offshore. This is done by considering the total life span, including investments and operation and maintenance cost.
Where other turbines have been developed incremental since around 1980, skywind have asked necessary questions, based on operation of 250 different turbines.
Each element in the skywind solution is based on conventional technology, but put together in a new way.
Skywind has also challenged the way a turbine is structured, with independent modules instead of smaller dependent parts. In addition the conventional way to install turbines has been challenged.
Modularized concept
The skywind turbine is modularized. Each module can be fabricated separately based on exact specifications, and in operation each module is controlled such that input and output is monitored/recorded. Each supplier will then be responsible based on the specifications w.R.T. Guarantees etc.
Electrical systems вђ“ external units
Normally, each turbine has its separate electrical system, and a turbine is therefore a power plant by itself. This is understandable for smaller units and form the starting point in modern wind turbines as it all started in the 1980s. But based on experience in larger wind farms, skywind has developed electrical systems based on external units.
There are several advantages with this:
- Lighter turbine
- Simplified O&M вђ“ can be done in one central unit
- More redundancy since the system is not depending on a particular electrical unit
- Higher utilization of each unit, less losses
Two blades
It is well known that two blades give almost the same output as three blades. Utilizing the turbine 100% will give some more noise, but offshore this is a smaller concern.
The advantages with two blades are:
- Lighter, simpler solution (less cost)
- Enables new installation technology
- Enables a twin-rotor system (scaling up, see below) where the turbines can be closer together
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Scaling up
The costs of normal scaling up reach practical limits, and analyses show that a twin rotor concept will result in reduced cost compared to scaling up the turbine.В in this way it will also be possible to use the same turbine, simplifying fabrication.
The onshore version (3.4 MW) is an optimized design, made as large as possible with given restrictions on transport and installation on shore.
Skywind is developing a twin-rotor with a yaw system installed in the central tower unit. In this way two turbines can be installed on one foundation. The same basic skywind turbine is therefore suitable for both on and offshore wind.
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Installation of turbines normally requires large cranes. Skywind has developed a technology where the turbine is assembled at the ground level. This is allowed due to the two bladed design.
Most important, a large crane is replaced by a simple winch-system. The traditional nacelle is replaced by a load bearing house, which is in two separate modules. One element is installed as a part of the tower, and is also a basis for installing the complete turbine with the winch-system where the winch is at the ground level.
The offshore version will be transported to site with a DP vessel and lifted with a winch-system.
- A large lifting crane/vessel is avoided during installation
- Replacing larger elements during O&M can be done using the same winch-system.
So, let's see, what we have: high quality micro wind turbines: skywind NG micro wind turbines are the only turbines in its class providing a guaranteed power performance curve . From the very beginning high durability, at fu system skywind
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